Cleavage at much is too much?



  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I have huge boobs, and it's pretty hard to hide them. I could wear a snowsuit to work to cover them, but I'd rather not.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    This is a situation we're discussing here at work...what do you guys think?

    Women's Question:
    If a woman you work with constantly wears shirts that are too revealing for the office, would you be offended? For example, low cut shirts that require a cami underneath, but she wears it without one. Would you say something to the woman about it?

    Men's Question:
    Let's say you're the boss, and one of your female employees has a habit of wearing shirts that are too revealing, how would you handle it.

    @Quiche Shame on you, women can be the boss too!!!

    But in response to your question, I would only say something if it was enough to make a meeting with a client difficult or uncomfortable. Evan though a gentleman may appreciate the view, if its too much exposure they are forced to constantly avert their eyes and that is just a poor business practice.
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    No. I had my boobs covered up for a good 10 years. I see no reason to do it now (when I'm not at work)...except, I'm going back to work and fully intend on covering up. I wouldn't be offended though. I fully intend on taking my career seriously, and not being a piece of meat.

    Why are you offended by her boobs?

    LOL, the boobs in question aren't real. This is a what if....just something we were talking about. I don't think I would be offended, granted I wouldn't want her coming to my desk all day trying to talk to me...too distracting! :laugh:

    LMAO. I'd probably be too busy comparing. Gotcha now though!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Offended, no. What other people do is their own business. Unless it directly affects me. If she thinks she looks nice, that's good enough for me.
  • I had that problem in my office and everytime that woman came into my office to ask a questions she was always bending over pushing everything in my face. I would stare at her eyes like I was trying to blow her up. In this day and age you don't know if they're flirting with you or setting you up for a sexual harrassment suit.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Totally depends on where you work - night club -acceptable, leave it alone. Conservative office - may be nice to tell her.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    I would never be offended, but if I were and that person was a friend (I go out for hh with a lot of my co-workers) I'd make some joke about it just to draw her attention to the fact that her outfit is a little revealing. If it wasn't a friend and it bothered me, I'd bring it up with HR. Unlikely I'd be offended though.
  • orleansmith
    orleansmith Posts: 60 Member
    I'm probably not much help. I love cleavage. And I certainly enjoyed wearing tasteful but lower cut shirts when I was constantly in the warehouse with the guys. Even just a hint. They certainly didn't discourage me. At my job now, it's a different environment and I don't have too many low cut shirts any more. I think I need to invest in some!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    Everything in moderation.

    TOO much boobage is unsexy and tacky. None says you haven't been laid in 6 years and explains why. Some says you're a physically confident woman which is what this site aims to encourage, correct?
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    I guess I'd have to call her into my office and give a good tongue lashing.
    LOL...Love this one too!
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I would encourage that type of behavior

    Lol expect this answer from men!!! What man would cares if a woman is flaunting her assets. Me on the other hand, I honestly wouldn't care at all. Let her do her. If she's breaking any dress code the boss should bring up the subject. I don't quite understand how another woman's cleavage offends anyone.
  • There usually is a dress code in a workplace environment. I would suggest you take a look at it and if it is not being enforced, I suggest you do otherwise the behavior becomes commonplace and you will lose the opportunity for reprimand.

    I have been a boss and have had to instruct a woman to "cover up". I always did it in private, but with another woman present so that there could be no chance of misconstruing the conversation or to categorize it as innuendo.

    On the other hand to steal from Bill Mahr: "New Rules: If you are going to wear clothing that is tight and revealing, then I am going to look!"
  • doesn't offend me at all. And I have never had a shirt of any sort that caused my chest to get less eye contact than my face... and that includes turtlenecks. Boobs are apparently just more fun to look at ;) Really unless you are the boss and it is hurting business I can't see how it matters.
  • pwrchrd
    pwrchrd Posts: 25 Member
    Cleavage, never enough! Really, if your going to flaunt it, then flaunt it, but don't be surprise when your oogled.
  • _Johanna_
    _Johanna_ Posts: 125 Member
    I just keep remembering that scene from that movie with Julia Roberts, where she plays Erin Brochovich and her lawyer boss asks her to cover herself up more because it is making the other workers feel uncomfortable and its not professional... yeah, it didn't go over so well either! Honestly, unless a customer complains or seems put off by it, I would just let things be! ;)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Considering I work in a two-person office and my boss has fake boobs that almost blind you, I don't worry much.

    As long as you can't see any nipples and the sides are covered well, I don't see a problem with cleavage.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    This is a situation we're discussing here at work...what do you guys think?

    Women's Question:
    If a woman you work with constantly wears shirts that are too revealing for the office, would you be offended? For example, low cut shirts that require a cami underneath, but she wears it without one. Would you say something to the woman about it?

    Men's Question:
    Let's say you're the boss, and one of your female employees has a habit of wearing shirts that are too revealing, how would you handle it.

    I say the more the merrier..unless they're NOT cute! LOL

    But that was my serious answer. I love boobies!!!
  • My theory (for myself) is if you have to question it, don't wear it. I'm not offended by what other employees wear. I figure what they choose to wear reflects upon them, not me.
  • Spitcan
    Spitcan Posts: 38 Member
    Cleavage, never enough! Really, if your going to flaunt it, then flaunt it, but don't be surprise when your oogled.

    exactly. who doesnt enjoy cleavage??? just dont get mad when people look at it!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I only worry about my own boobs. HR exists for a reason/