Help losing this weight, with pictures so click at your own


Okay so most of my weight is in my upper thighs and and my BELLY!
im 5'2, 21 years old,had two kids one is 3 and one is 6 months..
im 178 pounds

i know my "mothers apron" wont go away with out surgery but i really need to lose some weight
and i need some help, some tips and hints on what helped you guys lose the weight you wanted. i really
want to weigh around 160ish for november 20th i think that sounds like a reasonable goal. so please tell me what
you guys think on what can help me.. i need easy things, i cant really go to the gym i dont have to much time on my hands being a mommy of two and a wife... has the zumba cd helped anybody? what about the 30 DS?
please nothing negative! thanks!


  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member

  • 0SimplymeStacyLea0
    Did you have c-sections with any of your children?
  • jessbro1977
    jessbro1977 Posts: 58 Member
    I have been logging into MFP for 45 days, lost 10 pounds so far. I have the app on my phone and look up everything I eat before I eat it. If I know I am going over, I know I have to workout. I have not done the Zumba cds, but the class is ALOT of fun! Just take one day at a time, look at the message board, there is usually very inspiring stories! Good luck!
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I had the same thing, and mine is going away, without surgery! You can lose weight and do work out DVDs at home. Many people here have done the 30 DS, and you could even just walk. Take the kids with you, get a double stroller. You don't have to pay money to exercise.

    Good luck!

    (PS: I've lost 30 pounds and my belly is nearly gone, and it looked EXACTLY like yours when I started. I even started at about the same weight)
  • BrittMUSTloseweight
    yes i had a c section with my second
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Have you looked into the Biggest Loser or Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds dvds? I bought a few of the BL and LS dvds and I've lost most of my weight doing those workouts. I'm at stay at home mom of 3 kids, so I understand the whole "not being to go to a gym".
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    For me, it really helped to simplify everything, because I'm also a mom (of just one 3 year old), and a lot of my time is already devoted to work and school and my family. I've only been here a little bit, but I've started planning in advance what I'd like to eat for the day, what HEALTHY things lol, and I just make sure that what I want to eat is going to be within my calorie limit. If it's over or under, I adjust a little.

    Also, for exercise, I found it easiest to get a DVD of something that's no longer than 45 min. because of the limited amount of time I have during the day. I'm on day 4 of the 30DS and I LOVE it. I think it's a really great way to help lose weight because the circuit training helps the workout go quickly. Also, I've done Zumba and Taebo which are also fun ways to workout, although I don't do those ones as consistently.

    Probably the best thing that helps me to stay on track is to take it one day at a time. It's not a race and not a competition. You have a reasonably set goal that you know you can get to. Just make sure you do everything you can during that one day and then if you mess up, try again tomorrow and learn from your mistakes.

    I know you can do it! There's so much support from people here and everyone knows a little of what you're going through. We're all here for the same reason. :) Feel free to add me and good luck!
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    I started at a similar weight (173) and got down to 135. I did it by staying within my calorie goal, drinking plenty of water, avoiding fast food and pop(soda). I didn't change my diet too much. I didn't restrict any foods, just ate them in moderation. For exercise I used my elliptical, but I do like the 30 Day Shred. You can look at my pics if you want and get an idea of how your body can transform. Good luck on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    You can totally do this! I am on 30 DS and I really like it (day 9 so far). I am kinda getting clobbered, but it's only for 20 minutes and every day it gets easier to do. I am also using her diuretic drink, which sounds like it may be of help to you, which is 60 oz of water (cold) with one dandelion root tea bag, one tablespoon of sugar free cranberry juice and two tablespoons of lemon juice). It tastes like really weak lemonade, but it's not bad. Drink it once a day for a week and you can lose up to five pounds of water weight. I usually let the tea bag steep in the water overnight in the fridge, so I know it's at full strength in the morning.

    One thing you might do is take your measurements more seriously than your pounds lost. A lot of times measurements are a WAY more accurate gauge of your progress than pounds on the scale.
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    I started exactly where you are. I was 178 lbs at 5'0 after having my second child. What helped me at first was a lot of walking and watching what I ate. I've now moved to Zumba and the eliptical. I just started Zumba and it's lots of fun. I have done the 30ds as well. I didn't really lost a lot of weight with it but I did lose a lot of inches so that was fine by me and I actually started seeing some muscle.

    Hope that helps a bit
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Insanity workout!!! When my 9 month old naps in the morning I put my 2 year old in his room with a dvd and I workout. I've almost shed my mom apron as you can see by my profile pic :)
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Walking at a Brisk Pace (that will be different for everyone) seems to really have helped me. And my Hubby's main exercise is Walking and he is definitely losing his "Beer Belly"
  • 0SimplymeStacyLea0
    Just hang in there, use this site (it gives you lots of info and encouragement), log all your food in, drink lots of water and just exercise. Feel free to friend me for support. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    Insanity workout!!! When my 9 month old naps in the morning I put my 2 year old in his room with a dvd and I workout. I've almost shed my mom apron as you can see by my profile pic :)

    Your pics are VERY encouraging! GREAT work!!
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    Here are some of my tips
    1.) Be honest - add everything that you eat to your log- no cheating.
    2.) Get 30 DS and Zumba if you can. Do them everyday if possible. I only lost a few lbs on 30 DS but the difference in my abdomen was huge!! Zumba was the secret to the pounds for me.
    3.) Cut fast food and soda
    4.) Drink h20!!
    5.)Stay positive, you may drop weight quick or slow, but it will happen.
    6.) When you think about eating junk, look at your before pics, that always motivates me.
    Here's a link to my b4 and after most of the change took place in the last 14 weeks, but I've been working on it since Jan halfheartedly till a few months ago
  • EmilyPippin
    I have a "mom apron" too. I have only been logging into MFP for 3 weeks, and I've lost 7 pounds. Logging the food helps you know when you are taking in too many calories. I still do it one in awhile, but at least its a choice...
    Also, remember the little things add up: park farther out in the parking lot, do 30 jumping jacks (my daughter loves makes her laugh), hold your little one and dance to some upbeat music. I think you'll be surprised how much 5 minutes here 5 minutes there adds up!
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
    I started with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and it was too much for me at first so I did Leslie Sansones walk away the pounds and lost about 25 pounds doing that. Now I'm back at JM and on day 7 !! It's really a good workout and helps tone up and build muscle. I'm wondering how much more of my belly will go away too. I've had 4 girls in 7 years.