Best investment ever!

Okay, so maybe not the best ever, but it is up there.

I finally invested in a HRM, and wore it for the first time this morning, and man, what a difference it made to know EXACTLY how many calories I burned in my run.

It was more than MFP had been estimating, so I haven't been eating enough! This could be why I haven't lost anything for a while.

I love love love my new HRM and highly recommend that everyone get one!


  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    I never leave home without mine :D
  • censu67
    censu67 Posts: 53 Member
    OK you've convinced me. I'll start wearing mine tomorrow. Bought it a month ago and never even tried it... need to get my moneys worth...
  • I just bought one too. I love mine for the same reason as you. It is really great to see how many calories you burn, and to get an idea about how intense your workout is. I have a spin instructor who will tell us % wise where we should be on our climb, its a great way to make sure I am getting the max benefit out of class!