Why only 1 a day?

I keep reading that you should do cardio one day and weights another ~ why? Why not do both in one day?

I have just started doing HIIT, started running, then switched to a stationary bike (I freaking hate running, and trying to figure out how long I was running was even more annoying. The bike has a nice lil blinky light I want to shoot on it to show 'mins') I also do weights. I just started last night with the 'tower' weights but I've been using the machines which have weights on them from the time I started at the gym. I'm just stepping it up with the weights now and trying different ones and different exercises with them. So I dont understand why I shouldnt do both.


  • spyork
    spyork Posts: 187

    If you do weights everyday your body wont recover or mend because when you train with weights it basically creates small tears in the muscle which need time to repair (a day) and cardio on your non weights day is a good way to burn fat for longer. You could do cardio more than one day on the trot but for weights i would have a rest day unless you train upper body one day then lower the next, this gives your muscles a chance to repair.

    Hope this helps

  • Hi. Most people that lift and run only work out the upper body with weights (Since the legs get plenty of workout while running) so, its more about alternating days so that you give your legs a rest. Good luck
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    I do both ... but only a BIT of cardio. I usually do a 10min cardio warmup/workout before I lift weights; it gets my heart rate up and therefore my weight lifting should be more effective.

    Otherwise I alternate ... but that's as much about time constraints as it is anything else.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Who says you can't do both in one day? I do. M-F. In fact, when I started doing that I started seeing much better results. Strength training first and then cardio based on the way the body uses it's fuel.

    Talk to someone qualified to give you pros and cons of doing both in the same day and/or alternating and then decide what will work best for you and your over all goals :)
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    You need a day of rest in between lifting unless you are alternating muscle groups. I always do a little cardio after lifting but the bulk of my cardio (long distance running) is on days I dont lift.
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    ok, cool ~ I can do diff muscle groups to give one a break each day :)

    Thanks for all the answers!!