Serious need of plateau advice

So I have been bouncing back and forth between the same 200grams for the last fortnight. I need someone to explain to me in simple English how the hell to get out of it, its sapping all of my motivation and it sucks!


  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    If I had the magic answer, I'd be rich. There is no one answer that works for everyone. I spent lots of time researching the internet, looking for ideas. You have to find what makes sense for your body. And sometimes, it's just trial and error. If something sounds like a good idea (read=not unhealthy), try it for a few weeks and see if it helps.
  • g8rlex
    g8rlex Posts: 20 Member
    idk if this is why.... but the last couple of times I hit that point I took a week off from working out. The next week I kicked it back into gear and the weight loss resumed.

    Good luck! You'll get past it!
  • yesenia195p
    yesenia195p Posts: 36 Member
    Change your exercise routine and try to work harder while working out. Make yourself feel like when you first started working out.
  • jessbennett1986
    experiment. Add an extra 200 calories to your diet one week to see if that helps, if not, subtract an extra 200 calories. Stay at least 1200 calories a day. Up your exercise session by 5 min.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    A fortnight (which I believe is 2 weeks) is not really that long. However, there are things you can do. Up your calories if you have been eating too few, change your workouts, are you drinking enough water, what is your sodium intake. If you open your diary, we will be albe to help you.
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    Whatever you do, don't give up! I was stuck for a month or so between the same 5 pounds....BUT, I kept at it....then I went away for the weekend, fully expecting to have gained more when I returned due to "Poor eating"...However, I had actually shed the 5 pounds and 3 more....take a break, switch it up...just don't GIVE UP!!
  • naomiruthfields
    I just made my food diary public (I didnt realise it was on private before, oops!) so if that helps with any advice, take a look.
    You will probably notice that I have rarely met my 1000cal allowance, but that is honestly not by choice - I have not been consciously restricting.

    Todays entry covers dinner as well, I have pre-made a big bowl of tuna, salad and a bit of brown rice. This ensures my calories are around the 1000 mark today. I have also done 70reps of arm and leg workouts on the gym, and am walking around for three hours today at work!

    Thanks for your input guys, I really appreciate it. This is the first "diet"/ healthy eating plan I have stuck to for more than a few weeks, and the results so far are encouraging, trying SO hard not to give up! :sad: