Confused if I’ve gained enough muscle to start a cut or should I keep bulking?

GeorgeG1972 Posts: 5 Member
Between April and Dec 2019 I focused on weight loss - I ate at a deficit and did 3xpw HIIT, and 3-4xpw weights training. I lost 20kg, dropping from 85kg (186lbs) to 66kg (145lbs). My trousers dropped from 38 inches to 28/30 inches, and shirts dropped from XL to XS/S. Trouble is - I looked WAY too thin now, and wanted to bulk up.

I think I went to aggressively though on my bulk. I started eating at a surplus (very clean eating) and weight training Upper/Lower body split 4xpw from about Feb 2020 and have reached 81kg now.

My main fat gain during this bulk is around my stomach. No fat anywhere else (except maybe chest). Although I am still able to wear the same pants as I did in Dec 2019. (Looking at pics, my stomach fat has been roughly the same since April 2020 and now, though a little more fat of course). My back width has increased 6 inches, arms 1.5 inches bigger. I've gained at a rate of about 0.9kg (1lb per month). Two months were worse (May and June) when I experimented with a higher surplus.

I feel a lot stronger, and in clothes, get heaps of compliments as to my size "you've been working out" etc. But I hate taking my shirt off - as my stomach is flabby. But in clothes - am loving my size and filling out my shirts and t-shirts.

My question is - should I keep bulking (I really want to reach 95kg - 209lbs). Or should I cut - by about 10kg (20lbs) and then continue bulking?

Fears: I have not gained enough muscle, so my cut will mainly reduce me back to just skinny and no definition. Part of me thinks - keep bulking to gain more muscle mass, especially as my strength increases have been good mainly since July when gyms re-opened and I was also able to work on leg days more strongly too.

Other fear: I will lose any muscle I have gained. As I gained only 15kg since Jan 2020, the muscle mass is not going to be more than 7kg (if that) and I feel I should gain more before cutting.

Photos included here are:

Collage (6 pics: 2019-2020) of how I was in April 2019 when I started fat loss (85kg), and Dec 2019 (66kg) (stomach was smaller but still flabby). Then how I am now (81kg) in two pics, and two pics of me in t-shirts from 2019 and now to show a difference when I am clothed.

Plus two pics of me in a yellow singlet, from April 2019 and now in the same singlet.


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,394 MFP Moderator
    So it seems you gained some muscle but also gained some fat, which is to be expected. You will likely want to slow cut, continue to push good volume and intensity with exercise, and maintain high protein. By aiming for 3/4-1lb/wk weight loss and 1g of protein/bw, you should sustain most or all of your gains.

    Unfortunately, it's one of the downsides to bulking, especially aggressively. The upside is muscle gain. Once you get lean enough, you can determine if you want to lean bulk and do a very slow recomp to a higher weight.
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 889 Member
    As above a maintainable steady cut then
    The next time you bulk take it slower as
    The muscle gains will be slower
  • wiigelec
    wiigelec Posts: 503 Member

    if you were me, for the next six months i’d really focus on these two areas:

    1) diet - maintain plus or minus 5# of current body weight, really focus on hitting macros: <100g fat, 180+ g protein and 35+ g fiber

    2) weight training - 4 day split upper lower, big movements and isolation movements, around five per training session in the 6-20 rep range, don’t be afraid to go to failure on isolation exercises, add weight slowly to increase tension over time

    what does your weight training program look like currently?
  • GeorgeG1972
    GeorgeG1972 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for those replies.

    So it seems - I should cut (slow cut) which I’m planning to do, otherwise if I keep on a bulk I’ll just gain more and more fat. Hopefully I’ve gained some decent muscle underneath that when I drop some KG I’ll have something to show for it (as that’s my main issue at the moment, ending this bulk cycle too early)

    To answer the question - My upper/body split is the main compounds (x4) and isolation (x3) for upper, and heavy on legs. I think routine has been good but I’ve probably overestimate the surplus as I have been clean eating.

    I’m planning a 3m cut so we shall see!

  • Gymladmatt
    Gymladmatt Posts: 393 Member
    Look to have a good base physique to me. Maybe a slight calorie deficit or maintenance calories and keep training hard
  • GeorgeG1972
    GeorgeG1972 Posts: 5 Member
    Look to have a good base physique to me. Maybe a slight calorie deficit or maintenance calories and keep training hard

    Thanks for that.

    Do you think there is any benefit to maintenance calories vs deficit if my goal now is to lose BF but maintain muscle? I’m eating plenty of protein and plan to maintain my current training intensity/volume as much as I can for as long as possible but eating (at the moment) 300 calories under maintenance per day and upping my cardio which should get me to about a 500 deficit.

    I’ll ultimately get back to a bulk phase after (so my plan is) 3 months.