Orgain protein powder



  • VegjoyP
    VegjoyP Posts: 2,735 Member
    This is a cleaner product for this brand and it tastes good! I posted it in a few other

  • JaxxieKat
    JaxxieKat Posts: 427 Member
    I like the taste of vanilla Orgain, but holy cow, the bloating! The one plant based protein powder I've used that didn't give me horrible stomach pain afterward is the VeganSmart.
  • VegjoyP
    VegjoyP Posts: 2,735 Member
    Orgain is higher carb, fyi.
  • silverpl2525
    silverpl2525 Posts: 138 Member
    I use garden of life for protein/meal replacement in almond milk, and a scoop of orgain collagen peptides (grass-fed origin). I also add a bunch of other things to make it healthier, like chia seeds. That's what is great about making your own shakes, is that you can personalize them to whatever you want!
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I know I stay away from whey as it’s very hard to digest and messes with me. I’ve used the one they sell at Costco. I bought the callogen protein one and it wasn’t filling to me. And I’ve used a few different brands. I find a I need a higher calorie one to stay full as I was using them for two meals. One or two per two meals ( I was doing a slim fast theme with this). I like the bottles made already so I can just throw in my purse. I don’t like eating at work per se so it helps me. But I also make my own. I tried the slimfast keto and I cannot take those they rip up my stomach! I guess I’m not helping much lol. I do believe I did premiere and it was on sale so he got a case for me and it wasn’t bad at all.