How do you stick with it?

Really...How do you stick to your changes? I am up for any advice. I have gone as far as not buying sweets or unheathly things for the pantra. But I find my weakness at work! The table that sits out of my office door....cake to chips...stairing me in the eye!

I start boot camp Monday...hoping I can hit the 180 mark! But I really want to work on my diet! But I seem to crash around day 5...I have tried low carb....low calorie! Gee Whiz!!!!


  • louisee294
    louisee294 Posts: 140 Member
    I buy "target clothes"- clothes that are amazing that I can't wait to fit in, in a size smaller than my current size. Then every time I want to go off track I think of myself looking into the mirror trying to squeeze into some clothes.

    The fear keeps me on track!!
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    Well for me it's the blood pressure, thyroid, anti-depressant and sleeping pill I have to take everyday. I kind of want to get off them. As for the cravings, I usually drink some water when I think about cake or chips, etc.
  • Visser1971
    In the last 6 weeks I have had ice cream, chocolate cake, a lolypop, and dessert out at dinner three times. Because this is a lifestyle change, I don't do it every day - but I count it. If I want cake, then I get my butt on the bike :-) or if I go out to dinner, I have a lighter lunch.

    There is no way that I can just avoid all the 'bad' things, although somewhere there is a switch that flipped that makes me thing "oh, I could have one chip, or like a cup of broccoli - and a cup of broccoli is more food, so lets just stick with that!" :-)

    Cheers, Christy
  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    my office is plagued with treats and snacks too... i put up printed pictures, quotes and things that help me stay motivated right by my computer screen... a constant reminder of what my goals are. I also have a TON of tea, different kinds, to help me quench my thirst and deal with the sweetness I sometimes crave. Herbal tea in the afternoon will often help me through until the work day is over.
    I also am constantly eating... every couple hours, fill up my water bottle and heat up/grab a snack. The constant fuel has made a HUGE difference
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Usually, as long as I've eaten already, self-discipline works, but on occasion, I find that I need to pop in a stick of gum so that I have something in my mouth.
  • Nikkiairforcewife
    Nikkiairforcewife Posts: 164 Member
    Will-power gets you started but goals keep you going.

    I started with a goal to journal everything I ate for 100 days. No matter what I was going to journal it. I added on the goal to drink 10+ glasses of water a day and to eat my 5 a day of fruits and vegetables.

    I listen to Fat2Fit radio podcasts religiously. A very good one they have on goal setting is number 113. They have lots of good motivational information every week. I'm slowly working my way back through the old shows from before I found them.
  • blueshadow477
    blueshadow477 Posts: 4 Member
    Try bringing your own healthy snacks to work with you. Whenever you want to go for the sweets table, you'll have better choices at arms reach. Best of Luck!
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    I have the same problem with food. I can go a few days and do well then that nasty sweet need pops up! I'd love to see what advice people give too!!! Honestly I use prayer for strength. It helps and it re-focuses my mind. But sometimes, because I've lived so long without thinking about what I put in my mouth, I just don't think about until after I eat it. I know once I get in the habit of constantly being focused on every little thing I eat it will change.

    I have had people tell me that when you're craving sweetness or anything bad drink a glass of water. I could used more suggestions.
  • RocketsGirl75
    I kind of use reverse psychology on myself....I tell myself I can have whatever I want. If the craving gets too bad then I have a small portion just to get rid of that craving. The more I "allow" myself to believe that I can have something the more I have found that I don't really want it. It is only when I say no you can not have that...that I run into problems. I used the same techniques to stop smoking too!

    However, I was seriously addicted to soda and those I weened off of and when I stress and I want them like crazy I have to deny myself completely so I don't binge!
  • socialite1
    My office always has lots of cakes, doughnuts, and other unhealthy snacks all the time. I always try to keep healthy snacks at my desk to resist the urge to grab something unhealthy just because. It's one thing to snack because you're hungry, but it's another to snack just because it's there. I have a healthy snack to curb my appetite and usually the cravings for the bad things go away. Another way to look at it is...most sweet snacks are going to "cost" you anywhere from 350-500 calories. Think about how much exercise you'll have to do to burn off those extra calories and stay within your calories goals for the day. Thinking about the extra workout I'll have to fit in somehow usually helps me say NO WAY!! Good luck.
  • Jenmilleroz
    I have been Bootcamping for the last 5 weeks. It is staggering the progress I have made make sure you record measurements as it doesn't often reflect in scales for weeks!!!!!
    Anyway I decided to tackle one area each week, I am in for the long hall:

    Week 1 revising my menu and snack planning habits setting up a new plan attended a nutrition seminar
    Week 2 holistic started burning oils, taking baths reading and going to bed early
    Week 3 identified my vices and pressure points where I fall over in my eating plans
    Week 4 established my in between Bootcamp programme I swim Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and walk Sunday
    Week 5 went n a supermarket tour with a nutritionist good wake up call and only $50

    So that is me so far, friend me if you like I am in NZ
    Cheers Jen
  • KarenLipana
    Really...How do you stick to your changes? I am up for any advice. I have gone as far as not buying sweets or unheathly things for the pantra. But I find my weakness at work! The table that sits out of my office door....cake to chips...stairing me in the eye!

