Hubs Gripe

I will have a decision to make next week - not an easy one. My birthday is on the 15th, and for the past 2 months have talked to Hubs about going to Amicalola Falls for my birthday. To climb the 604 steps to the top of the falls and do some hiking. Hubs has made no effort to work on his fitness level. He asked me a few days ago what I wanted to do for my birthday. I reminded him about the falls. (We went there in 2015, we were both in pretty good shape at the time.) He complained about his back pain and other issues (many of which he KNOWS would be greatly improved if he started moving more, and lost weight - but its something he puts off) and that he would not be able to.

SO ultimately its going to become a choice of: stay home and do NOTHING special. Or go by myself. And if I choose to go by myself, one of 2 results will come about. He'll be made/it will start a fight OR he'll go anyhow and complain the whole time.

I am not thrilled, can you tell? If the weather ends up being sour I might just spend the day on the treadmill to avoid him.


  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited October 2020
    Reasonable idea, but no. No one that would be able to do the falls & hiking at least. I have a good friend/neighbor who would love to, but she had back surgery 3 weeks ago. Recovery is going well but not THAT well. And as I am taking a vacation day, and many people work on Thursdays: timing is a little awkward. One daughter will be working the other has a 5 month old to care for...
    Do you have a friend that could do the Falls trip with? Then meet hubs for dinner? Then no one is offended; you still get what you want; and you still get to enjoy time together on your birthday! I'm like you...I'd want to teach him a lesson. But in the end, all that winds up happening is YOU miss out on a fun thing for your birthday. And it doesn't encourage him to get healthy either.

  • JojoInTheForks
    JojoInTheForks Posts: 134 Member
    Boo :disappointed:
    I'm sorry he didn't put in the effort so you could have the birthday you envisioned. Maybe he takes you but just hangs out while you do the hike...I know it's not as fun solo but I'd rather do it myself than not do it at all and just build up resentment! Especially if it'll make it worse if he comes along and can't keep up. I'm sure he's probably kicking himself too.

    Whatever you decide, I hope you make it a special day!!
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,740 Member
    Any possibility of him coming along and skipping the hardest parts?
    Before I lost weight, I would occasionally go on hikes with my BF, but not go along for certain climbs (read a book while he climbs and comes back down) or take an easier route while he took a longer/harder route, because I knew I would not be able to do it or I would be way too slow for his liking.
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    Go alone, have an awesome time, and have a response ready so that you do not engage in an argument (husband can't argue with you if you don't choose to engage in that conversation!) Something like "I hear that you're mad about me going by myself on this hike. This is something I won't negotiate on; I'm going to go like I originally planned and have fun. I love you and can't wait to spend time with you after I'm done. But I won't be discussing my hike if you only want to argue about it."

    I'm sorry about his response on this! You should be able to go have fun on an awesome hike that you've been wanting to take, without him making you feel bad about it.
  • activeadriana
    activeadriana Posts: 70 Member
    I think you should go do it alone because this is your goal, it is what you have been working towards. If it's something that's important to you, you really don't want to miss out on it and regret it later. It's probably not going to be exactly what you imagined without your husband there but go for it and take lots of pictures! And congrats!
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    @NovusDies it would not necessarily be inappropriate if @springlering62 joins us we make it a MFP social affair. Or social gathering, that sounds better than affair lol. While I am working on my strength training, I've just gotten started and I'm too weak to successfully swing an axe. (Or so I say. I mean, would an axe murderer admit to being an axe murderer?)

    No to the dog idea... The family dog is now an Old Man and gets worn out going to the neighbor's house (9 houses up) and back. My daughter's dog would love it, but I am not sure I could handle him in a car for 90 minutes each way ride. And in all fairness, he has not done that sort of excursion so I can't be sure how he'd handle it.

    As of now I do plan to go. Fingers crossed for good weather!
  • silverpl2525
    silverpl2525 Posts: 138 Member
    If he is not motivated to get in shape, there is really nothing you can do. Don't let his life choices hamper your personal goals and rewards. I would go hiking there yourself, and don't let him come along if he will complain. Tell him you planned doing this for some time. Based on what you are saying...if you let him know how much it means to you, he may try and sabotage your progress through insisting he comes along or trying to talk you out of it.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    I do envy your husband- to be invited to such an awesome hike...
    Happy early birthday!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,286 Member
    I PM’d you via messages. I’m up for it although, admittedly, I’m in it for the BBQ.