Help me find a low carb friendly dinner choice from this men

My old college roomates and I are going out tonight for dinner. I've been to this place years ago and it has awesome food. I just hit a milestone in my weight loss (got out of the 160s) and don't want to use this get together as an excuse to cheat "just this ONE time". I decided on a lifestyle change, and that means finding low carb options when eating out. This is the first time though, so I could use some advice...

I'm not concerned at all about fat content, so that makes it easier. I was thinking of combining a couple of apetizers together to make a meal. Or asking for of of the intricate pasta dishes...without the pasta lol. I had the Pasa Fussi last time I was there, and it was DELISH. But at the time, I ate it with the penne.

Anyway, here is the link:



  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    humm any of the salads look ok to be lower carb, maybe then pollo rameno or one of them. On thing is for sure that place looks really yummy :bigsmile:
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Sounds like a restaurant near me. Last time we went, I had a baked cheese, shrimp, red pepper dish on top of penne pasta. I hate the top, and only a couple bites of the pasta cut up really small so there was a tiny taste in most bites. I was completely full and didn't need any more pasta. The salads all look good, and the Vedure Cotte looks okay. Mostly enjoy the company of your friends!!! Good going!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Salad, Pollo all Romana, Pollo Paesano, Pollo "Baci", Pollo Forestale
  • Gay11nell
    Gay11nell Posts: 166 Member
    Zuppe is a good soup, I agree with any of the chicken dishes. You cant go wrong with a salad-especially if you get an appetizer.
  • rebeccask
    Appetizers: La Mozzarella, Il Carciofo or Verdure Cotte sound good and healthy.

    Any of the salads, but I'd avoid creamy dressings. I'd stay clear of the pizza and the pasta because restuarants usually have huge portions, but if you're better than me with self control then you'd probably be fine. Try to get lots of veggies or protein to offset the carb load from the pasta.

    Have fun!
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    I second the Pollo Baci or pollo forestale.

    Also- the veal dishes: Scaloppine parma or scallopine spirali.

    Ask for a side of steamed spinach or cauliflower. Or green leaves dressed in evoo & lemon juice.

    Looks yummy!
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    Verdure Cotte with grilled chicken.
  • kk10s
    Obiously stay away from anything "breaded", "fried", or "crispy". Avoid dishes with "breadcrumbs" (or ask for the dish without it). Beware of dishes with tomato sauce as well as that usually contains alot of carbs (and sometimes added sugars as well). Many of the chicken dishes look OK as long as they are grilled and dont come with any pasta (try to either get the sauce on the side, or one that comes with an olive oil base instead of tomato based). If going for a salad, stay away from anything with "candied walnuts" or marinaded fruits/veggies as these have probably been marinaded in sugars; ask for the dressing on the side (as most come with added sugars and lots of carbs. ie raspberry viniagarette). Blue cheese and cesar dressings (while fattening) are relatively low carb, so those might be your best bets if you aren't concerned about fat. Lastly, don't get fooled by the "whole wheat" or "gluten free" pastas. All carbs get metabolized like sugar in your body, "whole wheat" or not. Hope this helps!
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Wow thanks guys! Going back to the website now to check out all of your suggestions...
  • louisee294
    louisee294 Posts: 140 Member
    loads of choices!!

    I personally would go for:

    Antipasti misto starter (to share!)

    Pollo al romana

    Sounds lovely- can I come?!
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    loads of choices!!

    I personally would go for:

    Antipasti misto starter (to share!)

    Pollo al romana

    Sounds lovely- can I come?!

    Sure! Do you live in the NYC or Long Island area? =)
  • louisee294
    louisee294 Posts: 140 Member
    haha.. unfortunately not :( I'm in the UK. sad times.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    haha.. unfortunately not :( I'm in the UK. sad times. me some Italian. Appetiser: La Mozzerella and Verdure Cotte. Salads: Insalata Bianco, the Insalata Colorato (minus the carrots) with full fat Ranch, or the Insalata Laziale (ceasar salad) sound right up my alley!