ZUMBA calories?? Does anyone know??

I love the cardio portion of MFP. I love to search how many calories I burn during certain activities. However, my favorite cardio, ZUMBA is not listed!!?? Or am I missing it?

Everyone seems to have different ideas of how many calories you burn during zumba and I would just like your opinion. I have it down as 460. I think I'm shooting really low for an hour, but I'd rather under shoot than over shoot.

If you have any idea, or articles or if you've spoken with an instructor or nutritionist or anyone, I'd love to hear what you know!



  • http://www.zumbacalories.com/

    I agree, it should be in the database!
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    You need to get a HRM so you can tell how many calories you burn. The amount of calories you burn is different from everyone else.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    http://www.zumbacalories.com/ will give you a decent estimate. My HRM puts me just under what that gave me. I'm still learning the dances, so not burning as much as I could be, but I'll get there :)

    Edit: Too slow!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    You need to get a HRM so you can tell how many calories you burn. The amount of calories you burn is different from everyone else.

    Second this! Calories burned are based upon your average heart rate during the workout, your age, gender, weight, length of workout. It will be different for everyone. Get a HRM with a chest strap.
  • ricepattikay
    ricepattikay Posts: 46 Member
    If you google zumba calories burned there is a calculator where you put in your weight and length and intensity of workout to get your calories burned. I love my zumba classes!!
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    You need to get a HRM so you can tell how many calories you burn. The amount of calories you burn is different from everyone else.

  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I don't know about others, but I've done Zumba a few times with different instructions even. I've never managed to get my heart rate up past 160 or even break a sweat. RIPPED and Insanity get my shirt drenched in sweat.
  • adamcf
    adamcf Posts: 126
    zumba seems to burn the same amount of calories as running about a 9 or 10 minute mile for the same period of time. If you cant run a 10 min/mile but you can Zumba, then you're doing really good.

    But a heart rate monitor is really the best way to go. It's the most accurate.
  • Great advice everyone! I used to have a HRM a few years ago, a good one! Couldn;t tell you where it is now! Maybe I'll start the search tonight! :-)
  • "On average, a 150 pound person can expect to burn 536 calories during an hour of Zumba. By comparison, the same person would burn 413 calories during an hour of moderate swimming, 477 for an hour of casual racquetball and 684 for an hour of running at a 10-minute-mile pace.

    Classes are generally 50 minutes long if you take into account a couple 5 minute breathers in a one hour class. So, assuming you are an average 150 pound person with healthy muscle mass, and the zumba workout is moderate to high intensity, then:

    536 calories X 0.833 (50 of 60 minutes) = 446 calories!"


    I read 500-800 somewhere else but I think underestimating is better than overestimating.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I don't think you're shooting low at all ... I think most people are shooting too high or using guesses.

    I wear an HRM and depending ont he teacher it's always between 400-550/hour.

    BUT it also depends on your body, your age, how much weight you have to lose, how hard you work etc -- no one can tell you the number. :)

    For comparison, I am 49 --- 5'4 and 155# -- I've been doing Zumba for a year 5-6x a week so I know the routines and work my *kitten* off (most of the time). I'm really only about 10 lbs from my goal so i don't have much to lose. (I also have 20 lbs of extra skin factored in from losing so much weight and that's not going anywhere without a tummy tuck! LOL)
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    My hrm puts me just over what that calculator gave me. I picked mid intensity because sometimes it's high and sometimes it's low intensity
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member

    I agree, it should be in the database!

    THANK YOU!!! I've been looking for something like this site until I can get my HRM again.
  • http://www.zumbacalories.com/

    I agree, it should be in the database!

    yup, that's what I use
  • I also think it depends on the class. I've puked a couple times depending on the instructor. LOL It's definitely a workout if the instructor is good.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member

    This site is still 100-200 overestimated for me....

    Choosing LOW is close -- but I do pretty high intensity and have been doing it for a year 5-6x week.

    If you use it, i would use the LOW option and know its still probably a little more than you actually burn.
  • amandachic79
    amandachic79 Posts: 12 Member
    I asked the same question lol

  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I think EVERYONE is shooting too HIGH. I have done zumba, giving it my all, more so than most people in the class, and I do not burn even close to what you guys are quoting. no way does it get my heartrate up like running, ( and I run all the time). I wear a HRM , its not even close. Its barely 300 for one hour . BARELY.
  • rowtard
    rowtard Posts: 9 Member
    I know it depends on how much you dance, so it usually is between 500-1000 calories , bit of a gap though !
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member

    This site is still 100-200 overestimated for me....

    Choosing LOW is close -- but I do pretty high intensity and have been doing it for a year 5-6x week.

    If you use it, i would use the LOW option and know its still probably a little more than you actually burn.

    I completely agree with this. However the activity on MFP that I find that is very close is Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern, twist. It's almost right on what I burn in Zumba.