Running + stitch

I run a couple of times a week- mainly do fitness classes. However majority of time when I run I end up with a stitch like pain either on one of my sides or both. I know my posture isn’t the best when running- could this be related??


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,333 Member
    In my experience, stitch like pain comes on when you run too fast for your fitness level.

    I used to get side stitches all the time in gym class when I was younger - going full throttle but not fit enough for what I was trying to do.

    I started running again last November, very slow jogging on the C25K program and gradually increasing difficulty and speed. Not a single side stitch during the entire past year.

    Try running more slowly, at a speed slow enough to allow you to still speak without being winded?
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,691 Member
    Usually side stitches come from running too fast for your fitness. When you are more fit, they usually stop. They can also be a result of drinking or eating during or just before a run.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Breath modification was a good pain management/moderation technique when I was running longer distances. It hasn't been an issue for my occassional little Fartlek runs recently.

    For those longer runs back in the day, I never thought to relate the feeling to what I ate (and since I'm not a fast runner, per se, I definitely don't think it was a pace issue).
  • Fee1804
    Fee1804 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for comments. My pace if anything has got slower as I’m not running as much as I did during spring/summer time.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    I know for me I used to get them but now I run fasted (or maybe like 30 minutes after a cup of coffee in the morning) and I haven''t had any issues. If I do eat first I have to wait like at least an hour before running/exercising or I'll get a stitch/cramp.