Work Lunches



  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    I go the leftover route. I cook extra on weekends and plan for my lunches. I also make extra at dinner. I go ahead and containerize the left overs in lunch friendly options so that they are easy to grab out of the ice box. I do the freezer packs in an igloo cooler I use for my lunch box.

    For instance tomorrow is a salmon burger with garlic, spinach and brown rice. I will have black grapes for a snack item and a protein shake as well.

    It lends itself to variety as long as you plan when you cook.
  • ChelseaL618
    ChelseaL618 Posts: 20 Member
    I love portabella mushroom caps. At just 20 calories and 5g carbs per servings, they are great for lunch! Think of them as a healthy substitute for a bread bowl. I fill them with veggie steamers mixed with mahogany rice and a little bit of cheese the night before and wrap them in aluminum foil and pop them in the fridge. They can be warmed up in the microwave easily at work and taste great.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I refuse to microwave.

    Lunches are, generally, great salads, maybe soup in my wide-mouth thermos, occasionally a tempeh, lettuce, & tomato sandwich, a bunch of fruit and/or cut up veggies. Once in awhile, I'll do the hummus thing, but it gives me gas :blushing: so I tend to not want to eat that at work.

    I only have 30 minutes for lunch, so "fast food" works for me... no prep, easy to eat, no cleanup!
  • vegetarian218
    vegetarian218 Posts: 40 Member
    Cereal is a great lunch if you don't have it for breakfast. There are plenty of cereals to switch up too so you don't get bored. :)
  • djc916
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I keep a mini store cupboard in my desk just in case: tinned fish, snap pots of baked beans etc.

    I have plenty of snacks on hand - apples, almonds, roast soy beans, wasabi peas, bag of twiglets, rice cakes.

    In the office fridge I keep mini cheeses, couple of hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese.

    (Can't you get your co-workers onside and clean out the fridge? I'm sure you're not the only one who finds it off-putting)

    Lunch is often salad, but also leftovers. Or I'll make a big soup at the weekend (usualy using up any veg that are starting to wilt) and freeze that in single portion containers. Quinoa pilaf is brilliant at being frozen and reheated!

    Frozen ready meals are a last resport.
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    I hate routine and I like to mix my lunches up. I usually take whatever left over meat I have from dinner and use it in salads, wraps, soups, etc. This is easy with chicken, steak, ground beef/turkey, salmon, you get the idea... I also like to cook personal pizzas at home in the oven the night before, let it cool, and the next day at lunch you only have to microwave it for a minute and it doesnt taste all "mushy" that way. I also like stuffing pita shells with all kinds of vegetables.
  • KellysDiet78
    I agree with the left overs or prepping your food the night before.

    I make my partner and daughter dinner at night then put a separate portion of in a tub for me that I take to work in the morning.

    I dont eat carbs, so a normal weeks lunch for me would be :-

    - Bowl of bollagnaise (meat only) - very filling.
    - Chicken wrapped in bacon and grilled with salad (I eat this cold mostly)
    - Salmon and salad (again cold)
    - Omellette with (I reheat)
    - Turkey muffins and spinach salad

    Try and stay away from the micro meals they are full of junk and if you have a micro at work, you can just heat your own food up.. its soooo much more healthy.

    I also start every Monday bringing in a bag of fruit and yoghurts that I will have for my breakfast every morning.
    Eating more during hte day and not my dinner at night has def helped me shift the weight as I dont go to bed with a full tummy.

    Good luck
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    You can reheat an omelette? I never thought of that!! I LOVE breakfast for dinner/lunch!!!
  • klthill
    klthill Posts: 1 Member
    Just yesterday I brought a can of tuna, cut up some fresh basil and a stick of mozzarella string cheese, added sliced grape tomatoes then drizzled fresh lemon juice on it.I was surprised on how much I enjoyed lunch!
  • HLM2010
  • msjamartin
    Thanks for all the great suggestions. The frozen "diet" meals are just so easy for work but I know I can get more healthy options (and larger portions) if I shift to fresh foods. Just have to get all my ducks in a row to prep ahead. Uugh!

    My co-workers and I are formulating plans for this fall as we are all tired of the boring/less than healthy frozen options so your ideas are great! I'm going to move to soups and salads soon (breaking out that crock-pot for Fall) as well as some of your other great suggestions.

    The only frozen lunches I'm goign to buy going foward (once my freezer is empty) will be those steamer options. They have less sodium and the vegetables in them are so much better. I think we all have to remember that just because it is low in calories doesn't mean it is as nutrious for us as it should be. I do really well on my balancing of the big three (carbs/fat/protein)but I know my sodium needs to be decreased and my fiber increased to really improve overall.
  • abcwhite10
    abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Grilled chicken wraps
    Left over steak wraps
    Homemade soups (WAY less sodium even compared to the low sodium kind)
    Homemade chili (once the weather cools down just a bit more)
    Snacky things like cheese and crackers with cut up veggies and fresh fruit (one of my favorites)

    Also, I prep everything the night before.

    It is really not that hard to have a better lunch than frozen meals everyday. I pack mine and DH lunch each night.