Weight Loss Injections? Thoughts?

Hi All,

I started writing this post yesterday then went to post it and discovered I no longer had internet connection, or tv, or lights or anything else that runs on electricity. That's right - the great So Cal blackout directly effected me posting to MFP. Happy to have power (and all that comes with it back now).

Anyway, I found a deal on line with a weightloss clinic that includes six shots each of B6, B12 and Lipo-B. They say the recommend the shots 2-3 times a week. It also includes nutrition counseling and a diet plan (not a prepared one, but food you shop for and prepare yourself). They said the recommended diet is a high protein, low carb and low fat diet.

I've been doing good sticking to my calories (1200-1300 a day) and working out almost daily, but I don't feel as though the pounds are coming off as they should given the drastic changes I have made. I've lost about 6lbs in the past 6 weeks. I know the injections are not a long term solution or fix-all, I'm really just looking for something to jump start my weight loss so I begin to see and feel a difference and don't get frusteredated and loose motivation.

Has anyone tried the injections? What was your experience? Thanks!


  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    six pounds in six weeks? dude, that's phenomenal...dont waste your money...go buy healthy clean foods with the money you'd waste by doing that. youre beautiful...now go kick your butt!! :)
  • six pounds in six weeks? dude, that's phenomenal...dont waste your money...go buy healthy clean foods with the money you'd waste by doing that. youre beautiful...now go kick your butt!! :)

    Agreed. That is phenomenal. Have you seen what a pound of fat looks like? And to get rid of it SIX TIMES? That's true progress. If you weren't losing weight at all, then that might be a problem. But six pounds in six weeks is healthy and the recommended weight loss. You're doing great.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I wouldnt do the injections if you are sticking to your cals just fine, but it wouldnt ever hurt to pick up some extra b12, b6, or a b xomplex vitamins at the store. those 2 types of b vitamins are harder to get in nature and associated with energy levels, hence why diet clinics use them so much, because of the energy boost
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I have been getting those weight loss shots for about a year now. It has really helped me.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I tried that before and it did nothing at all.. You cab just take B vitamin supplements lol.. I wouldn't waste your time or money! And like someone said before.. 6lbs in 6 weeks is great! Its a healthy 1 lb a week :). I can't say that I wouldn't be frustrated as well with only 6 lbs in nearly 2 months but its a healthy pace.. Just stick to it and it will be worth it!!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'd be worried about my body growing dependent on the shots and needing the boost just to maintain a normal energy level, even after reaching my goal weight.... So yeah, I'd stay away from them.

    I don't think you need B12 shots unless your body has specific issues absorbing B12 from food/ oral supplements.
  • 6 pounds in 6 weeks is absolutely perfect! You shouldn't change a thing except maybe adding a good multi-vitamin, multi-mineral supplement. People who lose fast usually gain it back fast, too! Instead of searching for internet sites that offer faster weight loss, I think people should search for websites that will help increase their patience!
  • jaramae
    jaramae Posts: 100 Member
    I used to get those weight loss shots when I was on an extreme (but monitored) weight loss diets. Considering you're still eating rather normal amounts, I would suggest just focusing on your food intake. If you find in your daily nutrition levels and your meal plans seems to be missing nutrients, I'd look into taking supplements. While those shots do help, if you're still eating a healthy balanced diet, it isn't necessary.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    6 pounds in 6 weeks is a lot.. thats a pound a week which is right where you should be.

    Don't waste your money on the the injections.. You didn't put this weight on overnight, so you won't lose it overnight no matter how bad you want it to happen.
  • cmgb2008
    cmgb2008 Posts: 14 Member
    my brother and sister did the shots and lost alot of weight but when they stop taking them sister gained all her weight back and my brother gain more... Don't do that stay on the path you are taking you don't need a shot to lose you have done proved it to yourself by losing the 6 pounds that you have lose... Great Job wishing you the Best ;-}
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    I know what you mean about wanting to see results faster, but it really does sound like you are right on target!
  • I did the injections about 5 years ago and saw huge results. I lost 30lbs in 2 months. Do I think it was the injections that helped me lose the weight......NO!!!!
    The fact that I completely changed my day to day habits is what did it. I wrote down EVERYTHING I ate. If it wasn't healthy, it didn't touch my lips. I worked out M-F for an hour to an hour and a half, 2 hours on Saturday, and hiked for 4 hours on Sunday (Mission Trails if you're in San Diego). I did injections everyday but also turned in food logs to my doctor daily, I had someone that held me accountable if I decided to eat something that wasn't on the "up and up". As I was starting my 3rd month, I found out I was pregnant and had to stop the program. I gained the weight back with in months but only because I stopped working out and my eating got out of control. I tried to do the program again after my son was born but just couldn't get back into it with a new baby and no energy. The program did open my eyes to the fact that what I was eating before the program wasn't as healthy as I thought it was and with that new found information is helping me lose weight now without painful injections.

    Don't do it. I say take the money you would have used on the injections and buy yourself a new workout outfit!
  • I am currently taking them once a week. It helps tremendously on top of everything else that I am doing. I'm on the go from 6am to 10pm. Sometimes you need a little help to get you through. I don't consider it a waste of time or money. In fact to me it's just the opposite. It benefits me...To each their own, you know.
  • 6 pounds in 6 weeks is great~!! I would keep up what your doing and you will be 12 lbs down in another 6 weeks! I would stay away from unatural ways of losing weight, it sounds like a scam to me and also unhealthy. I am not a nutrtionist or doctor but I think that taking something like that could cause a dependancy and then once you stop doing it, your body won't be able to lose weight as efficently on its own.

  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Are you aware that losing a pound a week is normal and right where you should be? When you think of it that way- that you are exactly on track for what is recommended for healthy weight loss- it means you are looking for a quick solution. Generally quick solutions aren't the answer for anyone, whether you take shots, take pills, rub an anti-fat cream on your stomach, or <insert latest diet fad here>.

    Keep doing what you are doing. You aren't giving yourself enough credit- you are doing great!
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    6 pounds in 6 weeks is absolutely perfect! You shouldn't change a thing except maybe adding a good multi-vitamin, multi-mineral supplement. People who lose fast usually gain it back fast, too! Instead of searching for internet sites that offer faster weight loss, I think people should search for websites that will help increase their patience!

    Yes, what she said. :) I'm not sure about B12, but the only thing B6 will do for you is stop you from retaining water. I've been taking it for years for water retention. When I stop, that's absolutely the only difference I see.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Their diet plan isn't going to be any better unless it drastically cuts your calories. You're losing at a good rate. Keep your cash and spend it on a B complex vitamin. :smile:
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    I have been getting those weight loss shots for about a year now. It has really helped me.

    thanks for posting that i just started getting them today; good to hear!
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    I am currently taking them once a week. It helps tremendously on top of everything else that I am doing. I'm on the go from 6am to 10pm. Sometimes you need a little help to get you through. I don't consider it a waste of time or money. In fact to me it's just the opposite. It benefits me...To each their own, you know.

    great to hear!
  • blondebandbabe
    blondebandbabe Posts: 26 Member
    My dr is about to start offering the lipo B. I've done a ton of research and am considering it. It is made of things that occur naturally in your body. It is supposed to increase energy and causes your body to burn less glucose and more fat. i'm hypoglycemic and something that could case me to have less ''low'' episodes plus give me energy....weight loss or no weight loss....is helpful to me.