Wannaloozalotta Tribe (Closed Group)



  • Good Morning,

    I am a little late in my responses my computer was down. I completed my task for yesterday. I am working on drinking my water for today.

    I hope everyone is doing well and working hard. We can do this.

    Love ya!
  • Good Morning, I hope everything is well. I am trying to do my best.:happy:
  • Good Morning,

    I am just posting I am doing well with the challenge. I am doing what is asked of me.
  • Good Morning,

    Last Sunday September 4 I was 228.4
    Past Sunday September 11 I was 227.8

    Slowly but surely doing something.

    The extra exercising is doing something.
  • angmac1976
    angmac1976 Posts: 32 Member
    I didn't get the excercise in on days 5 or 6 (crazy busy weekend) however I did manage to lose 3lbs this week :)

    Where are week 3's exercises???