What is your BIGGEST . . .



  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Everyone is different. Read articles, read the forums, ask your friends, read books -- but at the end of the day everything you read or hear isn't going to work for everyone. Don't be afraid to step outside of the box in order to learn what will work for YOU. Too many people want to jump on the "popular" wagon and end up frustrated because what everyone else is doing isn't working for them.

    FIND WHAT WILL WORK FOR YOU! Is it easy? no. Will it happen overnight? No.

    Wow, nice progress.

    Thank you very much! :)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i have 3 words only that will cover it!

    if you stick to them you WILL do this!
  • wanderingwest
    Support Support Support!
    Find someone either here on MFP or in your home or community who will cheer you on and help you through the low times (and there will be some low times)... oh and never give up the journey is worth it!
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    Realizing and ACCEPTING that this will not happen fast. That will allow you to go with the flow- the ups and downs of the scale, the occassional splurging on something you think you shouldn't have, etc. Once you actually accept that this will take time, effort, patience, and committment, you will do just fine- and probably will enjoy the ride!
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    Boy, I hope lots of newbies peruse this thread ... there's some great advice here.

    Mine is this: Get your ahead in the right place.

    Unless you just have a very few pounds to lose, I encourage you to look at this as a lifelong journey, not a diet. Committing to change how and what you eat is one thing; sticking with it when you totally blow it or hit a big ol' plateau is something else. And chances are real good both those things will happen.

    Don't expect overnight success. That WON'T happen.

    Understand that exercise is part of the journey. Walking is a great place to start. First time I walked I lasted 20 minutes and was totally whipped. On my last walk, I made it 7 miles. By sticking with it, I worked up to that in just 8 months. (It still blows my mind.)

    Expect to change every single thing you think about food. More than that -- embrace it. New eating habits will come, but they take time and effort. You're so worth it. :)

    Finally, believe in yourself. Forgive mistakes and failures, remember that every day is a fresh start, then just do it.
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Love ALL of these answers...I'll just add this:

    NEVER wait until tomorrow - make good choices TODAY (even if you made a bad choice during the day, don't let it drag you down for the entire day). Seriously...how many "tomorrow's" have there been for ALL of us? It wasn't until I got that in my head that I truly began to make progress. Good luck!!

    *edited to add: actually the MOST important thing has been having the BEST pals EVER!!! They totally keep me motivated and their feedback is priceless!! Love, love, love my peeps!!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    For me, something just "clicked". I have heard of that by hearing and reading weight loss stories before and I was like, "yeah right, that doesn't really happen" lol. ( I love proving myself wrong lol.) For me, it was a picture followed by being just fed up.

    My first tip is WATER. Water will be your best friend in weight loss!
    Second tip- when the scales aren't moving, as hard as it is don't get discouraged...do measurements or look at pictures to notice changes. It was almost 40lbs before I did a "before and during" pic and it made me feel good to notice a difference.
    Third tip- Plan meals and snacks ahead of time. On days that I work I pack all 3 meals and 2 snacks and log them.
    Final tip- Support! My family, friends and MFP peeps are the BEST!!!

    Best of luck!!!!
  • TiffanyA2008
    DON'T GIVE UP!! Even if you don't lose weight for awhile stick with it. Log everyday for motvation. I didn't lose a single lb for a month and a half and then bam! the scale finally moved. You can do this with a lot of hard work and motivation!

    Thank you for this! It's what I needed to hear! It has been an entire month and I haven't lost any weight. NOT ONE SINGLE POUND. I just started in August and lost 3 lbs right away, but after that nothing else. I have been so aggravated with myself and the way everything is going that I just wanted to give it all up. Then I realized HELLO giving up isn't going to get me where I want to be. So thank you for this :)
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    The one I learnt last night... STEP AWAY FROM THE CHEESE!!!

    So many cals and fat content.... :s
  • pnwgirl1963
    pnwgirl1963 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there -

    This is what works for me:

    Log in here every day and record every.single.thing. you eat or drink. Be completely honest.

    Drink your water. Water stave's off cravings.

    Speaking of cravings realize that a craving only lasts for 7 minutes at a time. (no kidding, it's a scientific fact, they did a study)

    Stay off the scales -- meaning, don't weigh every day. I whittled myself down to once a week. I weigh on Saturday mornings, as my week for this begins Sunday morning and goes through Saturday morning.

    Weigh after you poop:) (I know gross but it makes sense)

    Remember you didn't put this weight on overnight it's not going to come off over night, slow and steady wins the race.

    Pre-plan snacks, and if you have to go out think ahead of what you are going to eat, it helps curb temptation to go crazy with the menu.

    Get up and move, do something every.single.day.

    Get support from your family, friends, and folks like us.

    I blog, and that helps me get my feelings down on paper.

    Hope this helps.