Hi - new to this site!

Hi all!

I joined this site about a week or so ago - and I love it! I have 42 pounds that I want to lose still! Good luck to all with your goals!


  • megrrt
    megrrt Posts: 115 Member
    I love this site too! There is a lot of info on here!
    Good luck with your journey!
  • JamieSK
    JamieSK Posts: 266 Member
    Hi! Welcome it's a great venue to lose weight; just get some friends added for moral support and you're on your way. Good luck on your weight loss efforts & lifestyle change.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.

  • clohara
    clohara Posts: 21 Member
    Hi my name is CIndy and I am fat. BUT I want to lose weight and be healthy. I start out really good and then I make excuses as to why not o go to th gym anymore. I get busy with kids, their school work, thteir activities, my hubby, my house etc etc. SOOOO this time this is about me. I have been to the gym 3 days in a row and am meeting with a trianer tonight to help me set up a great program for the gym. Eating better is harder but drinking a ton of water is easy for me.

    Everyone has excuses but you have to have a goal. My goal is to lose35 pounds or 40. I will keep you updated.

    Dont give up, give up, give it a go and really track everything.,.......

  • Hi everyone I am 19 almost 20 years old and I want to lose between 75 and 90 pounds. I am anxious to watch my progress on this site. good luck everyone! :smile:
  • mygoal38
    mygoal38 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks so much! You too! :)