Parents - How do you squeeze in your workouts when your kids constantly get in the way? Let's share!

My 3 year old, love her but naturally she requires a lot of attention. I workout outside our home in the yard with her while she plays but my workouts are always so rushed and I have to keep pausing whenever she needs something. I also feel guilty that I am not giving her my undivided attention during this time.

Parents, how do you squeeze in your workouts with children? I would love to learn how other people do it.

For example, I workout at home moderately because I can't have a full 2 hours sessions unfortunately as a mom. At work however, I only take the stairs instead of the elevator. I do this at a fast pace to get my heart rate going and do this about 8-10 times per shift. Sometimes I do intermittent glute squeezes for long or short periods while standing at work as well.


  • cgcdavis7
    cgcdavis7 Posts: 85 Member
    edited December 2020
    I give my 2.5 year old my phone, lol. Not really the answer you're looking for I'm sure 😜. I do have two older kids that can keep an eye on him while I'm working out though so not the same situation. Sometimes he hangs out w me in the garage or I try to get some stuff done during naps. I don't feel guilty whatsoever because they need a mom who's as healthy as possible and can be there when they all grow up as active and alert as I can be. It's also crazy important for them to see fitness take priority in your life. You have an awesome routine going and I commend you for taking all the opportunities you can to get some activity in 💜.
  • misslizzierod
    misslizzierod Posts: 57 Member
    Oh yes the phone works magic! I try to use that trick right before nap time :p Yes, how awesome that you get an extra pair of eyes from your older kids while you workout. I would definitely do the same if I could. Thank you so much!
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    The hubby watches the kids while I go to the gym. My youngest also has older siblings to keep an eye on things too. Everyone in the house knows mommy gets cranky when she doesn't have her gym time.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I workout when the baby naps. For the older two I set up an activity (they are 7 and 4). They keep each other occupied for the most part, but sometimes I have to deal with a fight, meltdown, snack requests, they sometimes want to ask questions or want to help me so I let them DJ or write down my sets. It's not ideal but i do what I have to do
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    If you're open to year-round outdoor exercise...

    When my "Baby Bums" were older (read: school aged), I was marathon training while their father watched them. Or if you're in family activities mode, then be EXTRA with exercise. For example,with tobagganing you can do HIIT with hill sprints (carry the sled above your head for non-existent bonus points).

    Younger than that? I did lots of open air/ outdoor workouts. Think gated activity parks, sport fields, forests,etc. That way the kids could play within eye range and I could do my thing.

    Younger than THAT? Well, when they were teeny tiny, I avoided using the stoller unless we were all "going out" to a function or event with their father. Instead, I had a sturdy baby carrier (essentially a backpack/baby prison 😭). I used it for both kids when they were under 18 months or so. We could walk 'n talk for hours.

    Good times all! It's possible to get a good workout in with your kids around and/or if you have support from others!
  • fat_bearded_runner
    I will only manage to squeeze the odd run in when my Wife is about to watch the kids. , usuallly limited to the weekend days.
    Otherwise, I would find it very difficult, especially in the covid climate where I can't even drop them off at my parents house for an hour etc.
  • Frodobaggins29
    Frodobaggins29 Posts: 70 Member
    Get up before them or make it into a game let them join in ? I used to make mine part of the workout lifting them instead of weights 👍
  • misslizzierod
    misslizzierod Posts: 57 Member
    Awesome tips. Thank you!
  • lilylilianalopez
    lilylilianalopez Posts: 5 Member
    edited December 2020
    👏👏👏inspired with how much u get done. I have 3 plus my 7yr old step son. Can't sneak out in the mornings my heavy sleeping husband would never hear our 1yr or 3yr wake up (on his days off atlist). My only opportunity is after all 4 have gone to sleep. 1yr. Just fell asleep at 10:30pm he still breastfeeds my shoulders and back are so burnt out from breastfeeding the last 6yr that I can't take a carrier or push a double stroller for too long. They are burning now as I type lol. Neways I usually fast walk in my living room after 10:30pm to 11:30 if I don't have to catch up on moping floors, cleaning bathrooms, washing behind dishes or shower. Bed by 12 with
    continual interruptions during the night. My 3yr girl
    and 1yr breastfeeder🤷‍♀️ so thankful to even get an opportunity now that my 3yr is in bed by 8pm(still adjusting to sleeping on her new bed)
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Early morning before they are up.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Get up early, use nap time, jogging stroller
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 903 Member
    Duct tape them to either chair or wall
    While you work out, you know exactly where they are 😂
  • misslizzierod
    misslizzierod Posts: 57 Member
    👏👏👏inspired with how much u get done. I have 3 plus my 7yr old step son. Can't sneak out in the mornings my heavy sleeping husband would never hear our 1yr or 3yr wake up (on his days off atlist). My only opportunity is after all 4 have gone to sleep. 1yr. Just fell asleep at 10:30pm he still breastfeeds my shoulders and back are so burnt out from breastfeeding the last 6yr that I can't take a carrier or push a double stroller for too long. They are burning now as I type lol. Neways I usually fast walk in my living room after 10:30pm to 11:30 if I don't have to catch up on moping floors, cleaning bathrooms, washing behind dishes or shower. Bed by 12 with
    continual interruptions during the night. My 3yr girl
    and 1yr breastfeeder🤷‍♀️ so thankful to even get an opportunity now that my 3yr is in bed by 8pm(still adjusting to sleeping on her new bed)
    Hang in there momma, I can relate. Something is better than nothing. I also lift weights when I can and have been focusing on building more muscle since I know our body burns more calories throughout the day through resting metabolism. Walking is therapeutic and energizing as well. I bought an outdoor spinning bike on offer up as well and that makes things a bit easier. Keep going, you got this! :)
  • misslizzierod
    misslizzierod Posts: 57 Member
    watts6151 wrote: »
    Duct tape them to either chair or wall
    While you work out, you know exactly where they are 😂

    Will try tonight 🤔 lol 😋
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    I loved teaching soccer to my son while my daughter practiced when they were young. I played soccer with both of them, even when I was much bigger. It was fun and very tiring for me! My son was a bundle of energy. We'd play use your off foot only on passing. Then we'd play just score on dad. My son ended up being a high school star and offered a D1 scholarship.
  • Snugbug6
    Snugbug6 Posts: 30 Member
    NEVER feel guilty for imprinting her mind with behaviour that will help her live a healthy lifestyle. Her watching you work out, you making sure she understands that it's high on the list of important things to do (along with brushing your teeth, eating your greens, and looking both ways before you cross) is far more important than playing with her for those few minutes. You're empowering her to prioritise her health in the future.

    You're winning at parenting, and beating yourself up about it. Don't.
  • bcalvanese
    bcalvanese Posts: 32 Member
    Kids have way more energy than their parents do. Use that to your advantage and use your kids to workout. Run around with them. Use their weight as resistance, if you can tire them out, you probably got a pretty good workout.