me or the personal trainer



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Also, I guess I did KNOW I needed a new trainer. The problem is....her the owner....and also has clients on bodyvi. That is the problem. Also, if they won't refund the money....this causes a problem too. I do not like all. It makes me nervous thinking about her trying to talk to me face to face about it...EEK!!!

    I dont want to drink the yucky shakes. '

    Also, you guys are awesome.

    If you prepaid a bunch you probably will not get your money back - i mean you SHOULD and if they were reputable they would but they don't sound like they are.

    If you are getting good results at least I'd say stick it out and get your money's worth then find someone new.
  • jeff261159
    I agree with most of what other contributors have said but I would go one step further. What you need is NOT a personal trainer. What, in my opinion, you need is some sort of life coach to help you manage all aspects of your life and how to change the things you need to change. A personal trainer will do exactly whatvit says on the box, TRAIN. you need a partner, to motivate you, and you them, to sound out your feelings, and for you them. There are thousands of people on here that CAN help you, but how many are local to you is going be the issue!! If you were in Portsmouth, UK, I'd be there like a shotvto help you address the issues you need to address. A walking partner, a talking buddy, then when YOU are ready, and only YOU, a training buddy.

    Keep in touch, add me as a friend if you like, kick the trainer to the kerb, smile and find someone local in the same boat!

    Good luck x
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    Also, I guess I did KNOW I needed a new trainer. The problem is....her the owner....and also has clients on bodyvi. That is the problem. Also, if they won't refund the money....this causes a problem too. I do not like all. It makes me nervous thinking about her trying to talk to me face to face about it...EEK!!!

    I dont want to drink the yucky shakes. '

    Also, you guys are awesome.
    Shakes are optional. And if they put less effort in your sessions because you don't want to purchase, then you should receive a refund. Hopefully you paid by credit card. Your credit card company will back your play more than the merchants. It's easy for them to get their money back from the merchant. Same can't be said by the credit card holder.
    You also have the option to switch trainers.
  • steve81872
    steve81872 Posts: 23 Member
    A couple of thoughts...If you have already paid for the sessions I would talk to the gum management and see if you can switch to another trainer for MANY reasons. She is a complete IDIOT. If you must continue with her just tell her I am not the least bit interested in your flavor of the day side business.
  • jeff261159
    @ninerbuff sorry buddy, as much as she would "love you as her trainer" you arecexactly what she doesn't need. Whilst not wishing to speak out of turn, if you read the myfitnessfal home page, this is predominately a 'weight loss' site. I would have to question why a 'personal trainer' is on here, perhaps some would suspect there are personal trainers on here looking for vulnerable and sometimes desperate people to 'help!!! At a cost!!!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    @ninerbuff sorry buddy, as much as she would "love you as her trainer" you arecexactly what she doesn't need. Whilst not wishing to speak out of turn, if you read the myfitnessfal home page, this is predominately a 'weight loss' site. I would have to question why a 'personal trainer' is on here, perhaps some would suspect there are personal trainers on here looking for vulnerable and sometimes desperate people to 'help!!! At a cost!!!

    I'm not ninerbuff but I find this rude.

    There are a lot of personal trainers on here... and all offer advice for free. Not one has ever tried to solicit clients through the internet that I've seen.

    I've seen a lot of Ninerbuff posts and he is on my friend list for one reason.. because what he says makes sense and he is not pushy about it and takes other viewpoints into consideration.

    Maybe try getting to know him before judging him... just a thought.
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    I recently went through the same thing with my trainer and I ended up getting a new one. I didn't tell him myself....I let his supervisor take care of that. I know he's upset with me (we happened to be working out in the same area yesterday), but you know, I know what I needed and it wasn't having diet pills and protien powder shoved in my face or getting texts 2-3 times a week asking when I wanted to pay for it. Also, I have high blood pressure and he wouldn't listen to me when I kept telling him that he was pushing me too hard and I kept having dizzy spells during my workout. I REALLY enjoyed the new guy that I worked with last night and I made it through the entire workout without having to lay in the floor for once!

    Oh, and on a side note - my best friend here at work sells the Body by Vi shakes. She gave me 2 bags for free (1 month supply). I have them in the mornings sometimes and I really like them. But, I get creative with mine - I have 1 pack of instant coffee and 1tsp of hershey syrup in it and make a smoothie (I use water, not milk). I also use one scoop of powder, 1/2 an avocado and 1Tbsp honey for another one. I don't have them every day - just when I feel like it. But I would never use them as a permanent meal replacement - I like to chew too much :tongue:
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I agree with most others..........I can not imagine it is ok to be pushing and selling one's business (a personal business at that) in those circumstances. A business card on the desk is sufficient, where if you were interested, you could go to them. I would talk to the gym manager. If she is doing her job the way she should, you wont face a confrontation. She will smile and happily oblige. Good luck!!
  • l_oudman
    l_oudman Posts: 373 Member
    It's a no brainer, ditch the trainer!!!!
  • jeff261159
    @ninerbuff sorry buddy, as much as she would "love you as her trainer" you arecexactly what she doesn't need. Whilst not wishing to speak out of turn, if you read the myfitnessfal home page, this is predominately a 'weight loss' site. I would have to question why a 'personal trainer' is on here, perhaps some would suspect there are personal trainers on here looking for vulnerable and sometimes desperate people to 'help!!! At a cost!!!

