I am new and would like advice

My name is Robert and live in United Kingdom. I am a new and would like some advice on weight control plus. I am at present linked with Noom but costly.
Also I lack energy....


  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Hi Robert, it's going to be difficult for people to give you much advice without more specific information. What do you mean by "weight control plus"? Is this a product or a program? Or do you mean you want advice on weight control plus advice on other things? Are you trying to lose weight? How much? How much do you weigh now? What are you doing for diet and exercise?

    As far as energy goes, there could be a whole host of things going on. Is your calorie deficit too large? Are you making poor food choices? Are you getting enough sleep? Do you have an undiagnosed medical condition?

    If you can fill out more detail I'm sure many of the helpful members here will chime in.
  • robertrje123
    robertrje123 Posts: 6 Member

    Thank you for communicating with me.

    Areas that concern me at present.

    1. My weight is 11 stone and 4 oz.. My goal would be about 10 stone.
    2. My fatigue is another issue. If I go out with friends and we make a whole day of it. The next day and few, I feel tired. I have been to the doctors. Had some bloods taken, results come back positive. The doctors inform that there no cause for concern.
    3. Looking at the above it could be poor choice of foods, which I would like help.
    4. I also joined a company called Noom, who said they would help, but at a cost. I have recently cancelled my membership with them and recently joined here.

    Once again thank you for your communication and look forward to the help in the future.

  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    It says that you've been on MFP since 2012. True? As for your post. Have you loaded your stats into MFP? Have you gotten your daily calorie goal? Do you have a digital food scale and are you weighing and measuring all your food and drink? Without that information and knowing how much you exercise, it's impossible to give you helpful information. If you log all your food and make your diary public, it's possible to advise you.
  • robertrje123
    robertrje123 Posts: 6 Member
    2012 -strange. I only joined this year. As for everything else I will look into and come back. Thanks.