Bootcamp! 9/11-10/11

Please post your initial weigh-in, and copy what was before you before you post (i.e., whoever posts after me should copy my initial weight and then put their own below it, so that eventually the last person to post is posting all the initial weights!) :)

LET'S DO THIS!!! :happy:


  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    jennelle: 141.4 :sad:
  • jennelle: 141.4
    Nicole: 188.4
  • Jennelle: 141.4
    Nicole: 188.4
    Christina: 209.6
  • Jennelle: 141.4
    Nicole: 188.4
    Christina: 209.6
    Erienne: 143.7
  • Jennelle: 141.4
    Nicole: 188.4
    Christina: 209.6
    Erienne: 143.7
    Maria: 164.4
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    yay we're all here!!! WOOT WOOT! :) it's all ladies, and ladies that are ready to get hottttt ;) now we can start to use this message board as a place to vent and ***** and share our successes about how AWESOME we are! :)

    let me get us started RIGHT away... so i had therapy this morning and then i "worked" from home (i didn't have too much work to do, so let's be honest, i took a nap and watched a lot of reality tv...and did work) :) but... working from home for me is VERY dangerous. normally i wake up, workout in the morning, pack all my food for the day, plan out dinner, and go on my merry way. by the time i leave the house i have planned out all my food for the day and gotten my exercise! today... not so much ;) i have been fighting off a cold all week (thankfully it never became an actual code - hooray!) so i decided to sleep in until a little before 8:00, leave for therapy at 8:30 (un-showered, and un-exercised) and deal with it all when i came back. i got a coffee on the way back, made an english muffin and was good. a little before two i had lunch, higher calorie than i'd normally have... and then it started...ALL I WANT TO DO IS EAT!... and i don't feel like working out right now. im such a brat, i like to workout in the morning and when i don't do that, i get all magoo about working out later on in the day! but if i don't workout, i only have 385 cals left i can eat, and i haven't had dinner :) so, i think what i'll do is have another little snack soon (maybe a 100 cal chiobani yogurt) and since it happens to FINALLY be nice here and not raining, i think ill go for a walk/jog around the pond when john leaves for his softball gave around 7:00. that way i'll get outside and get some movement and i wont be IN the house eating my face off. but even though i say that, i have no desire to do it! so then im like... maybe ill just do some turbo instead. but then i don't REALLY want to do that either. BAH! i have a feeling i'll finally want to do something when john leaves and i want more food and i have no cals left to eat ;)

    anyway, there's my venting for the day! if you have anything to add, please do! :)
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    ok i know im the only one posting on this board right now, and most of you are probably out enjoying your friday night - but im lame and have plans the next two nights so im staying in and thinking all about health and fitness ;) so after all my complaining in my last post, i decided to do a piyo workout after john left (it's another workout program by chalene johnson that combines pilates and yoga and some other awesome stuff and it's an AMAZING strength workout that still burns calories and you don't need weights, just your body!) i am SO glad i chose to do this workout because i forgot that a) it would be dark out if i went for a run at 7:00...silly shorter days! and b) i LOVE this workout! interestingly enough, when i finished my workout, i had a post on my facebook wall informing me of a piyo instructor training in a month - i think i'm going to do it! that way i will be certified to teach turbo kick and piyo and when im FINALLY done with school i can start to teach them both! YAY!!! :)

    i hope you all have a fabulous evening! now that i burned 400 cals i can shower and eat an actual dinner and not stress about it! woot! :)
  • I think you would make an *AMAZING* Turbo Kick and/or PiYo instructor. You are full of so much energy and enthusiasm - exactly what is needed to be an instructor. You're always motivating me to do well when I'm looking to get healthy! I wish I lived close enough to attend one of your classes!
    I have a feeling I will go to the gym more often after the weather starts getting colder. As of right now, most of my exercise is working on the outside of my house with building a patio/walkway and gardening. I HATE to do it - but its a chore that must be done and least its some form of exercise! Once I get into the swing of consistently going to the gym - I'm very dedicated to it - in fact, I love cycling classes and the amount of calories it burns!
    My weekend is full of weddings and birthday parties so although there will be cake at these events - I probably won't eat any (if I do - it will be a tiny piece!) I'm not really a fan of weddings because I don't like to dance when I don't know people there - my husband and I probably won't stay too long anyways because he has to work so I won't have the opportunity to eat all of the junk they have at wedding dessert tables!
    I'm so excited to do this bootcamp with all of you and I look forward to getting to know each of you as well!
    Enjoy your weekends!

