Goal Setting

Hey everyone!
I am currently enrolled in a course at the University of Southern Maine called "Lifetime Fitness and Wellness" and it is the first requirement for my new major : Nutrition (filled out the paperwork for a second major this morning =D) and one of the things we talked about was the difference between short term and long term goals. My professor, a Boston marathon runner, encouraged us to set short term goals as opposed to long term in order to see results quicker, which in turn would boost our confidence and motivation. The first thing I thought of upon this idea was everyone here on this site. I personally have always set rather big goals for myself ; goals that will take months of work to accomplish. However, I have decided to apply my professor's idea and set shorter goals. I am on Day 4 of p90x and, at the start, was excited of what I imagine my body to be like on day 91. However, I have channeled my excitement into shorter periods, hoping to see changes of any nature on day 7, and 14, and 30. I'm sure most of you have discovered this for yourself and or already knew of this mentality, but I wanted to share with everyone in order to help others stay motivated and achieve the goals that we are all capable of accomplishing. Best of luck to everyone! Feel free to add me! =)



  • ShortNSassy4
    I totally agree about using short term goals to keep you motivated. GOOD LUCK LUV!!!!!

  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I just started working for a company that is BIG on goal setting! All employees have to make 1, 5 and 10 year goals. We all share them with each other and help keep each other accountable. It is great because we all have things that we want to do in life, but if we actually take the time to write down our goals and keep them in a place we look at every day, we can actually achieve them because they are always on our mind.