My husband and I started this weight loss/fitness journey in the beginning of October. We still have a long way to go but my husband has set a goal of doing the Spartan Race in Oct 2021. This is something completely out of my comfort zone but I love the idea of being able to do something like this. We are both obese but getting close to getting into the overweight zone. We have been sticking to the calorie recommendation by MyFitnessPal and have been dropping weight at a steady rate. We also are doing the couch to 5k program and we are on week 3. We do body weight training and row machine on our days off from running. I know I need to do much more than this to be able to complete the Spartan Race. Does anyone think that this is a doable goal for someone that hasn't worked out in years to be able to achieve in a years time? Do you have any tips for someone that has absolutely has no clue what they are doing or getting themselves into?

thanks in advance!


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited November 2020
    Spartan Races vary in length, right? I assume you're talking about one in the 5k or 10k range. I think that is a doable goal in a year. I would stick with the C25K - I think it's a great way to get into running. You're already doing body weight training. I have not done a Spartan, but my brother has done several and he told me that upper body strength was really helpful, specifically climbing or pulling himself up over obstacles.

    If you're like many people, you'll find the combination of weight loss and training really complement each other -- when I was losing weight, I progressed with my running more than I would have thought possible, mostly because you're getting better at running while at the same time reducing the weight you have to move. It's a good combination!
  • Dana_fitmom
    Dana_fitmom Posts: 13 Member
    Spartan Races vary in length, right? I assume you're talking about one in the 5k or 10k range.

    Yes, I plan to start with the 5k. I have very little upper body strength at the moment. I had a wrist injury many years ago and never got the physical therapy I needed so i'm having to rebuild strength.

  • mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsa12
    mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsa12 Posts: 204 Member
    What a wonderful goal. You can do this!

    I’ve never done a Spartan race, they have obstacles right?

    C25K is a great start, I have done that and if you just stick with it you’ll be running 5k sooner than you imagine. If I were to give any advice then I’d say, go slow. Really slow. And when you think you can’t go slower try to. I didn’t get it until I realized learning to run wasn’t about trying to go fast. If you want to go fast you can work on that once you’ve got the 5k duration down.

    For the obstacles I guess you’ll need to add in some weight training to build your upper body strength. Others will be able to give you advice on that, but you could start with some simple body weight resistance training. YouTube will have lots of examples you could try.

    You have a year to train, so start small and build up over time. Enjoy the journey and be proud when you cross the finish line!