The Consequences of a Very Low Calorie Diet (aka Starvation



  • DownSheGoes
    I'm on a pretty low-cal diet. I've lost a few pounds but to be honest, I don't feel any changes at all apart from the fact my acne has declined and I am feeling healthier. Quite funny.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I'm on a 500-800 calorie diet and exercise three times a week and I haven't lost any muscle. I've lost pure fat.
    I'm quite enegetic and function normally through out the day. I think everyone is just overreacts when the numbers go bellow 1200, because the body CAN function on less. This is a diet so obviously this can not be long term.

    How do you know you have lost 'pure fat' and not muscle?


    I can't tell if you are joking or not, but i'll respond anyways. BMI is useless, and in no way would show if she lost muscle or fat.

    Body fat measurments might be the one? i dunoo... each day im baffled by what right or wrong on MFP.
  • starwhisperer
    the girl eating 500 calories is either anorexic or trolling would be my guess. Read her profile before you start defending her choice as rational. Under reasons to get fit she wants to see some of her ribs and her hip bones... and her goal weight is 87 pounds. The weight of a child. Of course you can lose weight on 500 calories and at 87 pounds I am pretty sure you wouldn't lose any muscle mass... because there wouldn't be any. Starvation mode or not, the results of this are... um long term? Death.
  • vonnywaft
    I think the original poster is wrong to say that it is "impossible" to starve oneself and keep fat off permanently. I'm not saying it's a good thing to do that, but I've known many people who have done just that. I work as a psychologist and see a fair few people with eating disorders who somehow manage to eat negligible amounts of food, exercise excessively and still get up for work each day. Obviously they are extreme examples and often end in sickness and premature death, but there's a sliding scale of eating behaviours from the very disordered undereater to the very disordered over-eater and very broad range of relativeley "normal" eating in between. Different people have the ability to maintain different levels of control over their eating, and different bodies will respond differently to different levels of food intake. It's a complex mix of biological factors, psychological factors and social factors. To find out what's right for you you need to read a lot of different bits of advice, weigh them up and see what works for you in practice. Like most things, it's not a "one theory fits all" kind of a thing.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Aren't proana posts against forum rules? Could we leave the funny stuff up a little longer and maybe have moderators address the promotion of eating disordered behavior? Any more posts that are concerned about the 500calorie diet and soon we'll get the post demanding support for everyone because everyone is different. Yet 500 calories in the absence of a really bad illness or a doctor's supervision to manage extreme overweight is simply promoting unhealthy, dangerous behavior. Eating disorders kill people and should not be promoted.
  • koalabanana
    koalabanana Posts: 18 Member
    If you skip out carbs in your diet, then you can pretty much get to 800 cal a day! However it's not sustainable, and if you have health problems, it's a big no no!

    And also I don't know if any of you have heard of 'lighter life'... it's a diet programme, where you can only eat their own food, and it's around 600 calories a day, but it claims you recieve all your vitamin and mineral requirements. You have to be severly overweight to do it though, and you need doctors permission. I know a few family friends who have done it, and they look fantastic now. However it is a very strict diet and very expensive!
  • ncgingerich
    ncgingerich Posts: 46 Member
    the girl eating 500 calories is either anorexic or trolling would be my guess. Read her profile before you start defending her choice as rational. Under reasons to get fit she wants to see some of her ribs and her hip bones... and her goal weight is 87 pounds. The weight of a child. Of course you can lose weight on 500 calories and at 87 pounds I am pretty sure you wouldn't lose any muscle mass... because there wouldn't be any. Starvation mode or not, the results of this are... um long term? Death.

    Well said and exactly what I was thinking... very concerning in my opinion and I hope this young girl has some friends and relatives who are alert to her situation.
  • CharNordie
    CharNordie Posts: 96 Member
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member

    However this diet isn't sustainable, hence why it's only a diet, and why I will only do it for a short period of time, and I will start introducing carbs soon. At the end of the day if you can eat 3500 calories a day for all your life, you can afford to go 700 calories a day for a few weeks! However every person is totally different! Each body is different and has a different environment, if this diet works for her then let her be, however if you have health problems, it should be avoided.

    Sorry but she states in her profile explicitely that she has an eating disorder. That plus all the "ana" references like "thinspo", "thigh gap",etc! In my opinion (and in the opinion of my former therapist), you shouldn't be on a weight loss website if you have an eating disorder. You should be working on a healthy diet and cognitive therapy with a doc!
  • koalabanana
    koalabanana Posts: 18 Member

    However this diet isn't sustainable, hence why it's only a diet, and why I will only do it for a short period of time, and I will start introducing carbs soon. At the end of the day if you can eat 3500 calories a day for all your life, you can afford to go 700 calories a day for a few weeks! However every person is totally different! Each body is different and has a different environment, if this diet works for her then let her be, however if you have health problems, it should be avoided.

