3 Day Diet

Hey guys I am looking for any good advice I can get about this. A co-worker and I will be starting this diet next Monday. She has done it before and had great results. I have been looking for a strict menu to help kick start my dieting even if I choose not to stay with it.

Anyway, like I said any tips from users who have done this with success is much appreciated. Thanks in advance!!

Here is one of the diet menu's I've found (there are a few different plans but all very similar) :

Day 1
1 Cup black coffee or tea
½ Grapefruit or ½ cup fresh squeezed juice
1 Slice toast
1 Teaspoon peanut butter
½ Cup plain tuna
1 Slice toast
1 Cup black coffee or tea
2 Slices any kind of meat (3 oz.)
1 Cup string beans
1 Cup carrots or beets
1 Small apple
1 Cup Vanilla ice cream

Day 2
1 Cup black coffee or tea
1 Hard boiled egg
1 Slice toast
½ Banana
1 Cup cottage cheese or ½ cup plain tuna
5 Saltine crackers (soda crackers)
1 Plain hot dogs (no buns)
1 Cup broccoli or cabbage
1 Cup carrots or turnips
½ Banana
½ Cup Vanilla ice cream

Day 3
1 Cup black coffee or tea
5 Saltine crackers
1 Slice cheddar cheese (1 ounce)
1 Small apple
1 Hard boiled egg
1 Slice toast
1 Cup black coffee or tea
1 Cup plain tuna
1 Cup carrots or beets
1 Cup cauliflower or green-leaf vegetables
1 Cup cantaloupe
½ Cup Vanilla ice cream


• Follow the menus exactly!
• DO NOT vary or substitute any of the foods.
• Salt and pepper may be used, but no other seasoning.
• When no quantity is given, there are no restrictions, other than common sense.
• Vegetables may be eaten raw or cooked (preferably steamed)
• 1 cup equals 250 ml
• 1 ounce equals 28 grams



• Do NOT pick between meals.
• Water, coffee, tea, Diet cola, Tab, sugar free drinks may be used at any time during the 3 days.
• Sauces, dressings, and spices may contain additives and sugars
that will affect the efficiency of this diet. Use with caution.

In 3 days you can lose up to 10 pounds. After 3 days of dieting,
you can eat your normal foods, but do not overeat. After four days
of normal eating you may continue a three day regimen.


  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    i heard it works but i dont support programs or diets like that. stick to the basics of exercise, eat right, and drink water.

    OAN: i may support if you needed to drop 10lbs for a wedding dress or event as such...
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I did that in high school once. STARVED! At the end of the last day I think I ate every thing I could find.
  • mpurkis
    mpurkis Posts: 10 Member
    My sister has done that exact diet a couple of times now. She usually drops 5-6 pounds. It's obviously water weight, but it helps get her motivated to stick to a "real" diet plan and exercise.
  • anamercedez
    My friend did it and it work but the following week she gained it all back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    bad idea. **if ** you end up sticking to it you'll gain it all back...
  • Leanne1795
    What do you do after the three days? Is there a maintenance plan?
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Sounds like a clinic diet that is generally given to people who need to lose some weight prior to a surgery, etc.

    Yup - you will lose.

    And then - unless you are an exception to the rule - you will gain it back, and then some - because it is difficult to maintain and most people end up being hungry and binging on the 'days off' as another poster stated.
  • MuffinMan25
    That menu is too low in calories. Just follow the recommend calorie goal MFP gives you and work out!!!!! Quick Fix diets do not teach you to make the right choices that your body needs. Weight Loss is as much mental as a physical effort and commitment.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    I agree with what has already been posted with the addition that some of the foods they want you to eat aren't very good for you from a nutritional standpoint. Saltines and hot dogs being the worst. Saltines have no redeeming value (other than they taste good!)-they are "bad carbs" to the extreme and hot dogs are loaded with sodiums and preservatives. I'm not a clean eater by any means but if you're gonna go extreme for a few days at least stuff that's good for you!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    "Salt and pepper may be used, but no other seasoning" ---> this doesn't make any sense!

    I'd be starving on such a diet and would probably end up bingeing on day 2 or 3! But I don't think that 3 days will harm your health so why not?
  • satine20021
    My sister has done that exact diet a couple of times now. She usually drops 5-6 pounds. It's obviously water weight, but it helps get her motivated to stick to a "real" diet plan and exercise.

    That is exactly why I want to try it. Not as a long term solution but as a kick start. Most of the plans for the diet let you know you can eat more on the following 4 days but that it still needs to be healthy choices and portions. And I am already changing my grocery shopping habbits so I am sure I will be fine even if I don't lose the max. I know not everyones the same.

    Anyways, thank you all for the feedback! If your interested I will be posting on my profile next week my results.

    Have a great day all!!