Sick, calorie count off.

I have been sick for the past few days. I was tested for covid yesterday and I'm negative. I'm going to call my doctor on Monday. I'm pretty sure its a sinus infection, constipation (TMI sorry) and I have a slight fever.

Trying to count calories is very trying right now. I feel like blah and want to eat all the bad food to fill the whole I'm feeling. I been trying to track still but I know I keep missing stuff. (Like all the honey I put in my tea, I have not been measuring that). Very little motivation. Today is my weigh in day and I'm very nervous to step on the scale.

I have not been working out either because my body needs all the engery to heal itself.

(Some questions I have)
Anyone have any encourage thoughts? Have you been through this before? How did you stay motivated? Should I even focus on counting calories? What are some foods that may help during this time?



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    Yeah, I agree with Lietchi.

    I still track food, even if it's just, "Write it down, log it later." I know better than to take breaks from logging food.

    I also agree to eat at maintenance calories to promote healing.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Just focus on getting better. A few days won’t matter in the long run. Get back on your regular plan once you’re feeling better. 🤗
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    any emotion makes me want to eat. Lonely,depressed, sad, and yes sick. Today I had a stomach ache and I wanted to eat salty stuff. I didn't. I drank a coke and that settled my stomach. Someone told me to eat I would feel better. No, makes me feel worse.
  • AshHeartsJesus
    AshHeartsJesus Posts: 460 Member
    I would worry more about eating enough fiber and drining water to help your digestion. Drink half your body weight in ounces! I deal with constipation too and since I started making sure I drink my goal or more it has helped so much!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Hoping you feel better soon. Concentrate on feeling better. If I feel truly awful, I don’t track. Don’t have the energy. But when I feel bad, tracking does help nudge me to get nutrients I might be missing if I weren’t logging. Taking care of yourself is the goal...log if you can because it will prompt you to get enough nutrition.

    Encouraging thoughts: I don’t know what the covid positivity rate is where you are, but 10% is pretty bad, which means even in the most heavily impacted areas, your chances are 9 in 10 of testing negative. Focus on self care and isolate until you get your test result. It’s what you do the majority of the time that matters long term, not a few days off plan here and there.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I eat spicy food to open up sinuses and keep moving (even just walking). Hydrate and rest.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    I agree with those saying take it easy and eat at maintenance while you're sick. Even a moderate calorie deficit can be taxing on the body when you're trying to is energy so the best thing to focus on is getting better. Hope you feel better soon!
  • Ashley91McC
    Ashley91McC Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you everyone. Feeling so much better today and even stepped on the scale to see I still lost a pound even while being sick!