New Beginnings


This is very scary to write because I have spent so long making excuses and ignoring the consequences. I am getting married in a year and I am so tired of struggling with my weight and appearance. I have made excuses for too long and it is time that I step up and make the changes I need not only for my relationship with my fiancée but most importantly my relationship with myself.

So, I am doing something that scares me. I am reaching out and asking for help. Can anyone offer some advice for someone who is starting their journey? I need some motivation and inspiration. I also need some help on how to love myself more. I struggle with this and it is so important. Can anyone just offer any advice at all?

Thank You!


  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 230 Member
    Welcome! You have taken a big step and made a commitment to get control of your weight. It will not happen all at once, it is a lifestyle change. There will be good days and bad days- that is life. Just acknowldge the bad days and move on. Don't be of the all or nothing mindset. Don't give up if the scale doesn't move for awhile- it will! You are so worth doing this for.

    I have been heavy most of my adult life- with a weight loss of about 65 pounds 10 years ago. I maintained that for several years, then I began to put weight on very gradually. I gained 45 pounds. As hard as it is too belive I really didn't notice, I made excuses and ignored it. Fast forward to March 2020 and I was diagnosed with pre diabetes the day my state went into quarantine. I promptly went home and gained a few more pounds. Then it hit me, I was going to have serious health problems if I did not take this seriously. Gradually I began to make the changes I needed to make in order to improve my health. I began to watch what I ate and visit MFP more frequently. I worked to eat healthy. In June I logged my weight. In August I began to measure and log my food and really focus on healthy eating. I began to exercise for a minimum of 150 minutes a week- I use Youtube videos, or I walk outside. I also do weights and resistance bands. I have lost 18 pounds since my highest in March with the majority of that coming since I started logging my food. The weight loss is gradual, some weeks there is none, sometimes 1-2 pounds. I am ok with whatever it is. I know my health is improving. I know that you can do this as well.