Appetite Suppresants - Would you consider natural or chemica

So, here is a debate I am interested in.

I have come across plenty of "natural" appetite suppressants such as Hoodia, Fibre, some chinese mushroom extract or another. I know that on days I have lost my appetite, I ate only enough to keep my body going without any damage and have always wondered how to do this naturally (without having to have d+v, ha ha!). I am always scared to pill pop, but I would loooooove to not have such a huge appetite!

Has anyone out there tried any and if so what is your take on it?


  • Good question, I'm interested to see what people say as I tried Green Tea Tablets which are meant to be great but I had to give them up as they made me feel very sick and gave me heart palpitations!
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    Hunger might be a pain but it is there for a reason - your body is telling you that you need food. It's just a matter of giving it healthy food, rather than trying to deprive yourself of the nutrients that you need. I'd look at filling up on fruit & vegetables, which are low in calories but very good for you, rather than trying to starve yourself.
  • I have been taking Phentermine. It works well. It is a prescription and your Dr. will make you go through some tests before prescribing it to you. It costs $35 a month and your health care will not typically cover it. I feel it helps control what I eat, but I do warn you of you are a binge eater and eat out of habit you will still have your slip ups from time to time.
  • I totally understand - I am hungry all the time! I am currently taking the CTS 360 Max strength from Complete Nutrition. NOT CHEAP, but it definitely is working. I have tried so many different things, and have been on probably every diet known to man at least twice. I will continue to take these until I see some consistent progress and then slowly wean myself off of these. I figure if my stomach shrinks as I lose weight, I shouldn't be as hungry, right? LOL - ideally that is how it should work! Good luck and let us know what you decide to do!
  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    its amazing how the longer you are on this "lifestyle change crap" your body learns to not be as hungry as usual...i mean dont get me wrong, some days i want to scarf down the plate my food was on, but overall, you'll notice a difference if you eat when you should and not when youre bored, need a filler, etc.

    i waste(d) money on all sorts of pills and they, overall, didnt work. i do, however, love love (and i shouldnt even say this out loud cause its wrong) the energy i get/got from using them...i didnt/dont take them but for the morning before my workout - and it never does much for my appetite but gives me the energy to punch it sometimes...

    so dont waste your money. im doing/done it enough for you :)
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    I am not trying to starve myself, goodness no - I wouldn't be a hefty 50lb heavier if that was the case! I am just trying to get help in reducing my intake and hopefully train my body to recoginise the "I am full" signal.

    Re Green tea, yes I have heard it helps a lot. I drink a lot of it to be honest as i have found a new love for the flowering green teas and I am totally in love with them! Can't say it's cut back my appetite though.
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    I am not trying to starve myself, goodness no - I wouldn't be a hefty 50lb heavier if that was the case! I am just trying to get help in reducing my intake and hopefully train my body to recoginise the "I am full" signal.

    Re Green tea, yes I have heard it helps a lot. I drink a lot of it to be honest as i have found a new love for the flowering green teas and I am totally in love with them! Can't say it's cut back my appetite though.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    ephedrine + caffeine is a highly effective appetite suppressant, but isn't for everyone
  • aoede
    aoede Posts: 30 Member
    Keep in mind that natural and chemical are actually the same thing - chemicals come from nature and usually the difference between 'herbal' medicine and normal drugs is that the normal ones have been tested more thoroughly, need to be registered, and have their side effects stated (as well as often needing to be prescribed after you have spoken to a professional). I wouldn't fall for 'natural' suppressants thinking they are more safe or better for you - in the end not eating when your body is telling you is not healthy, and natural remedies can be dangerous due to unknown side effects/interfering with other medications and can also be quite expensive too!
  • I love OxyElite Pro for appetite suppression and intensity in my workouts. Look it up - there's tons of information out there.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    its amazing how the longer you are on this "lifestyle change crap" your body learns to not be as hungry as usual...i mean dont get me wrong, some days i want to scarf down the plate my food was on, but overall, you'll notice a difference if you eat when you should and not when youre bored, need a filler, etc.

    I agree completely! Become familiar with what a normal portion size is and soon your mind and body will follow. I no longer *can* eat a lot at one time. I never, ever thought I would reach this point. Pills are all fine and good if you don't mind spending the money, but at some point you need to learn how to eat properly unless you want to take pills for the rest of your life.
  • aoede
    aoede Posts: 30 Member

    I agree completely! Become familiar with what a normal portion size is and soon your mind and body will follow. I no longer *can* eat a lot at one time. I never, ever thought I would reach this point. Pills are all fine and good if you don't mind spending the money, but at some point you need to learn how to eat properly unless you want to take pills for the rest of your life.

    I am envious! I cannot wait until my body adjusts like yours has. I am frequently very hungry :(