Major plateau - Protein shake??

I've been at the same weight for a long time.....major plateau!
So, I've been thinking of replacing one meal with a protein shake?
Good idea? Bad idea?
What meal would you suggest?
I'm open to any other suggestions as well.



  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    I do and it works for me. But you still have to watch your total calories I take Herbalife for supper.
  • I tried replacing a snack with a protein shake and it made me nauseous and I still felt hungry. It depends on what works for you.
  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    I eat 6 meals a day. My last meal is usually a protein shake. I'm not sure how many meals you eat a day. Maybe you should open up your diary. I would probably replace one of your snacks with a protein shake.
  • DarleneT22
    DarleneT22 Posts: 224 Member
    I have used the Total Lean Lean Shake from GNC to get through plateaus. It has a 14 day meal plan that comes with it. You do the shake for lunch and dinner along with a serving of fruits or veggies and exercise. Totally worked for me. I added flax seed and either blueberries or banana to my shake to help fill me up.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    When I plateau, I lower my carbs and up my calories. If I'm aiming for 1500 cals and 100 carbs per day on average and hit a plateau, I'll up my calories to 1800 or so and lower my carbs for a few days to 20-35 grams. Usually this will bust my butt out of a plateau within a week.
  • ddb2222
    ddb2222 Posts: 9 Member
    I just started the Body By Vi challenge which is based around their meal replacement shake. I highly recommend it. Check out the ViSalus Vi-Shape shake mix.
  • I drink a protein shake mixed with plain greek yogurt...its like a smoothie...good protien filled breakfast...also i snack a nuts and such after a workout...that way by the time a get home and to lunch im not starving and eat everything in site. maybe try changing up your workout routine..maybe add some running/jogging...if ur already running then maybe add some sprints and/or do alittle more distance..
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I eat 4 meals a day, of which I replace breakfast with a protein shake (SIxSTar Whey Protein)! It actually feels me up and takes me all the way to my first snack b4 lunch!
    Also, once in a while I double up and replace two meals in one day!
  • I don't mind them. I am using Herbalife (my wife is distributor) and replace both breakfast and lunch with Formula 1. If I am at work, it doesn't hold me and I add extra for lunch. Cottage Cheese/Fruits/Salads etc. (anything with low glycemic index) But it is working fine for me. I find the exercise portion is the key. Change it up and it keeps dropping off. Good luck!
  • More water. Have you checked your calories and make sure you are getting enough calories? Often when I have been on a plateau, those are the solutions. I also use Body by Vi as part of my nutritional base.