Half Marathon- what to eat?

Hey guys and girls! Im doing a half marathon next month but i really dont know what i shou;d be eating the night before and the morning of? Any suggestions? Thanks


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    nothing new , for you dont' want to have an odd feeling stomach before your race!
  • mewhisler
    mewhisler Posts: 37 Member
    Agreed. I wouldn't eat dinner too late (not past 7-8pm) unless you are used to it. In the morning, what do you generally eat/drink before your long run? I generally can't stomach too much in the morning because I get nervous and excited, so I just try to eat 1/2 a bagel with jelly, and drink water. Then, whatever you eat during the race should carry you through the race.
  • aschultz9
    Practice this during long run training between now and then. Different things work for different people. Don't do anything new the night before or morning of.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    When I ran distance, dinner was usually pasta or potato soup. Breakfast was usually oatmeal with apples.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    my wife has done a few half marathons, and she likes to do a pasta dinner the night before, and go a little over with your calories. you'll need the the next day!! in the morning just have your usual, whatever that is.

    a friend of hers was strict the week or two before a race. no coffee, alcohol, or anything. i feel that the withdrawls from those will be worse then the effects from actually consuming them.
  • scalhoun125
    I have done half marathons and am also training for one in october. I usually eat something carby and whole grain the night before. (ex: whole grain pasta) you definintely don't want to go to bed hungry because you will be starving in morning and dont want to overeat before the race. In the a.m. I usually eat protein and some carbs. (ex: whole wheat toast with peanut butter and banana). Get a good breakfast but with at least an hour before the race so you don't feel sick. same as you probably do with training. Make sure you definintely eat enough because 13.1 is a good distance and you will burn a lot of calories!
    Good luck training!!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member

    can't tell you how much this site helps with all these running questions, as a matter of fact if you go on there and just type what to eat it will come up with tons of info!

    Good luck, let us know how you end up doing!
  • ranieprice
    Agree, pratice every long run until the race. And carry what you are going to eat with you. Do not rely on Gu or water stations during the race. I ran a half earlier this year and they did not have the Gu at the station and I totally hit the wall due to no energy...
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Oh, and I hate GU and all that stuff so make sure to take something with you that is part protein and carb to help you get through the wall, my husband takes snickers bars with him. :noway:
  • aschultz9
    Oh, and I hate GU and all that stuff so make sure to take something with you that is part protein and carb to help you get through the wall, my husband takes snickers bars with him. :noway:

    The little square jelly containers you find at restaurants work well..tastes waaay better than GU (which I've thrown up more than once)
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Use your training runs to figure it out.

    Personally, I'm an empty stomach runner and racer, but all the really matters is that you figure out what works best for you.

    For those who do eat in the mornings, I see oatmeal and bagels with peanut butter as very popular choices.