
I have only been on this site for a day, but started logging calories and exercising a week ago. This week has been rough at some points to where I am hungry but don't want to eat due to the calories. What do you do when you find you are hungry but don't really have the calories to eat? Does it pass with time the feeling of being hungry all the time?


  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    How much water you drinking?

    I take being hungry as a good sign. It means my body is recognizing that it's hungry. I never used to do that.
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    I can't see your diary, but check what you are eating and see if you can switch to higher fiber foods that are more dense and less easily digested - these tend to be lower calorie anyway, and you can eat more and feel full. Think whole grains, lots and lots of veggies, and berries. Berries are pretty low calorie and are a healthy, sweet snack. I love corn tortillas, so that is one of my go-to low cal snacks - 2 of them are only 90 cals, no sodium, and naturally gluten free. I agree with Lozze, drink more water too, that helps.
  • Sjennings13
    Sjennings13 Posts: 21 Member
    I am drinking mainly water, granted it is flavored water but no calories.. I did feel hunger before but I always allowed myself to eat then. I know it is more then likely due to the amount of food I am eating, my portions are way smaller now. Hoping it is something that will pass though.
  • I can't stand to be what I do is eat then log the day won't kill this......just try planning meals within your "range,budget" for tomorrow. Planning helpos a ton! And make sure you are drinking water.....sometimes thirst is disguised as hunger. Good luck!
  • minimommy1
    minimommy1 Posts: 84 Member
    It is so important for us to recognize hunger. I personally use to confuse hunger with boredom.
    I eat lots and lots of veggies and fruit. They are low in calories so I can eat more of them.
    I have allowed myself all the fruits and veggies I want. If I find I want food I reach for one of those. They are more filling and healthy. If I am truly hungry and don't eat anything I will eventually give into junk food so I decided that this was a better alternative.
    I also drink lots and lots of water because I read that often we think we are hungry when we are really thirsty.
    Hope this helps.
    You may friend my if you like.
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    1) Plan your meals better. There are lots of meals out there that will make you feel satisfied and full.
    2) Cut back on your sugar intake. It makes you crave food more. I had bought some Hostess Cupcakes (my weakness) after going much more sugar free in previous weeks. That week, I was RAVENOUS! Like, willing-to-eat-someone's-baby ravenous.
    3) Drink plenty of water. Thirst can mask itself as hunger. Drink a full 8 oz glass of water and wait 20 minutes. If you're still hungry, then it's actual hunger you're feeling and not thirst.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Give yourself some time to get use to eating right. Try to plan your day the day before, that way you can see what you can do to get the most from your calories. Eat healthy whole foods. Low carb, low calorie breads, pitas, tortillas. Fresh meats and fish, Veggies, Fruits. Make eating right and your health your hobby. Search online for healthy recipes and suggestions. ,,
    Good Luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Sjennings13
    Sjennings13 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for all the tips. I appreciate it. I guess I need to drink more water and focus or more filling foods. And just let my body ease into the more healthy lifestyle I am trying to live now.. Hopefully in time this will all come to me.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    It's really hard to get through those times, I know. Someone once told me, and I don't know if it's true but it helps me sometimes:
    That hungry feeling is your body telling you, "You better eat something right now or I'm gonna burn some fat."

    I keep busy, drink loads of water and eat between-meal snacks to help. There's no magic bullet though, you have to find what works for you. For some people hunger may go away on it's own over time as your body adjusts, but for other people it never goes away.

    Write a blog, take a leisurely walk with music, plan your next meal and have a definite time to look forward to eating, drink water and distract yourself. Keep trying different things to see if you can find something that works for you! :)
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    I find that protein really helps to keep me full for a longer period of time, so I try to have some at each meal/snack.
    A hot drink often helps as well when I really don't want to go over my calories (or points, like I used to do!), as well as fresh cut veggies.
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    just like everyone else says-- drink lots of water throughout the day... but also- to be honest- when i'm hungry i go walk up and down stairs for 25 mins-- it burns about 250 calories-- then i can eat a healthy choice meal or something lol... i just add in some extra exercise so i can eat!! LOL u should never have to be hungry
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    I find that protein really helps to keep me full for a longer period of time, so I try to have some at each meal/snack.
    A hot drink often helps as well when I really don't want to go over my calories (or points, like I used to do!), as well as fresh cut veggies.

    i didn't think about this... theyre right- sometimes if my stomach is hungry drinking cold water will make me even hungrier. drinking hot tea or some of the "diet hot chocolate" (oh yeh! 25 calories!) helps ease any hunger i'm feeling :)
  • cassieday
    cassieday Posts: 55 Member
    First off, drink LOTS and LOTS of water! Alot of times when you feel hungry it is that you are dehydrated. Strange i know but true. Also, you can find a fruit or veggie you like to snack on. I eat a TON of baby carrots! It will get better! Your body and stomach has to adjust to changing your daily intake and ya just gotta fight through it. Hang in there!!!