Half-marathon Newbie

Hello there!

Yesterday I signed up for my first half-marathon! I am very physically active but still very nervous. Are there any excercise and/or eating tips out there to help a girl out??

Thank you, anything helps! (:


  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    I am running my first one on 9/24! The biggest tips I can give are the following three:

    1)Make sure every training run is fun!! I typically did yoga for runners (found on youtube) before long runs to relax my nerves about the new distance and it really helps loosen your hips.

    2) Fuel up! On long run days, don't be afraid to use gels or chews. Recover with a meal that has enough of everything you need in it. Drink lots of water too!

    3) Sign up for a few 5Ks and a 10K during your training. These will help keep you focused and feeling accomplished throughout the training. It can become tough towards the end where the bulk of your miles are so keep in mind your ultimate goal as well :-) I also workout my core focused on my lower abs as these actuallyget broken down and tight during runs.

    Good luck!!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    How much are you running now? Are you specifically training for a race. I like www.halhigdon.com a friend told me about his plans and I was really pleased with my ability to stick to his schedule. Good luck, I love 1/2's they are prefect for a little challenge but not so tough like the marathons that anyone can accomplish them.

    On first races, my recommendation is have a "finish" goal, not a time goal.
  • runnergirljaime
    I am training for my 2nd half marathon and have found, you have to stick with your training schedule! You can adjust the days you do it (i.e long run days are normally Saturday but if Thursday work then change it to that) but always get in your runs weekly. As for eating, lots of whole wheat and fruits/veggies are great for you. I am not a big "carb loader" for runs....a lot of people I think use this as a "ok" to over eat. If you eat well during your training then your should be ready for the half when it arrives. Also, HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE!! Even with the temps getting cooler, you still need to take a sip or 2 of water every mile or so. If I can help you out with any questions, please let me know:-)

    GOOD LUCK :-)
  • greeneyed_girl
    hey girl!! I've run in 2 half marathons and am currently training for my first 26.2. I follow Hal Higdon's training programs. He's AMAZING. If you google him, you'll find all the info you could EVER want for training, nutrition etc. I'm so excited for you! Running is the best! if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask. If I don't know the answer, I have a lot of running buddies I can ask. =)
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    congrats! You're going to have a great time! I did the Philly half last year and the Disney full in January. Are you following a training plan? The only thing I would suggest is to pay close attention to what your body tells you as you're training. I was derailed with a hip problem during my training (which I foolishly ignored) and I ended up having to take a two weeks off. Also, beware of the Clif Blocks, gu and energy beans and so forth! They can do a number on your tummy if you take too much!
  • CrazyDaisysMommy

    1)Make sure every training run is fun!! I typically did yoga for runners (found on youtube) before long runs to relax my nerves about the new distance and it really helps loosen your hips.

    This is great advice! When I had my hip injury, yoga for runners got me back to good!
  • gtgarrison
    gtgarrison Posts: 5 Member
    I followed Hal Higdon's schedule to train for my first half. You can't go wrong with his plans, and he is high on ensuring you get adequate rest so that your body can recover. Make sure that you have good shoes. Buy them where the runners in your town purchase shoes, not necessarily Sports Authority, Foot Locker or the like. Most of my friends avoid Nike; they're great on marketing and endorsements, not as wonderful with high quality products. A store local to me videos your running on a treadmill and plays it back in slow motion for free in order to analyze your foot strike and recommend the right shoes - suppination, pronation, or neutral. You can do it.
  • tebumgarner
    Train right and make sure you fuel right for runs and recoveries. There are a ton of great articles online about how and what to eat while training. Those long runs burn a lot of calories!! That's the nice part.

    There are training plans for half marathons too (I see someone has already mentioned Hal Higdon). They are about 16 weeks long, and will tell you exactly how long and what pace your runs should be. If you have an iPhone, check out SmartCoach from Runners World. Great app!

    Good luck to you! I did my first half marathon this past April. Talk about a great feeling of accomplishment!
  • paladeac
    paladeac Posts: 81 Member
    On your long runs eat before you're hungry and drink before you're thirsty.

    About every 40-45 minutes you should have some kind of nutrition.

    Have fun!
  • hanes222
    hanes222 Posts: 20 Member
    Wow such great advice everyone!! Thank you!!!
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    Also, beware of the Clif Blocks, gu and energy beans and so forth! They can do a number on your tummy if you take too much!

    Very good advice here!!! I learned that lesson the hard way on one of my long runs! But also, long runs are great for testing out what you can stand eating while running in the realm of energy chews and such. Some people I know can only eat real fruit. Always take advice but make sure its right for you :-)