Has anyone else had this feeling?

I have a multi function rower and I was using it earlier today for some lower ab toning. I could really feel it working, so I did quite a few sets. All afternoon and all evening since, I keep getting the strangest feeling in my lower abdominal region. The mums here will understand what I mean when I say that its exactly the same sensation as having a baby moving around (It's definitely not a baby btw! :D). Has anyone else experienced this? Can anyone explain what it is? It's never happened before and its a pretty weird sensation lol


  • BrownSugar81
    Yes I have been experiencing that feeling also, I even took a pg test LOL! I thought I was the only one so I'm assuming it's some type of muscle ???
  • kungfurockchick
    I hope it means whatever we're doing is working lol................glad I'm not the only one! I'd love to know what it is and why :D
  • frugalmomsrock
    uterine twitches. Just like your eye will twitch, so will your uterus. Also called "phantom kicks" to someone who's felt a baby kicking...
  • kungfurockchick
    uterine twitches. Just like your eye will twitch, so will your uterus. Also called "phantom kicks" to someone who's felt a baby kicking...

    Oooh ok, thanks for clearing that up lol