Tired of ppl stating the obvious



  • sheeramorningglory
    Words hurt! I have heard most of my life...."you would be pretty if...You could lose weight".

    Some people feel its ok to say it if it is true. That is not a good reason to be hurtful. It does not help at all to point out I am overweight. It never motivated me to lose weight. Family seems to be the worse.

    I am here to make a change - for ME! Not for anyone else.
  • MsInsanity
    MsInsanity Posts: 31 Member
    I looked at your pics you look great, and you have curves that i'd kill for, you are also young so if you can learn to eat healthy and maintain a healthy lifestyle you are ahead of the game and will spend the best years feeling good in mind, body, and soul.

    Thank you very much...Most of my family is model small and if not they have breeds of children but they always say you have no kids whats your excuse....smh! Ignorant but true...after HS I stopped running track walking miles upon miles... I GOT A CAR!!!! AKA THE LAZY BOX ON WHEELS!!!!
  • Booboo78
    I can so relate to this!

    It is worse when it comes from family or family friends as well, and especially when they do that stupid faux-shocked expression :mad: - such as, "OMG!! You've put on sooooooo much weight!" - like it's a catastrophe of epic proportions, or like someone has just died (well, someone did die after that. My self worth - RIP)

    It's like, yeah cheers for that. Nice to see you too after so long. :noway:
  • MsInsanity
    MsInsanity Posts: 31 Member
    OMGoodness! I can share a story about when I was pregnant. I was already overweight and I admittedly wasn't too far along in my pregnancy. I was at work helping a customer (old man) and he, his wife and I were talking about what they do or used to do for a living. He was telling me how he is an engineer. The conversation was nice for maybe 10 minutes and then he asked if I know where 119 & Metcalf is and I said, "Yeah I live right by there" he says something like "Well I have a nutrition business there, it is nutrition counselling, we help people lose weight." I was like "Oh really that is cool." I am not sure if it didn't click or I didn't want to realize what he was getting at, but I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt. So a few awkward seconds pass by and he says "You know if you want to come by some time you should, I can probably help you and give you a discount maybe" Before I could take a breath or he could even expect a response I said sterny, "I'm pregnant" and the air went dead...no one said another word. =/ It didn't feel very good that he said that, even though I was pregnant.

    OMG I decided to take a walk one morning and left the house with out my water I went to the nearest rite aid and this old man was struggling so i decided to help him carry his bags all the way home. When i got there he said thank you miss it was sweet of you to help me when your about to drop... I said no sir i am full energized... he said I was talking about the baby in your belly.....I think I stood there in shock for 5min and walked away!!!
  • Leanne60
    I think you look gorgeous and you should be proud. Make changes that make you happy and screw them! People often say thinks with the purpose of making themselves feel better...
  • MARI1010
    MARI1010 Posts: 76 Member
    OMGoodness! I can share a story about when I was pregnant. I was already overweight and I admittedly wasn't too far along in my pregnancy. I was at work helping a customer (old man) and he, his wife and I were talking about what they do or used to do for a living. He was telling me how he is an engineer. The conversation was nice for maybe 10 minutes and then he asked if I know where 119 & Metcalf is and I said, "Yeah I live right by there" he says something like "Well I have a nutrition business there, it is nutrition counselling, we help people lose weight." I was like "Oh really that is cool." I am not sure if it didn't click or I didn't want to realize what he was getting at, but I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt. So a few awkward seconds pass by and he says "You know if you want to come by some time you should, I can probably help you and give you a discount maybe" Before I could take a breath or he could even expect a response I said sterny, "I'm pregnant" and the air went dead...no one said another word. =/ It didn't feel very good that he said that, even though I was pregnant.

    wow not cool at all. we've all been in circumstances like that pregnant and not. i too was picked on when i was pregnant and almost 300 lbs. the fam and a "FRIEND" kept reminding me how i would probably never have my figure back. and that my body looked discombabulated. And this is when i was 9 mnths pregnant.
  • MsInsanity
    MsInsanity Posts: 31 Member
    Words hurt! I have heard most of my life...."you would be pretty if...You could lose weight".

    Some people feel its ok to say it if it is true. That is not a good reason to be hurtful. It does not help at all to point out I am overweight. It never motivated me to lose weight. Family seems to be the worse.

    I am here to make a change - for ME! Not for anyone else.

    I love my grandmother but she always threw in my face how I use to look! Girl you had a coca cola shape and a flat stomach and now look your all fat ....then she'd say I know u wish you looked that good again...and etc! ..... and yes my grandmother!
  • MARI1010
    MARI1010 Posts: 76 Member
    I run into family members that I haven't seen in a while and the first thing that they like to point out is the obvious "MY WEIGHT" How about a co worker or old friend..... 'My Weight" .....I love old people but something just shouldn't be said and i understand they are wise but I am not blind....Somehow in all of that it was a positive thing because it motivated me to change the way people see me. I cried many nights but came to realize that "CRYING WILL NOT BURN THIS FAT" and so I am going to fight!!! I am on this site looking for other people who have been hurt by other peoples word or negative views and is truly ready to change. please add me if you are serious!!!

