Hot Mamas by Halloween (CLOSED) Instructions

(I tried messaging this out to all of you, but the site got mad at me for trying to contact too many people in too short a period of time. Oops!)

I’m so glad we’re doing this together. I think our groups look great—there are lots of us, but not so many it’s ridiculous. Take a minute to friend anyone on your team (and the other, if you want) that you aren’t already friends with. Here are the teams!





Here’s how things will work. Every Tuesday, I’ll post a check-in topic for both teams on the Motivation and Support section of the message board. You’ll reply with a check-in entry on your team’s post. Points can be earned as follows:

*Eating right. You get one point per day for being at or below your net calorie goal.

*Working out. You get one point per day for following your workout plan. If you have PLANNED rest days, you still get a point for those days. (Most people plan recovery days for once or twice a week, and I don’t think it’s good to penalize anyone for doing so. Of course, skipping a workout and claiming it was planned is no good. Be honest here--resting is fine, but slacking is not. ☺)

*Losing weight. The bottom line is that we want to be healthier, but I think we all agree that we also want that scale to move. You get a whole 5 points for every pound you lose, since losing weight is pretty much why we’re here.

*Special challenge: Once a week, starting on week 2, we’ll have an optional challenge that can earn a few points. These will be mostly motivational/body image/wellness kind of things to help us all stay in a good mental and emotional place for meeting our goals. In addition, I may have an occasional week where pounds or workout days get double or triple points.

*There won’t be points attached to this, but I’ll post a getting-to-know-you question with each check-in post just for fun.

Here’s a sample of what we should see in each week’s check-in:

Name: Sophiabethsmom

Points: 22

Summary: I lost 2 pounds (10 pts), ate right 5 days (5 pts), and followed my workout plan all week long (7 pts). [You can also say anything else you want to about how your week went if you’d like.]

Answer to just-for-fun question: My favorite movie is probably O Brother, Where Art Thou? I laugh so hard I cry almost every time. Other favorites include Pride and Prejudice (the Colin Firth one!), You’ve Got Mail, and Casablanca.

Post on your team’s check in by the end of each Tuesday, and as soon as everyone has submitted their points, I’ll post a new topic with the teams’ scores. The first points check-in will be Tuesday, September 13. We’ll start the point tally TODAY, Thursday, September 8 (which means we’ll all have a few less points possible for week one, but that’s okay). If you don’t post your points, expect a little friendly harassment from your team captain. ☺

May the best team win--and may we all get a few pounds closer to our ultimate goals by Halloween!


  • CherylYMerritt
    CherylYMerritt Posts: 114 Member
    bump sounds fun!

    just keeping tabs :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Good Luck, Everyone! Go Orange!
  • Pinkdueces2
    Pinkdueces2 Posts: 48 Member
    Good Luck!!
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 483 Member
    Go orange!! =)
  • Cbecons
    Cbecons Posts: 12 Member
    Go Orange! This is going to be so much fun!!
  • DK30096
    DK30096 Posts: 62 Member
    Awesome!!! Looking foward to this! I'm getting the 30 day shred tomorrow so that will be part of my work out :-) maybe I'll be able to earn us lots of points!!!! :-)
  • sophiabethsmom
    Yay black! I'm already excited for Tuesday! By the way, we have two latecomers, so there is one more member on each team now.
  • justanotherteenagemom
    very excited, :D!
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Yay! Go black!! :)
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    go black :)
  • JeyyDeezer79
    JeyyDeezer79 Posts: 10 Member
    Awesome!! This is such great motivation!!
  • fit443
    fit443 Posts: 93 Member
    Go Black!!! Karate today was great! working hard for my teammies. Thanks for this challenge - it makes it so much more exciting.
  • minussam
    minussam Posts: 127 Member
    precounting my points.....

    go orange!!!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Is Today the day we check in?

    If so, I have 14 points: down 1.6 lbs (5 points), exercised all 5 days (5 points) and was within my calories 4 days (4 points)
  • fit443
    fit443 Posts: 93 Member
    Black Team: Check in (I'm really not sure where to post this, and I know I'm late, so I hope this is right)

    5 days x fitness goal = 5 points
    4 days x calorie goal = 4 points
    -3 lbs = 15 points

    Grand total of 24 whopping big ones from me!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Black Team: Check in (I'm really not sure where to post this, and I know I'm late, so I hope this is right)

    5 days x fitness goal = 5 points
    4 days x calorie goal = 4 points
    -3 lbs = 15 points

    Grand total of 24 whopping big ones from me!
