Quarantine 28 need to go away!

I have started logging my meals more regularly. I have GERD and would love any recipes or advice to help stay in track.
I have been working from home since March and sit in front of a computer all day. I find it hard to even take a lunch hour.
I have 3 daughters, 2 of which are engaged. I want to be at or below my goal weight 150lbs by the weddings. One is summer 2021 and the other is spring 2022. My pre quarantine weight was 180lbs.


  • Sawjer
    Sawjer Posts: 229 Member
    I would advise to take a lunch, I am not sure why you struggle to take a lunch? I would also go for a walk when you finish work, this is so you get the feeling you are leaving work, then coming home from work otherwise your house will always be associated with work. So I would start with that, I would also prep food so you're always ahead. Take slow steps and you'll get where you want to be, congratulations to you and your daughters.
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 523 Member
    I'd prioritize lunch and a walk mid-day. You shouldn't have to work straight through just because you're working from home! Sent you a friend request.
  • Queen_Celeste
    Queen_Celeste Posts: 33 Member
    I've lost about 15 of my stay at home pounds just tracking and making sure to eat less if I want the treats, and I do. I always want the treats. More chocolate please.

    If you want to prioritize nutrition prepping even a sack lunch to grab from the fridge at lich time helps me. I make sure I get fruit and vegetable while also making sure I don't just go for an easy sugar high or skipping the meal and binging a few hours later.

    A short walk before work, lunch and after would help. If restrictions prevent that, even a 10 minute exercise video online is something. I have found yoga and meditation videos to help since I am a stress and emotional eater and sometimes just the calming and breathing is enough.