  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    thanks nikki! i am excited to do the piyo training and finally have time to start dedicating to teaching and moving into the career i really want to be in - health and wellness! :)

    i woke up around 9:00, just had a bowl of granola with almond milk, and now im going to change and get ready to go to turbo kick! great way to start my saturday! then it's off to the grocery store to get some goods for the week and to bring to the party we're going to tonight and tomorrow. i've already got my drinks figured out (selzter and vodka - 60 cals a pop!) but i need to figure out what to bring that is on the healthier side, yet still delicious :) it will be hard to stay in my calories this weekend, but that's why im making sure to work out today and hopefully tomorrow (even though sunday is usually my rest day - so we'll see!).

    nikki - have a great time at your weddings! they can still be fun even if you don't know anyone :) just reminisce about your own wedding and snuggle up close to the hubby ;)

    everyone else - have a great weekend!!! and MOVE YO BUTT! :)
  • So yesterday was a bad eating day for me! I decided I did not feel like working out, even though I was so pumped that I ran 5 miles in 45 min on the elliptical the day before! Needless to say, staying in for the night and watching movies led me to snack, MY WEAKNESS! But woke up this morning (okay, so it was noon...) and did 4.5 miles in 45 minutes. Not as impressive as my last workout but nevertheless, added an extra 600 calories!

    Elliptical is always my go-to workout because I know I burn the most calories on it, but I wish I could motivate myself to start doing some weights! Cardio is great, but I know the muscle is what's gunna help me burn when I'm NOT working out! Hopefully I can get myself to do some soon.
  • gdb86
    gdb86 Posts: 126 Member
    I don't know if this is an open Bootcamp, but I would love to join! I have an event at the end of October and being apart of a group with other motivational ladies is the way to go!
  • Well the wedding was okay. The food was terrible so I didn't eat much - which I guess is a good thing! I wouldn't exactly say it was fun though because a month ago I blacked out and got robbed of all of my stuff (including car keys) so I've vowed to never drink again. I'm not someone that needs to drink to have fun....but the point is - I did not have even a sip of champagne and I tripped on my 4.5 inch heels and fell down a flight of stairs at the reception. Luckily only my hubby was around to witness it. I was laughing so hard but now - not so much. I really damaged the top of my foot and a huge welt under my knee. But that won't stop me from golfing tomorrow with my Dad - walking 9 holes is pretty good exercise!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    christina - your elliptical workouts are amazing! whenever you post your exercise on those days im so impressed! you are killin it girl! i definitely agree that strength workouts are necessary, and they really do help with the fat burt too - it just sucks because you don't see the calorie burn as much ;) ive try to alternate every day between cardio and strength, but usually get in a little more cardio than strength a week (which is ok, it's recommended to do 3 days of strength a week). also, sometimes i combine them, i do a short cardio, and cool down with strength. but - strength doesn't HAVE to be weights! pilates or yoga workouts are strength as well - you gain a lot of muscle mass doing these kinds of workouts, and thats actually been my preferred type of strength training these days! i highly recommend trying some - there are some great dvds for at home yoga (jillian michaels has a really good one thats only 35 mins) if you're looking for something :)

    nikki - im so sorry to hear you fell! :( i hope you're ok! that sounds painful! but i like your determined attitude! :) sometimes moving helps injuries the most anyway :) im also sorry to hear about your experience with drinking this year - that sounds terrifying on so many levels. again though, you have a great attitude - it's true that you don't NEED alcohol to have a good time, and anyone who feels that way should really start to consider what that means for them. i certainly enjoy a night of drinking with my friends, but there are plenty of times that i hang out with my friends and barely drink at all and still have a great time :) anyway - i hope you have a great day golfing! that is fantastic exercise! i hope your foot heals asap! :)