    I start boot camp Monday...hoping I can hit the 180 mark! But I really want to work on my diet! But I seem to crash around day 5...I have tried low carb....low calorie! Gee Whiz!!!!

    chew gum and drink tons of water. If you still cant resist on looking on the cupcake then by all means grab it BUT give it to an office mate. You'll end up not eating and gaining a friend. :flowerforyou:
  • Jenmilleroz
    Wow that was pretty straight up! Good luck!
  • shesblossoming
    Designate a cheat meal once or twice a week where you can eat what you feel like. It doesn't mean you can go crazy, but it lets you eat what you really want, and it keeps me from eating all of the office food.

    Count how many calories are in what you want to eat and go on a run or walk and see how long it will take you to burn off what you ate, or rather, might eat. It changes my mind.

    Bring all of your own snacks. Roasted almonds, peanut butter, bananas, and multi-grain crackers save me. Make a protein shake with peanut butter, and it will satisfy your sweet tooth if you have one.

    I think about the girl I'm fighting for right now, that person inside of me that has been hiding for so long. It changes my mind immediately.
  • kathyhaf1
    I agree with chewing gum when I get a craving for something. Sometimes its just having something in my mout to occupy me and I'm good.

    Other times, if it's something really good/special, I will just have a very small portion. Thinking you will never eat something again is too strict. And then be sure to get back on track. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Good luck!
  • writetomui
    I've lost 10 lbs YTD, and have been maintaining it. My goal is to not make any drastic change, and whatever change would be lifetime. Meaning, I still eat junk food here and there, chocolates, ice cream, etc.. I eat almost anything I like (because I have no self control and discipline when it comes to food), but everything in moderate consideration.

    So, I'd have some carbs, have a little cake and chips, and make sure it's no larger than a handsome in combination. Then burn it off through rigorous exercise within the next 24 hours. And then I'd think: is this "junk" worth another tiring gym visit?

    It's also a plus when smaller size clothing fits, and compliments from all-around.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    You're doing great by not buying tempting treats! I am famous for putting away gallons of ice cream in hours if we have it-even flavors i'm not fond of. As far as the office goes, i'm a homemaker and can't help with that, all i know is my mom keeps fruit/yogurt/healthy options in the office fridge and at her desk and avoids treat jars in other people's areas.

    As far as crashing, i hit walls myself; usually after not eating well or having too intense of a workout without enough rest.

    And as horrible as it sounds, i watch weight loss shows and look at people's before pics-and i think to myself "I am doing this so i never look back and say, "how did i let myself get like this?" " I also have a board in my room with pics of women whose muscle tone and shape is similar to what i'm looking for in myself.

    The last thing i do is find (or buy-if you have money to do so) pants/skirts/shirts that i used to/want to wear and put them on regularly. If they are snug, i know i'm not quite where i need to be. If they fit-i just got another pair of pants and i have to maintain my results to keep them comfy! I don't advise buying pants that are four sizes too small, that can be a slow goal and can get upsetting if you can't get into them as fast as you want. Mine range from my "anorexic pants" (which i have accepted i will likely never wear again. my healthy size does not fit in a zero and even some 3's, and i am okay with that) that don't go past my buttcheeks, to "almost buttons" to "these would be awesome if i didn't have a muffin top in them" sizes. I find my favorite pair, measure how far before they button or how much overhang i have and i say "this WILL be gone by __________this date."

    It takes some trying to find what personally works for you. I know poeple who just say, "i will never eat junk again" and they never do. I also know people who will binge unless they look at the image of a morbidly obese person ramming a burger down their gullet that they keep in their wallet/purse. Whatever works for you!

    Good luck honey
  • Gwooh
    Gwooh Posts: 80 Member
    Thank you all! My life is so overwhelmed with working a full-time job at a hospital, teaching a 30 hour work load when I get home, I'm also working on my Masters. I feel so nuts. And yes, I eat to feel better! It makes me so happy to down a scope of ice cream when all goes bad. I'm trying my best to work on this. Learning to get up and walk it out or run it out. Sitting here typing this I would love a piece of chicken pesto pizza! Or a pancake! I plan to steak to my half of steak and salad.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    one more thing i forgot to mention, your treats and cheats can be made healthy, i found a recipe years ago for cheescake that calls for tofu, not cream cheese. it tastes and feels the same, but is too healthy to be a cheat. If you cook, drop me a line and ill pass on some of my no cheat cheats! It should never be all or nothing, just because we want ice cream or brownies doesnt mean it has to be bland health food or way too decadent to spend calories on!