At the minute I border between obese and overweight. I am a size 5ft 6, 10-12 waist (UK) but a size 18 hip size ( 30 inches and 48inch hip).

I am pretty fit and a little muscled. I work out quite a bit and I am mainly all butt. My question is, in reagrds to my BMI. I get quite worried about my BMI and I would ideally like to lose 2 stone. I have lost so far and quite a lot in the last few years but I just can't seem to get past the BMI. A lot of people have told me not to stress about it too much as I have a good shape but I just wondered if anyone else is having teh problem with being very bottom heavy so the BMI is very high even though they are not that big?

Does anyone have any advice on whether I should be really worrying about it or by going more on my diet and measurement?



  • zoodalia
    I find a BMI a really good general idea of whereabouts I should be. However, I think people who are naturally more muscular find the BMI doesn't allow for the extra weight of muscle. Don't worry about it too much, a lot of people will tell you how rubbish BMI calculators are!

    Good luck:)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    BMI is rubbish!!

    You should go on how you feel and whether you're healthy.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Focus on how you feel, how you look and maybe try and get some accurate body fat measurements done.
  • seyran
    I agree with Kirsty_UK , get your body fat measured.
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    I have a similar body type (33 inch waist and 48 inch hips). Everyone I have talked to about my weight ( doctors, personal trainers, friends) have all said this is the hardest body type to have to lose weight. I did notice that when I started running I started to trim down my hips. I have lost about 8 inches off my hips by running. I have recently cut back on my running and am walking on a treadmill at a quick pace at a high incline. I find that I am burning more calories that way, but I will run for short distances in between my walking.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Thanks you guys, I feel better already. It really is so hard to lose it when you are bottom heavy. I would love to try running, I do jog on my wii but I am really bad at it but I was thinking of starting to a very slow jog and work my way up. I really dislike running but I know it will do wonders. I have been swimming but that is working my top half more so my weight loss is still to high on my top and not the bottom.

    I feel really fit and healthy at the minute, better than I have since before my pregnancy. I will try the body fat thing (scary).