What’s your REAL reason for your fitness/ weight goals?

sltkst12 Posts: 3 Member
edited November 2020 in Motivation and Support
I always tell people I want to be healthy. That I want to fit in different styles of clothes or that I’m just ready to take control. My real reason is that I feel unworthy, replaceable and inadequate. I have terrible self esteem and trust issues. I feel like losing weight will make me feel less like I am just getting by and like I can do no better than what I am now. My real reason is that I want to feel strong, like I can handle whatever life throws my way. I want to feel like I am not embarrassing to be with. I don’t want to feel ashamed of myself anymore. I know these aren’t truths. I know it’s all in my head. But I still think that dealing with my weight issue will make me feel a lot better.


  • sltkst12
    sltkst12 Posts: 3 Member
    You are so right! It is true that I do want to be healthy, and that is a truth I give them. I never looked at it like that. And no one really needs to know my private thoughts so it’s not necessary to let anyone in on that part. I wish you all the success on your journey. ❤️❤️❤️
    sltkst12 wrote: »
    I always tell people I want to be healthy. That I want to fit in different styles of clothes or that I’m just ready to take control. My real reason is that I feel unworthy, replaceable and inadequate. I have terrible self esteem and trust issues. I feel like losing weight will make me feel less like I am just getting by and like I can do no better than what I am now. My real reason is that I want to feel strong, like I can handle whatever life throws my way. I want to feel like I am not embarrassing to be with. I don’t want to feel ashamed of myself anymore. I know these aren’t truths. I know it’s all in my head. But I still think that dealing with my weight issue will make me feel a lot better.

  • gisem17
    gisem17 Posts: 50 Member
    I got mad at myself for having to buy new shirts to contain my belly. To spite myself, I decided to get serious and lose the weight.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    Years ago, it started out that my then boyfriend was hesitant about my size and health because of it. I didn't have a lot of sel esteem (I was the Monuca 9f my friends; overweight and shy/geeky). It was not a good conversation. But now that I'm more healthy, I'm glad the discussion was had. Being healthy and at a normal weights my goal/expectation of myself; I had just needed a little push to get started. I see my family (and others) sit out on things or just sit around ecause of their weight and are like 20 years older than what they really are. I see that (on my trips home) and know that I don't want that for myself. I want to be 70/80 years old and still being the one enjoying life and new adventures.

    I was supposed to have done my first HalfIronman (only one for various reasons) in June. It's been deferred twice (thanks Covid) and is now supposed to take place Septembrr 2021. It's been something I've wanted to do; as a challenge to myself that I can accomplish it, that I can train and follow through, and that I'm not that kid in school who could barely finish a mile (and wasn't allowed a cool down because they really didn't run fast or work hard.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    It started because I was terrified of getting diabetes. I see my MD each year for a physical, and she assured me that I was not in the running for it, given my numbers, but she did agree that dropping some weight would be beneficial. Once I started losing weight and meeting fitness goals, the new stronger me kind of took over from there. I realized that because of my activity level, and the variety of things I was doing, I could "do what I want to do, when I want to" which meant, sign up for that 10K that my sister suggested, go on pretty long, challenging hikes with another couple of sisters, help my husband with projects that involved carrying heavy materials into the house or around the yard, etc. I LOVE how strong me feels. COVID tried to kick her out and tell her that she didn't have a plan without the pool and gym, but she's on her way back with a bodyweight app and a rowing machine. Yes, my weight crept up, but some reigning in of WFH bad habits I picked up will take care of that. Besides, strong me is much more forgiving and positive than wanting-to-be-skinny me ever was :heart: I will never, ever be skinny. I don't even want to anymore.
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    I was a fat kid. I lost weight, b/c even as a kid, I knew I wouldn't be able to live a "normal life" if I was obese. My mother was obese and didn't have the self esteem and was riddled with too much body shame to do normal things like have a job.

    I just wanted to be "normal."
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited November 2020
    I want to be slim. I'm middle aged, the majority of people my age aren't slim. I want my girlfriend to look at me and admire my achievement. Also, I have never felt attractive. I'm a '5', but in a world of obesity I'd be a '6' if I was slim. Plus lots of other reasons.
  • Tashia_HH
    Tashia_HH Posts: 99 Member
    xtineart wrote: »
    Real reason? Vanity. Good old fashioned self centred vanity. I wish there was some deep meaningful aspect to it but no if I'm honest I just want to look thinner.

    I love this! Because it's the same for me!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    To be healthy .. yada yada... But the REAL reason? I don't want to look old. Weight ages all age groups..and when someone loses the weight after a certain age; they look even older because the face and body sag and loss of muscle makes them look worse . So..my window of opportunity is closing. Do it now or else. I have about 8 pounds or so to get back to my pre lockdown goal weight, also. ,nothing feels better than fitting easily into your smallest clothes. I never want to lose that.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    For me it's aesthetics. Sure getting strong and healthy is great but it's always secondary. I'm not gaining weight for fun over here :p