Getting Out Of A Rut, Looking For Friends!

Hi there! So I've been losing weight for all of 2020, but recently have hit a bit of a stall. I've lost 65lbs so far, but have about 45 left to go and it isn't coming off as easily as it was in the spring and summer, so I thought having some accountability friends would help me keep going! I will be working out with a work friend at least twice a week, but I've always lost the most weight with diet! You don't have to meet my stats, but I'd be especially interested in people who have about the same amount to lose!

SW: 265
CW: 200
GW: 145ish
Height: 5'2
Age: 27

So if you're interested in being friends, add me! I keep my logs open and public, I log multiple times a day, and starting tomorrow ill be tracking steps as well! Looking forward to losing with y'all!!
