The only thing open is GYMS people 🏋🏋🔥

Whats your excuse???


  • Oliveciabatta
    Oliveciabatta Posts: 294 Member
    Depends where you are in my area Scotland lockdown level 4 only outdoor non contact sport is allowed. No indoor or gyms. I miss the gym its not been open here since March
  • AndreaTamira
    AndreaTamira Posts: 272 Member
    Lol, truly depends on where you live. - I mean, the "only thing"? Where I live everything is open.

    Also, not everybody goes to the gym to exercise. And that includes the people who do exercise.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Being in a room full of people breathing heavily all over the place, in the middle of a global health crisis caused by a virus transmitted via respiratory droplets that has a 10-day asymptomatic incubation period, seems like a bad decision. My gym's been open (or, at least, charging me) since June. Catch me in there sometime in 2022, maybe. Tbh the only reason I haven't canceled is because I have to go in person to do it.
  • DarkTwain
    DarkTwain Posts: 130 Member
    ...a pandemic.