    I'm not ninerbuff but I find this rude.

    There are a lot of personal trainers on here... and all offer advice for free. Not one has ever tried to solicit clients through the internet that I've seen.

    I've seen a lot of Ninerbuff posts and he is on my friend list for one reason.. because what he says makes sense and he is not pushy about it and takes other viewpoints into consideration.

    Maybe try getting to know him before judging him... just a thought.

    Great, I hope you're happy
  • jeff261159
    @ninerbuff sorry buddy, as much as she would "love you as her trainer" you arecexactly what she doesn't need. Whilst not wishing to speak out of turn, if you read the myfitnessfal home page, this is predominately a 'weight loss' site. I would have to question why a 'personal trainer' is on here, perhaps some would suspect there are personal trainers on here looking for vulnerable and sometimes desperate people to 'help!!! At a cost!!!

    I'm not ninerbuff but I find this rude.

    There are a lot of personal trainers on here... and all offer advice for free. Not one has ever tried to solicit clients through the internet that I've seen.

    I've seen a lot of Ninerbuff posts and he is on my friend list for one reason.. because what he says makes sense and he is not pushy about it and takes other viewpoints into consideration.

    Maybe try getting to know him before judging him... just a thought.

    Great, I hope you're happy
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    sounds like your trainer forgot who pays their salary! They work for you! and it is time for you to get a new one! and tell them why you are changing!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    @ninerbuff sorry buddy, as much as she would "love you as her trainer" you arecexactly what she doesn't need. Whilst not wishing to speak out of turn, if you read the myfitnessfal home page, this is predominately a 'weight loss' site. I would have to question why a 'personal trainer' is on here, perhaps some would suspect there are personal trainers on here looking for vulnerable and sometimes desperate people to 'help!!! At a cost!!!
    LMAO! Yeah I'm going to "virtually" charge her for FREE advice, like all that I've been giving on here <eye roll>. It's funny how people like to judge others right off the bat before even looking into what that person's done here. There are many PT's on this site, who like me, do this just to help because we chose to. It's unfortunate that you don't think there are decent PT's. Your loss. Oh and that will be $200 in virtual money for that advice!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member

    Great, I hope you're happy
    Many are. That's why they've friended me and PM'd me for FREE advice. You are welcome to do the same.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Also, I guess I did KNOW I needed a new trainer. The problem is....her the owner....and also has clients on bodyvi. That is the problem. Also, if they won't refund the money....this causes a problem too. I do not like all. It makes me nervous thinking about her trying to talk to me face to face about it...EEK!!!

    I dont want to drink the yucky shakes. '

    Also, you guys are awesome.

    Welcome to the gym industry. It's a wreck. As soon as ownership/management trades objectivity and honesty for the almighty dollar, you, the customer loses. Which is why it's important to seek establishments that are operated by objective, evidence-based professionals.

    I'd simply ditch the trainer. If you don't have any other facilities in the area, turn to the web for help designing and managing your own programming. If the trainer is gullible enough to marry herself (or himself) to some silly product, I'm quite certain their advice isn't worth a damn anyhow.

    Now if you're solely looking for accountability, that's a different matter.

    Here's an article I authored regarding how to hire a good personal trainer:

    Good luck!
  • kellybug123
    You should talk to the gym management and ask for a different trainer. What a rude and insensitive person!
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    I know a lot of people who have strong aversions to personal trainers because of aggressive sales marketing and degrading comments.

    Unfortunately, proper manners are not taught at PT school. Just look for someone else; there are plenty out there that are pretty friendly!

    On a side note, I think a LOT of the PT's you'll find on MFP are pretty upstanding guys/girls. Definitely higher quality around here than most places! Just in case, IANAPT.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Not me. I'm trying to rip all of you off. I've more snake oil than I know what to do with!
  • kellle
    Stick it out if you can possibly do it. Go to each session with your own goals in mind & start a countdown --that should help a bit. It would be a sin to lose your motivation! We have a situation like thst in my home town where the owner keeps buying into multi-level marketing & pushes them on her clients. I avoid hers now.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    From what you wrote - it sounds like you need to drop this trainer - sounds like she has a negative impact on your state of being, and if it was me I would want to stay positive to reach my goal. Wouldn't you?

    I am a list person, because they make it easier to see objectively (or subjectively (; ), points I want or don't want in order to make a decision:

    So, I perhaps make list of characteristics/that you want or need from a trainer. E.g.
    * positive reinforcement
    * pushes me
    * a drill sergeant
    * keeps me on schedule

    etc. etc.

    you could also make a list of negative characteristics that you don't want in a trainer.
    * puts me down
    * pushes shakes that I don't want
    * don't listen to me