    afm (as for me) - i did ok yesterday - not the best ive ever done, but pretty good. i ate a breakfast before turbo (smart choice for me) went to the class, burned 565 cals (woot woot), went grocery shopping for an hour (trying to find the healthiest options to bring to the party we were at least night and today), came home and made a low cal lunch, and then started baking. for last night's party, my friend asked us to bring sweet stuff because she didnt have time to make anything sweet - that's the hardest stuff to make healthy! :) i had some slice and bake chocolate chip cookies in the fridge that i had bought to make for my class this summer but never did (i gave them truffles instead haha) so i made a ton of those - and amazingly only ate one while baking (and it was a cooked one! im such a sucker for raw cookie dough so this was an nsv for me haha). then i decided to make these cinnamon strudel muffins with a healthier recipe (almost milk instead of regular milk, apple sauce instead of vegetable oil, and egg whites instead of eggs) - they turned out yummy and like a healthy sweet treat! i made half-muffins so they were like little sweet muffins treats for 75 cals! not bad :) i also made banana nut fiber one muffins for the party we are supposed to be going to today, and again used apple sauce and egg whites! i licked a bunch of the batter as i was cooking, but i was pretty good about not eating the food as i made it - which is so hard to do! i took a nap and then went to my friends party, with lots of cals to spare ;) i made flavored seltzer and whipped cream vodka drinks all night - 60 cals a pop! so great, because i had roughly 5 of them and it was only 300 cals - which is less than 3 bud lights! and i was very very drunk haha :) i can't be sure how much i ate - i guessed 825 cals, but it's so hard to tell - i had a helping of home made mac and cheese (probably the worst thing i ate all night), two slices of low cal home made margarita pizza, some reduced fat cape cod potato chips with a little ranch dip, a couple of the slice and bake cookies, a small slice of brownie, and two pieces of mozzarella, tomato, and prosciutto appetizer rounds - i think that's it? ugh parties are so hard. it wasn't my best party eating, but it wasn't my worst either. all and all im pretty ok with the way i ate yesterday :) we are supposed to be going to our friends house warming party (except its just a new apartment, not a house warming haha) from 1:00-5:00 (we haven't even showered yet so 1:00 is definitely not happening haha) and i don't think i'll have a big of a problem with food today because i don't plan to be there long and im not as hungry, and it's during the day on a sunday so i don't plan to drink much, other than maybe a couple glasses of wine. i also want to get in some exercise today, but im not sure i'll have the time before we try to go, so it might have to wait until later, which is never my favorite, so, we'll see. anyway, i think that's enough out of me :) for my first bootcamp weekend, having to go to two parties makes for a big challenge - but so i life :)

    hope everyone else has a great sunday! yay football starts!!!

    also, i can't believe its been 10 years since 9/11. so much has happened in these 10 years. the only thing that keeps running through my head today as i see footage and remembrances and tributes is.... united we stand <3
  • gdb86
    gdb86 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi girls!

    I'm so happy to join you on this Bootcamp/weightloss journey! I didn't post my initial weight which is.... (drum roll please).....


    At my highest (known) weight I was 193. So, being at 168 is a HUGE accomplishment, but it's only half-way to my goal. Some background about my weight loss extravaganzas: I have tried everything from atkins to Salt-free diets and all I ended up with was hardship, depriving myself of quality food and water weight coming off. No bueno! So, it's all about good ol' hard work - eating right and exercising. I'm an avid information queen always trying to look into the newest and improved tips on how to be healthy, but I think the one missing link was a support system. So, here I am!

    Since January I have really amped up the calorie counting/exercising and when June-August rolled around I had so many personal obstacles that I completely took a turn in the wrong direction and neglected my weight loss lifestyle goals. Well, 3 months was enough for me to know that I don't like the way not exercising/eating right makes me feel and it's not helping any of the other stresses in my life go away no matter how good it tastes to eat a yummy dessert (and it does... who are we kidding?!) But there are alternatives and so many positives to being healthy and making conscious choices. Starting Sept. 1st I've been back and raring to go to keep pushing down towards a weight I can't even remember being. New mindset, new me, and I'm excited to be here!

    Alrighty, enough shpeal for now - just figured I'd share a bit to add a personal touch from me on the boards.

    Talk to ya'll soon! Happy lifestyle changing :)

  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    welcome geri!! it's so great to have you! :) this is going to be a great support system! this support has always been the extra part that i absolutely LOVE!

    a little background on me - in january 2009 i finally decided, at 30lbs overweight and climbing, it was time to take control :) im a HUGE fan of the biggest loser, and so i joined the biggest loser club online - which is where this awesome bootcamp program comes from in fact! i started tracking my food and worked out six days a week using the at home dvd program Turbo Jam (which im obsessed with btw, and have upgraded to Turbo Fire - best workouts ever!). by may i had lost the 30lbs and had begun a healthy lifestyle i knew would stick :) i still have obstacles of course, and this summer was one of the toughest (im in my last year of a 5 year doctoral program and was teaching four days a week, writing my dissertation proposal, collecting data, and working on two other collaborating projects!) i let myself not stress over it this summer because i KNOW i am now a person who cares about health and wellness and being active! and also - ive got this awesome bootcamp program up my sleeve to whip out whenever i need a little kick in the *kitten* ;) so here we are!

    just to give you a little info on how we all know each other - nikki and i met online doing the original bootcamp with the BLC back in 2009 and have stayed connected every since! maria and christina are sisters (and my sisters as well, though not biologically and no longer legally, but that's another story haha) and erienne and i are in grad school together! all of us except erienne have done bootcamp before, so feel free to ask any of us questions as we go along! i'll let the ladies tell you a little bit about themselves if they choose! :)

    i like to use this board to vent, give a little recap of how im doing, and listen to all of you do the same :) feel free to post anything at all here, we're a very supportive group :)

    congrats on getting started with us, and again WELCOME!!!
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    Jennelle: 141.4
    Nicole: 188.4
    Christina: 209.6
    Erienne: 143.7
    Maria: 164.4
    Ariana: 121.0

    Would love to join this! I'm 23 years old from Pennsylvania. I'm 5'3" and my end goal weight is 105lbs. Right now I'm in the beginning stage of doing C25K, started my first workout today. Also doing moderate swimming and on my off days strength training and Zumba.
  • gdb86
    gdb86 Posts: 126 Member
    Awesome! I'm also a ridiculously HUGE fan of the Biggest Loser. I think I've probably watched every season since the beginning (or close to it). I've never tried Turbo Jam, but I'll have to look into it! I have a few different DVD's I've used some Biggest Loser ones and mostly Jillian Michaels DVD's (which are a seriously amazing workout if you haven't tried them!)

