
Well, here goes, the start (I hope) of a new me! I followed a plan like this before & managed to lose 4 1/2 stone, it really helped having a food diary as clubs don't fit in with my work/ life style.I only gave up after the site I was following closed & I got back into bad habits again! Hope I can encourage all you others out there!! Good luck y'all:bigsmile:


  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    Hey all,
    This is just me... I'm 36 and morbidly obese. I'm not motivated to exercise, but I will do it just to be able to record my activity on MFP. I am an overeater. I need to be in OA, but am pretty sure there aren't any meetings of that sort in NW Missouri! I love life and try to enjoy it even though most times I am uncomfortable in my own skin. I keep thinking that some day I will lose this weight and be free of this burden. But I guess that day will never come unless I am willing to do the work right? Glad to see so many people here who are uplifting and positive!
  • DarleneCookson
    DarleneCookson Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome! we can do this together! I have been doing it for alittle over a month and have lost 12 pounds! I try and log everything i eat....even if I have made some bad choices! Good luck!
  • goodridges
    goodridges Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement... to lose 12lbs....WOW, hope I get there that quick! Good luck with your new life!:happy:
  • goodridges
    goodridges Posts: 22 Member
    I know just how you feel! It's taken me a LONG time to get back on track & I'm so cross with myself that I let a lot of the weight back on, so I put more on (I comfort eat). Anyhow, time to change, keep going and together we'll be the beautiful women we want to be!