What’s motivating you?

So I had a baby back in March and I lost all the baby weight (29 lbs) by the time I was 4 months postpartum. I’m now about 2 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight which is awesome but I still have about 7-8 lbs that I want to lose.
Unfortunately due to some postpartum depression, I’ve resulted to some major emotional eating. My weight has fluctuated a lot in the past 4 months, so I’m even lucky to be at 2 lbs below pre-pregnancy weight.
And because of some of my unhealthy eating habits, I ended up getting told by a close relative that I’m kind of becoming a fat-***.
I know that’s not the best thing to go off of for motivation but it’s really making me think about how I’ve been treating my body lately due to my occasional emotional eating episodes and I’m very determined to lose this weight before the end of the year!!

So what’s motivating you?


  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited October 2020
    Congrats on your baby, and for identifying the PPD. I hope you're taking steps or working with someone on it! My daughter had her first in May and has had some PPD issues herself. I hate that I can't really 'help' her. I mean, she knows I'll help in any way she needs, but its not as simple as her needing someone to do something for her.

    If someone annoyed you with their comments and that drives you to show them: GO for it!

    My current motivation (I am almost at goal weight now) is to fit better into a certain pair of jeans. I can get into them, and they're comfortable when on: but you know how sometimes you have to wiggle your way into a pair of jeans? I want to be able to pull them on without that effort lol.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    The only motivation I can count on is to live a happy day. I choose to do that in a calorie deficit currently. All other motivations have a habit of taking the spotlight for a brief period and then fading back. Especially negatively inspired ones.

    I never wake up deciding to have a miserable day. If I am not careful though I will make choices though that guarantee it. I did that all the time when I tried to lose weight before. I would be too strict or try to go too fast. I would always assume that it was okay to be miserable today to be happy later when I weighed less. That is such a bad mindset and it is one that is really hard to live with for the length of time it takes to lose weight.

  • JAC581
    JAC581 Posts: 91 Member
    I think there are multiple things motivating me, but one of them is being able to get in well enough shape to go on more hikes with my boyfriend, ones that are longer and more challenging. He loves hiking and we go on some easy ones together, but we always have to take breaks for me. So I not only want to lose weight (carrying 250 lbs. is exhausting!) but I want to build up my strength and endurance as well.
  • Weedsir
    Weedsir Posts: 14 Member
    I have an 18 month old son, who is starting to realise his Daddy is fatter than alot of the other Daddies at swim class, and i have my second son due in 5 weeks.... Theyre my main motivation.

    My career requires me to be fit, and ive let that slip over the last 4 or 5 years (injury and depression associated with said injury). So i'm constantly feeling like my fitness is letting my team down... I have a fitness test coming up early next year... so i have to really commit NOW.

    I have plenty of motivation and thankfully the support.... although constantly battling the excuses to not work out each day in my head are always there....

    Good luck with your goal! Feel free to add me if you want to add to your support network!
  • JCH187
    JCH187 Posts: 39 Member
    I’ve battled with my weight much of my adult life, 3 years ago I lost a lot of weight and started walking and then running, loved it, felt great. Then I got injured, I have severe arthritis in my foot, I spiralled down to over eating, drinking too much and not being able to do the exercise I love, some days I can’t even walk to the end of the road. Two weeks ago I saw an orthopaedic consultant, he’s going to fuse my toe and hopefully get me back on my feet. Literally. There’s a long wait for the op but I feel I need to do my part too and have started monitoring my intake to get me in better shape for the op and subsequent recovery. I’m looking forward to being out of pain and active again 😊
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I really like to achieve the goals I set for myself. Pretty much that's it.
  • AndreaTamira
    AndreaTamira Posts: 272 Member
    Well, the biggest thing right now is that I need to be at a certain BMI to be even considered for fertility treatment (that doesn't cost an arm and a leg).

    Otherwise? I'd just really like to be healthy. I want to live a long time and I want to live that time well, and not develope obesity related illnesses. - Also, I LIKE archiving goals and feeling like I have control of my life to a certain extent.

  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    @AndreaTamira I had 2 years of fertility treatment with no luck. The Dr suggested I loose some weight. I lost 50lbs and got pregnant the next month! Not sure how or why it works it just did.
  • AndreaTamira
    AndreaTamira Posts: 272 Member
    @gewel321 Glad to hear you managed to get pregnant! - And yeah, it definitely would be great if weight loss itself would fix whatever is not working there. That's not a given (I have a friend who is normal weight, always has been, and nothing seems to work for her), but it at least increases the chances.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Not feeling flabby and blob like is my motivation. I got really lazy and have now decided to get my butt in gear. It feels good feeling like I'm firming up and seeing muscles I didn't know were there
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member

  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    regained some of the weight I lost a few years ago during the lockdown. Being at my goal weight was so satisfying and it made me so happy. I can't forget the feeling and want it back. I hope to have it off by Thanksgiving..but at least by the new year.
  • I have a lot of motivations. I left the man who viewed me trying to be healthy as being an attack on him. I want to prove that my weight in my younger years wasn't my idea, just as anyone who sees the house I now live in knows that the hoarded mess I lived in before wasn't my idea either.

    I want to be active with my new partners and be able to take care of them as they need to be taken care of. I want a fit and active late middle and old age. I want to be able to run around with my grandchildren when they come into my life.

    I know I have more foot surgeries in my future. It will be easier the less weight I have to haul on crutches.

    And I want to show my sister up and show that I don't have to do weight loss surgery to lose 140 pounds, just do it. Even in a pandemic. Even while moving house. Even while coping with my partners' job loss and mental health issues. I'm doing it.

    I'm fifty pounds in, and I see no reason to stop until I reach my goal. I have more stamina for daily life, I hurt less, I'm happier, and my sex life has improved. The pandemic may take a while to leave us, but if I need to spend the time in the house working on myself, I want to come out of it the brick house of a curvaceous woman I know is under the fat, and that's what I'm doing.