    Quick question for everyone... I've been debating on getting either a Body Media Fit or a BodyBugg for quite some time. If you aren't sure what that is, it's a step up from a Heart Rate Monitor. It's accuracy in counting calories is in the 90% range and it calculates even what you burn when you're not working out. The Body Media supposedly even calculates what you burn when you're sleeping! I know they use the BodyBugg on the Biggest Loser. Anywho, I was wondering if any of you have used one and what you think/or if you know someone that has. The only draw back is the expense. It's obviously pricey upfront, but I'm concerned about hearing there is a monthly subscription cost (bleh). I'm leaning towards seriously getting the Body Media or possibly a really great HRM, but we'll see! Let me know if anyone has input! I'd love to hear it!

    I'm excited to get to know all of the girls on here! I hope to hear from you soon! :)
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    yay for the biggest loser :) i think bob is my favorite on the show but i LOVE jillian in real life haha :) i have two of her books and i have her 30 day shred and yoga meltdown (a favorite of mine) - she's fantastic! i also have weight loss yoga with bob from the biggest loser collection, and i have wii fit with the biggest loser game (though i haven't used it in a long time). i am a HUGE fan of turbo jam and turbo fire, those are my go-to workouts - they combine kickboxing, martial arts, and hip hop/ dance - and they are to real music that you actually know! :) especially turbo fire :) i LOVE the trainer - chalene johnson. she makes the workouts so entertaining :) i HIGHLY recommend them if you're looking for more at home workouts! i know a lot about them if you have any questions about them or are interested in ordering them :)

    as for a HRM - i started using a cheap one that was terribly inaccurate a while back :) this past april i finally decided to look closer at the more expensive ones to see if there was something more accurate that would work for me. i personally didn't care about tracking calories burned in my sleep or while just "living" - i really only wanted an accurate count of what i burn when i workout. i also did not want a monthly subscription to another site - mostly because of the additional cost, but also because MFP has everything i could need, so i don't want to have to use another site to supplement :) so, i did a LOT of research and i came across the ePulse2! it's a strapless heart rate monitor that asks for your gender, age, height, and weight, and takes a reading of your normal resting heart rate so that it can tell when you are in particular cardio zones according to YOUR heart (this was a problem with my old one, it wasn't tailored to individual differences). it tracks heart rate, calories burned, and time (these are the features i use) - it also can track when you're in your highest cardio zone and some other fancy stuff i don't use :) i bought a second one for my boyfriend (he doesn't work out as often as i do but it's really accurate in assessing our differences). you wear it on your forearm right below your elbow. i absolutely SWEAR by it now! it's so accurate and easy to use! it has a wall charger just like a cell phone, and every time you turn it on it says "welcome jennelle" :) i got mine on and right now it's on sale for $119! it's not cheap, but it's a one time fee and i think it's completely worth it. i HIGHLY recommend it! personally, it had more of what i was looking for than the boddybugg or the body media (or any similar products - i looked at them all haha) but that is just me. i know TONS of people who swear by the bodybugg but it was just more than i wanted/ needed :) anyway, here's the link to the ePulse2 on amazon! :)

    happy hunting ;)
  • Okay so no offense to you novelists, but I only skimmed the past few posts...great to have you Geri and Arianna!!
  • Welcome Geri and Ariana! Its so nice to have more people join the bootcamp! Hopefully we can all motivate each other and help to reach our personal goals together!
    I bought the same HRM that Jenelle had a year or so're right J- - it wasn't very accurate. I mean, it was accurate when you pressed the buttons but you had to constantly check your heart rate for it to work. I'm intrigued by this new thing you you swear by it more than you did the HRM watch we got a while back?
    Got back from the doctor today and I've been having an issue with my neck where anytime I move my neck down I get this intense burning under my skin on my entire left side of my body...they think its an issue with a nerve in my neck/back,....I have to take it easy and not put much strain on my neck or do heavy lifting...kinda puts a damper on me wanting to start a workout regimen...but I'll stick with just eating healthy for now I guess...I can't even run w/o my neck being sore and causing the burning pain under my skin...oh well...hopefully in a couple of days it will heal!

    I hope everyone is having a great week!