Binge eating

hey guys,
I use to binge eat a while ago but it would've rare, maybe once every month or two, now it's gotten
To a point where it's almost once a week, when I have too much time on my hands I'll just eat, usually starts in the morning, foods will include a normal breakfast of eggwhites, crumpet and yoghurt, then I'll have some cereal and end up having 5 small bowls! Then what ever else, if there's chocolate, bread, you name it. The next day I have to punish myself buy eating really little or the weight I gained will stay on.. I feel my weight creeping up to what it was which was about 15 pounds more then what I was a few months ago..

If anyone can just give me motivation or tips that would help :)


  • whatwentwrong
    don't punish yourself! instead of eating so little the next day (which will likely only make you hungrier), just resolve to do better next time, and eat normally the next day. since you're already dieting, any extra weight you've gained from binging will come off eventually :)

    i see you're already doing a great job having multiple small meals/snacks, that really helped curb my bingeing. good luck! <3
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    Eat something every 2 to 3 hours portion controlled of course. When eating make sure it is a lean protein and some carbs. When I feel like eating a lot I will start to do something anything Mine is usually out of boredom..
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    if ya figure it out let me know!
  • RachelH25
    Sounds like we have the same problem.
  • johnhowson
    johnhowson Posts: 73 Member
    Me too. But for me the only way is to cut addictive stuff like chocolate out completely - and breakfast cereal would really get me going too. Then I eat simple foods instead or fruit (you can safely eat loads of that)
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    I used to do this of the things I've found that has helped me so much is realizing that just because I had those five bowls I havent ruined the entire day and I don't use it as an excuse to continue binging. I don't start over the next day or next monday I just realized I slipped a little and thats ok. I don't need to punish myself. I went an entire month without slipping and then I slipped everyday for a week strait recently, but I slipped once each day and just continued my getting healthy journey. I of course didn't lose any weight that week but I didn't gain either. Some days with my workout and the rest of my meals being good I didn't even go over I just didn't have any to spare. I guess the main thing I'm getting at is don't punish yourself, it only creates a vicous cycle. Accept your mishap and move on quickly. It's hard but you have to approach it with a positive attitude. We both can and will get better, it takes time, maybe a long time, but it's worth it!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Maybe when you have the time on your hands, try to fill it? I know it is so easy for me to say to you....before my evening meal sometimes I feel hungry and want to stray away from my `planned dinner` but I take myself for a walk.

    As I say it is not compared to binge eating....which I think is a very serious `illness` but if you are recognising the problems then you are a little way there to overcoming it...

    Maybe even spend some tiime on the MFP site commenting on other posts to try to keep yourself occupied.

    I wish you good luck x
  • emmiee921
    ThAnkyou wild card.. I do think if I had those 5 bowls that I have stuffed up my whole day, then it also makes me really tired because of the carb over load.. I know I'll get stronger eventually just takes time
  • mowrites
    mowrites Posts: 24 Member
    i totally have days like that! its easier to chew slower for me then im feeling fuller and less likely to inhale more food. I have however added a motivation picture. sometimes it mocks but basically i went online picked a photo of my least favorite part that looked like what i'd like it to. and i have it as a screen saver. mine is a pic of a nice stomach.....(like i had before i had kids lol) and my husband and his friends kid me about it....since they think its sexy lol
  • emmiee921
    Thanks mermx, I do think I will start to just go for a walk when I think I might binge.. I've read into binge eating and tried to determine if I have this illness but it said people who binge eat ate overweight as I'm not but I could still have it right?
  • emmiee921
    Mowrites.. I do have a picture of kourtney kardashian as my background for inspiration, don't have Amy photos of me ever being thin.. I got down to 61kilos 135pounds, now I'm 12 pounds up fro
    That since last year, it's really gross to think about.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I understand the bored eating. I've tried to start diverting my attention, now if I'm bored and "think" I'm hungry, I go and do a quickie ten minute workout. Some pushups, a quick walk or run on the treadmill, even just some stretches usually help out. Follow it all with a tall glass of water (I add a bit of Mio to mine if it's sweets I'm craving). I think primarily because it helps me to remember that my goal is a healthier body, and eating because I'm bored isn't helping to attain that. And if I'm still hungry, a small handful of almonds or a piece of fruit.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I've found that eating loads of protein helps with cravings. Protein is a very dense food and naturally makes you feel much fuller. Eat some chicken or lean beef or fish!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Thanks mermx, I do think I will start to just go for a walk when I think I might binge.. I've read into binge eating and tried to determine if I have this illness but it said people who binge eat ate overweight as I'm not but I could still have it right?

    Hey hun binge eaters are not always overweight, some are well under weight. If you think you have a problem with binge eating know best :-)

    Try to plan your food diary in the morning for the whole day, add little bits to your journal try to recognize when you are going to can do it. I feel sure you can :-)
  • emmiee921
    That's the thing I'm not hungry I'm
    Just eating as I'm alone and dont have anything to do or atleast want to do.. I find when I'm with my friends I really eat well. When I was at my friends the other day, she had muffins and a box of chocolates but I only had 1/4 muffin and 1 chocolate.. Maybe the trick is to spend all my time around my friends haha I don't know
  • emmiee921
    I have the right skills and knowledge I
    Just have to put it in place. I am about to have breakfast as it's 8am in Australia but i feel I might be sick if I eat much.. Something like an eggwhite omlette my usual? Or I wanted to start making smoothies with spinach as I've never tried that.
    I have strawberries and yoghurt?
  • mowrites
    mowrites Posts: 24 Member
    Mowrites.. I do have a picture of kourtney kardashian as my background for inspiration, don't have Amy photos of me ever being thin.. I got down to 61kilos 135pounds, now I'm 12 pounds up fro
    That since last year, it's really gross to think about.

    OH, no my dear.....this 'photo' is definitely not of me LMAO. just the fact its popping up regularly is helpful.