    Seriously you have an awesome figure. We have the right curves, just have to work on em and make them show even more and look better.
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    Don't feel too bad. I visited my mother this summer and the first thing she asked me is if I was pregnant because of my weight gain.... and i am not pregnant. She then proceeded to comment continually on it the entire vacation at least once a day. I used to be reaaaaaaaaallly small so i guess it is a big change to her but it definitely hurt. she ended my trip by taking photos of me in a bikini from every angle so we could "compare it to next year" when i lost the weight....

    just use it as motivation you know?
  • MsInsanity
    MsInsanity Posts: 31 Member
    You r too funny me and my babe was laughing hysterically at this post because we can so relate! This post is for" booboo78"
  • MsInsanity
    MsInsanity Posts: 31 Member
    What exercises do u think might help that?
  • MARI1010
    MARI1010 Posts: 76 Member
    To add another little story onto here, a few years back i was looking for a good gyno and i was recommended one by a co worker. She raved about him so i had to go to him. Once hes done with the whole exam and all he says to me "youre a very beautiful woman but you should really consider loosing some weight". i was appauled, flabergasted, you name it. im paying him, its always awkward to go to a gyno for a damn pap smear and he has to tell me i need to loose weight to be the most beautiful i can be... i never went back to him.
  • MsInsanity
    MsInsanity Posts: 31 Member
    Don't feel too bad. I visited my mother this summer and the first thing she asked me is if I was pregnant because of my weight gain.... and i am not pregnant. She then proceeded to comment continually on it the entire vacation at least once a day. I used to be reaaaaaaaaallly small so i guess it is a big change to her but it definitely hurt. she ended my trip by taking photos of me in a bikini from every angle so we could "compare it to next year" when i lost the weight....

    just use it as motivation you know?

    Wow that was harsh! but we just have to move on and come back from it i guess!
  • MsInsanity
    MsInsanity Posts: 31 Member
    To add another little story onto here, a few years back i was looking for a good gyno and i was recommended one by a co worker. She raved about him so i had to go to him. Once hes done with the whole exam and all he says to me "youre a very beautiful woman but you should really consider loosing some weight". i was appauled, flabergasted, you name it. im paying him, its always awkward to go to a gyno for a damn pap smear and he has to tell me i need to loose weight to be the most beautiful i can be... i never went back to him.

  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    My friends and I called that "word ninjas"... the people who walk up, drop a bomb and walk away... the bomb being words that stick with you even after the person has left... yep.. word ninjas!

    I love the phrase "word ninjas"... what a PERFECT description!
  • MARI1010
    MARI1010 Posts: 76 Member
    To add another little story onto here, a few years back i was looking for a good gyno and i was recommended one by a co worker. She raved about him so i had to go to him. Once hes done with the whole exam and all he says to me "youre a very beautiful woman but you should really consider loosing some weight". i was appauled, flabergasted, you name it. im paying him, its always awkward to go to a gyno for a damn pap smear and he has to tell me i need to loose weight to be the most beautiful i can be... i never went back to him.


    I know!!! that was a horrible experience. i wanted to cry so bad. and his assistant was in the room too. What a crappy doctor. what gave him the right. A-hole.
  • KetoLovingMama
    KetoLovingMama Posts: 69 Member
    You know what really sucks and hurts the most; having two babies back to back and then the father of your babies saying that he just can not have sex with you any more because you are to fat :(. And quote" Your stomach, it is just gross" i am just not attracted to you any more.
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    My friends and I called that "word ninjas"... the people who walk up, drop a bomb and walk away... the bomb being words that stick with you even after the person has left... yep.. word ninjas!

    LOVE THIS!!! They are everywhere!!
  • alisonnicole84
    Ugh...my stepmom used to tell me "you'd be so pretty if you just lost some weight!" I think these people have insecurities and are trying to feel better about themselves by making you feel bad. Negative comments do nothing, because if someone gains weight obviously they notice it. You are beautiful, and I hope one day you can knock them on their butts with how stunning you look! Obviously you lose weight for yourself, but it's nice to see the people who made rude comments eat their words. :)
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I feel for you. I HATE MY RELATIVES SO MUCH THAT IT SUCKS ME WHEN MY MOM WOULD DRAG ME TO GO SEE THEM!!! I have been in your situation everytime I see them when my nosey relatives would make some unpleasant comments about my body. What's even worse was that I was already on the gradual process of losing weight but they kept thinking I'm fat & need to diet. Now I see their mouths & jaws open wide when they see my new body & commented how good looking I am & that I'm too thin now so no need to lose weight wherein all I actually doing is just maintenance. They're just so stupid enough to know that losing weight will not happen overnight. I just think that I'm too good for these bunch of @$$holes. They're just interested in my weight loss & nothing else, AARRGGGHHHH!!!! :angry: