Regular pop/soda vs diet soda/pop

I was wondering if anyone knows anything on the topic of soda vs diet soda. The no calories can be tempted but I'm sure there is some sort of side work both are very much availible to me and really the taste is about the same to me, I'm wondering if I just drink diet if I can knock off a lot of calories out of my intake...or am I just screwing myself in the long run. I heard that artificial sweeteners can like slow down your fat metabolism and obviously sugar is straight up calories, does anyone know if thats true or not?


  • etrips
    etrips Posts: 22
    I was wondering if anyone knows anything on the topic of soda vs diet soda. The no calories can be tempted but I'm sure there is some sort of side work both are very much availible to me and really the taste is about the same to me, I'm wondering if I just drink diet if I can knock off a lot of calories out of my intake...or am I just screwing myself in the long run. I heard that artificial sweeteners can like slow down your fat metabolism and obviously sugar is straight up calories, does anyone know if thats true or not?
  • chellebelle315
    Ya know, it sucks but the best thing to do is cut out the soda all together and make friends with your water bottle. :drinker: :cry: :happy:
  • etrips
    etrips Posts: 22
    Thats not really what I asked, I drink so much water in a day its retarded because I'm a drummer for a metal band and I basically just have to, to stay afloat. Fact is I drink a lot of energy drinks, esentually hyped up soda, I was just wondering if rather then reaching for the AMP if a diet coke is a wiser choise, or is it kinda damned if you do damned if you don't type of situation.
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    In the end the choice is yours but what I recommend is to read the label and select the lesser of the two evils.

    I go through this all the time but diet pepsi, dr. pepper, sierra mist and canda dry have grown on me. Like you I drink a lot of water and I like adding some variety with diet soda and sobe life waters.

    So there you have my two cents.
  • bathedinshadow
    bathedinshadow Posts: 117 Member
    I'm no expert on the topic, but it kind of depends on what you're going for. Soda in general is just not good for you, but I happen to love it myself. Most nutritionists (that I've met thus far) would say go with regular soda. I just signed on for the first time with a personal trainer. I did a lot of research to get somebody who I felt actually knew there stuff and we actually just talked about it during my consultation. He asked me about soda (if I drank it - if so how much) and I sheepishly dropped my head. We all have our weak spots. For me, I can pass up chips and oreos without batting an eye, but I know I'll never completely eliminate soda. Moderation! Anyway, he then asked me if I drank regular soda or if I opted for one of the diets or "pepsie one" or "coke zero" or whatever all the clever names are. Then I told him I drank regular and wasn't sure if I was going to get my hands slapped or not, and his response was "good, the other stuff is just toxic for you body, not that I recommend any of it, but if you must..."

    So, I suppose it all breaks down to what you value the most. For me, I'm not so concerned with losing weight as much as i want to tone up, so the calories aren't as forbidden. Lesser of evils (for me). I used to drink 6 sodas a day!! Just crazy. I've now cut back to one of those little half cans a day, skipping a day here and there. Baby steps. I wish I loved water the same way but it's so boring. The only time I really love it is if I just worked out or when I'm super thirsty, which I so rarely am.

    I say go with regular (if you need to have it at all - I'm one to talk) just from what I've gathered from a variety of people.
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    the deal is regular soda is full of sugar so if you can work that into your cals go ahead. Whereas diet is full of chemicals and sweetners which does your body harm so I was you I would if you had to for regular as sugar is sugar it may slow down weightloss and rott your teeth but it wont F*** you up like diet soda does. Diet soda is a can of chemicals and it can take at least a month to remove cravings for it so what does that tell you it cant be good.

    just my thoughts
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    the deal is regular soda is full of sugar so if you can work that into your cals go ahead. Whereas diet is full of chemicals and sweetners which does your body harm so I was you I would if you had to for regular as sugar is sugar it may slow down weightloss and rott your teeth but it wont F*** you up like diet soda does. Diet soda is a can of chemicals and it can take at least a month to remove cravings for it so what does that tell you it cant be good.

    just my thoughts

  • etrips
    etrips Posts: 22
    Well thats good to know :D I'm not really a soda addict I maybe have 3 a week but yeah I'd rather just work it into my day then poison my body ah ha, I don't feel like finding out I have some weird disease in 10 years.