    Sorry but she states in her profile explicitely that she has an eating disorder. That plus all the "ana" references like "thinspo", "thigh gap",etc! In my opinion (and in the opinion of my former therapist), you shouldn't be on a weight loss website if you have an eating disorder. You should be working on a healthy diet and cognitive therapy with a doc!

    Yeah I just checked out her profile, she is probably trolling... or a 15 year old girl going through a phase, hence the thigh gap and hip bone remarks... I do hope she only wrote those 'inspirations' as jokes. I have friends who have gone through eating disorders, and it's such a dark place!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I've got a friend who went down that path and never made it back. She died from the consequences of her anorexia at 28. Seeing someone promoting a 500 calories diet makes me want to cry.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Meanwhile, back to the original post about the Tom Venuto article:

    I am currently reading this book and am doing his workouts as well.

    I also recommend this book as an excellent companion and "go to" reference on your journey.

    The rest of the book is written just like this article~ clear, easy to understand and accurate.

    For the record: I am a believer in "super low calorie" thinking BUT all of you (and this book by Venuto) are slowly convincing me that I MIGHT not be "thinking right" and perhaps my painfully slow rate of weight loss is evidence of that.

    You all have got me thinking.........
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Will come back.
  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
  • Armygirl67
    Armygirl67 Posts: 177 Member
    What about someone who eats 1200 calories a day, but burns 800 calories a day??

    I eat 1200 cal a day, and burn around 800 cal a day.
    I`am 5`1 and 142 lb.
    When i calculated my BMR it is only : 1,236 calories/day.
    So im guessing thats the calorie i need if im not doing anything, but then how can i lose weight, if i dont burn more in order to reach 1.5 lb a week..
    I love food, i wish i can just eat more, it takes all my strenght to just walk away and not to eat.
    I still dont know how much calorie i need a day, when i only get to the point that i want to maintain my weight..
    Is the BMR number 1236 what we need to maintain?
    Can anyone please help with this..
  • jbdowns35

    However this diet isn't sustainable, hence why it's only a diet, and why I will only do it for a short period of time, and I will start introducing carbs soon. At the end of the day if you can eat 3500 calories a day for all your life, you can afford to go 700 calories a day for a few weeks! However every person is totally different! Each body is different and has a different environment, if this diet works for her then let her be, however if you have health problems, it should be avoided.

    Sorry but she states in her profile explicitely that she has an eating disorder. That plus all the "ana" references like "thinspo", "thigh gap",etc! In my opinion (and in the opinion of my former therapist), you shouldn't be on a weight loss website if you have an eating disorder. You should be working on a healthy diet and cognitive therapy with a doc!

    Yeah I just checked out her profile, she is probably trolling... or a 15 year old girl going through a phase, hence the thigh gap and hip bone remarks... I do hope she only wrote those 'inspirations' as jokes. I have friends who have gone through eating disorders, and it's such a dark place!

    I don't think this girl is joking!! She is 18, 113lbs, 5'2". She says she hates herself for being so fat, wants to see her ribs, Goal weight is 87lbs. She states she has body dismorphia disorder. She seriously needs help. Sad. :(
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    This all make sens. In my own experience, I am a 4'11'' girl. I ate 1200 calories a day + exercice calories. Results, 15-16 pounds lost in 9 months. Almost 50% of those pounds were muscle and I still have 30% BF at 125 pounds.

    For the last 2 weeks I've been eating at maintenance plus exercice calories, decreased my cardio and started strenght training 3 x a week. Results, 1.2 pounds lost for the last 2 weeks. Lost 1% BF and one inch off my hips.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    2. Customize your calories.

    You must adjust your calories according to your overall body size, amount of lean body mass, activity level, age and gender. Effective programs always take individual body type into account before telling you how much to eat. If a diet recommends the same calories for everyone, that's a warning sign of an ineffective generic program - stay away.

    Of all the 4 tips, I find this the most important one because like what many posters have said, we are all different. What works for others may not work for you. It is not like a wardrobe or an exercise tummy belt wherein there is such a thing as FREE SIZE or one size fits all.
  • lornawalker
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    All matters of VLCD aside, minuu, you need to reconsider your goals.

    To everyone else; this isn't her 'promoting' her eating disorder, she's someone with obstacles to overcome like everyone else. Please keep the derision to a minimum. She needs as much support as someone with a long weight loss journey ahead.

    Back to the VLCD; they CAN be done, but medical supervision is STRONGLY recommended and usually ONLY for people that need to drop a lot of weight in a short amount of time.