Probiotic suggestions please!! (TMI alert)

I'm a big believer in probiotics as they have helped considerably in healing my digestive system (I used to either be constipated all the time or have diarrhea and stomach pain/cramps to the point of ruining my social life).
I'm looking for suggestions on the best probiotic supplements to take. I was taking iFlora Multi-Probiotic by Sedona Labs but then I switched to try a new brand after a friend told me she had great success using Ortho Molecular Ortho Biotics (she bought them from her chiropractor's office but I found them on I can't say I am feeling any great difference by using the Ortho I figured I'd ask around what other probiotics people like.

TMI alert: Ever since having children twelve years ago I have suffered from the most annoying "sticky" eliminations. No matter how much fiber I eat (I typically eat 25 grams of fiber a day), how many veggies/fruits I eat, or how much water I down...they are sticky. All the time. (I've also tried Metamucil and Benefiber at the advice of my physician.) And can I just say that Quilted Northern Ultra Plush (my fave) is kinda expensive when you are going like I do. :o/

Obviously there is something still wrong with my I'm still on the hunt. There has got to be the perfect probiotic for me out there...just waiting for me to find it! ;o) Hoping my magic "pill" is soon found and with the combination of a good diet, I can be free from the icky stickies that plague my potty time!!! HELPPPP PLEASE!!!


  • dwallace27
    I would try a liquid form of probiotic and possibly a good digestive enzyme supplement. There are tons of brands out there for both so I would visit a local health food store and consult with someone there since they are usually pretty knowledgeable about that sort of stuff...hope this helps:)
  • rdmchugh
    As someone who has suffered from digestive problems and very loose bowels most of my life, what works for me is Goodbelly probiotic juice drink. Whole Foods keeps it in stock, but most health food stores can order it for you if you ask them. It has been such a blessing! It has to be kept refrigerated though.

    If you want a pill/capsule form I have had several folks recommend Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics Professional formula. I had an abscessed tooth and would put a pin hole in the capsule and let the jell ooze out around the tooth. Abscess gone in less than a week! It travels nicely :)
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions ~ will look into those. Any others?!?! :o)
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member