Retired + been on MFP for awhile

Is there anyone looking to motivate a friend ? Been on MFP for awhile and need a little motivation to get moving more and not eat the goodies as often. Want to lose weight faster and stick to my goals. Please send me some motivation if you read this. Thanks.


  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Eileen, you're adorable. o:) Sending you the Big Happy.
    Be strong and courageous. I think you're all that and much more.

    You want to lose weight faster and stick to your goals. You want to reach your dream weight. We all have one. There's a reason they call it a weight loss battle. This entire war is within ourselves.

    Perfectionism is the bane of most dieters. So throw that out with the bathwater. You want to start by ridding yourself of the All or Nothing approach to food and exercise. Edge your way down slowly. You'll have a greater chance of getting there and staying there for the rest of your life.

    These behaviors are not difficult to adopt. Just practice, practice, practice until they become your skills in your wheelhouse. Track your data points by weighing and measuring your food portions. Measuring cups and a weight scale are the equipment you'll need. They'll build your confidence because you are in charge.

    Do everything on your own terms. Eat the foods you like and find movement you actually enjoy and will do for the rest of your life. Your tolerance for cravings is a muscle that will grow stronger with use. Aim for .5 lbs a week. That's enough. Really.

    When you edge your way down slowly that sense of unfairness and self-pity that comes with brutally strict food protocols and too much restriction will all fade away. The Big Happy will find you if you stay the course. Keep your head engaged in every step of the process.

  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 231 Member
    @EileenL2015, After years of doing this, sometimes successfully, sometimes not, I have accepted that it is a gradual process. I finally got serious due to some health concerns. Every day I try to make good decisions- some days are better than others. I never cheat because their is nothing "off limits" for me. If I eat it I log it. I try to pre-log food, sometimes seeing the calories will make me decide I don't really want something. Potion control at meals has never been my issue, eating between meals was. I would grab a handful of this, a handful of that, a couple of cookies etc. all day long. By logging it I have realized how much I was eating.

    I used to get frustrated if I didn't see big results quickly. Now I accept that it is small results over time. I am finding it easier to stay between 1200-1350 calories per day as time goes on. I work to get 150 min. of exercise in a week, but I do that for overall health, not weight loss. I know that I could be more stringent and lose weight faster but I also know that won't work for me.

    For me when it comes to motivation I think about why I am doing this- it helps me to push myself to exercise when I don't want to. It has kept me from baking this week. Sometimes it keeps me from eating a treat that is calling my name. I have made and continue to make small changes over time so that I can live a healthy life.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Instead of motivation, perhaps consider making a strategic plan :) (Remember that you can modify any plan).
    Some people do well by first taking pictures and body measurements so that as they lose weight they have confirmation that the plan is working, especially when the scale is not moving as quickly as they hope.