Medical Question for the Ladies - Adenomyosis??

Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
So my doctor just called me and told me that after reviewing the test results of my sonogram, since there was nothing there, his only conclusion to some of the issues I've been having is adenomyosis. He said the only way to detect that for sure is to do a hysterectomy. I'm totally devastated because I'm only 37 and I thought I still had time to have more children. Its the worst news ever.....for me anyway. Everytime I think about it I start to cry. Has anyone else had this problem?


  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Im sorry. I dont have any experience but wanted to give you a big ol hug.

    Also, want to encourage you to research, ask questions and get another opinion.
  • MJLavaty
    MJLavaty Posts: 72 Member
    So sorry you are going through such a difficult time. I would definately get a second and maybe even a third opinion! This is probably far off base anyways because I don't know your symptoms but you should try drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea.
  • jmikels67
    I do not have it. However, it seems there are many schools of thought on how it can be treated, and much of that depends on how severe your case is. It seems many doctors feel that birth control pills or hormone releasing IUD's can be helpful in less severe cases, and still allow for pregnancy. I would say that getting a second opinion (and even a 3rd) is vitally important before you make any decisions since you still want to have more children. I'll be praying for you!
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I'm sorry to hear this...I don't have this condition and haven't known anyone with the condition. But if I were you I would do some research - after I just did a quick google there doesn't seem to be a cure other than hysterectomy but there seem to be other treatments to try to control the pain. Maybe you could try one of these first. If you are not ready for hysterectome (which is sounds as though you are not) then I would definitely get a second and even a third opinion.
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    While I am not a doctor, what I have read this condition is not malignant, it is sometimes confused with a fibroid because of the uterine swelling, instead of tissue it is blood causing the swelling and what my family member had was, they were put on a medication called lupron until their body was stable for a TAHBSO. I would talk to the doctor about medical management before surgical given your age and preference. I am sure he or she will take this into consideration given your specific symptoms...
  • asm0118
    asm0118 Posts: 22 Member
    I have actually been diagnosed with the same thing! I'm only 30 and have no children of my own. When we first started going through all of the fertility treatments, my doc was pretty certain I had a uterine fibroid and sent me for ultrasounds and an MRI. It was determined there was no blood source to the mass, so it was not a fibroid. That's when they narrowed it down to adenomyosis, and they told me the same thing- only cure is a hysterectomy. Now, my surgeon who removed my ovarian cysts told me that I should still be able to conceive, carry to term, and then when we are done having children, I will just get a hysterectomy, like it's an everyday occurence! That left me with some hope. However, I also suffer from PCOS and have done approximately 10 cycles of fertility drugs (different drugs and dosages) over the past 3 years, with no success. We cannot afford to pursue it any further (IVF, adoption, etc). So, I guess I should be grateful I've had a part in raising my 11yo stepson. I used to have severely heavy periods and horrible cramps, and actually thought of just getting the hysterectomy done and over with, since it's obviously inevitable. But with losing a few pounds and exercising more and taking my PCOS meds, things have improved, so I'm hoping to try fertility drugs ONE MORE TIME when I reach my goal weight, then go from there!

    Sorry that was all about ME! I have never talked to anyone who suffers from the same thing! I'm sorry you've been giving this diagnosis, but in my case, it didn't change anything. Of course, I've probably had it for years!!! Definitely talk to your doctor about the possibility of having another child- mine acted like it wouldn't be a problem!
  • cnix1980
    I was wrongly diagnosed with this a few months ago. They ruled out fibroids and decided on this. They took me into hospital for diagnostic surgery and to fit a mirena coil to sort it out. They fitted this anyway and found I had multiple fibroids and not adenomyosis, but even when they said I had adenomyosis they told me they had a couple of options before they would go down the route of hysterectomies.
    This is in England though so dont know what procedures other places follow.