New(ish) Looking for some support friends!!

Hey guys! I'm Chelsea!! I've was using "Lose it" before I switched to MFP and I love it here. I was only using it on my phone for some time, but recently realized how great the website is! I'm down 19.9 pounds so far! Looking to lose 65 total.

I would love to make some friend on here to have as supporters. I find having people go through the same things with you helps, and I like the accountability of knowing someone will be reading my statuses!

If you want to be friends, I'd love it!

A little more about me- I'm 23 and live in Florida and I'm getting married in June. I started my photography business about a year ago *check out my website* but it's still so new that I carry various 2nd and 3rd jobs to pay the bills until I can one day JUST be a photographer. Photography is my biggest passion with a close second being ZUMBA! I love me some ZUMBA! Music is a big time passion of mine as well, I can't imagine a day with out it and I like ALL types of music.

My fiance and I are obsessed with the show 24 ( we just started season 1 a few months ago) we love our dog, a good beer, museums and our AMAZING friends!
Tell me about yourself!!


  • nitasimmons2
    Hi! I love Zumba too so I'll definitely add you as a friend :)
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    Awww I used to watch 24 with my little sister before I moved! Welcome :) I'm newish as well (second time back here lol)
  • DianeAuger
    Hi Chelsea -welcome--this is a great website. I've lost 65 and have another 15 to go. You can do this! I will also check out your website. I love photography and would some day just like to do that full time but unfortunately life gets in the way. What kind of equipment do you have? I'm looking to upgrade maybe next year so any tips would be helpful. Again welcome and you will get a lot of support here.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    Hello Chelsea!

    Photography sounds like a really cool career! I'm a history student, so I love museums too! And also dogs, I used to have 3 but now only 1!
  • gmonie120
    Welcome to the family. I hope you will fulfill your desire of loosing the weight you want. Keep your head up you can do it.
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    Sending over a friend request. I've got some great friends on here and we support each other immensely. I've had some success, and about halfway to my goal! Good luck on your journey!

    Did I mention how much fun this place is??
  • mrysnshn
    mrysnshn Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I'm new also. And this site has helped me a lot. Feel free to add me if u want. I'm mary.
  • chelsealiz8
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!! I'm looking forward to going through this with a support group!!!
  • ThatGamesStudent
    Everyone and anyone feel free to add me if you feel you need support :)
  • bexhex
    bexhex Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! This is such a great site, very motivating and inspiring! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
    *PS* I :heart: 24 too!!!! Still sad that the series is over :frown:
  • jaramae
    jaramae Posts: 100 Member
    I have a passion for photography as well. Your stuff looks amazing. Good luck on your weight loss goals :)
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    Welcome! I love photography and museums too. This place is definitely a big help for your journey. Lots of support and great information!