Women 200lb+, Let's Be Diligent This December!!!



  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Mid-month check-in!

    Age 49, Height 5'11"
    Highest weight: 225.6lbs (8/28/19)
    Lowest weight: 165lbs

    CW: 221.4
    12/1: 221.4
    12/8: 223.0
    12/15 (halfway mark assessment): 220.0

    My store is officially on vacation!! I need to spend the next day or two dealing with delayed shipments and lost packages and panicky customers, but the end is in sight. Combine that with the amazing news about the first people getting vaccinated yesterday and I feel like the stress is just falling off my shoulders in waves.

    And it's so heartening to see the scale move after just a week of cooking my own meals and moving my body more.

    💜 Message to myself: discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most 💜
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    @MuttiNM Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry to hear that news. I know how difficult it is to care for parents and all the stress, sadness, tinges of guilt and logistics that goes into it. I hope your dad recovers, and that you and your mom have not caught it as well. Please take the very best care of yourself and keep us updated! <3
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I'm having a flare and so wound up being grateful I cooked extra hamburgers for lunch. Warming it up and grabbing a single serve bag of chips was about my speed. I got a lot done before the flare hit abruptly about 3:30 pm, and so I'll just baby myself til about 9 and then go to bed. I'm really glad I've got so much done for my birthday dinner, and I made myself orange-pecan sweet bread to have for breakfast that morning as a treat.

    I think I'll make my mother a couple mini loaves of lemon-poppyseed bread as a Christmas present. That way she can freeze one and eat it later.
  • MaxCat1000
    MaxCat1000 Posts: 40 Member
    Age: 61
    Height: 5'2"
    Highest: 350 (approx. 2013)
    SW: 274 (Sept. 30/20)
    GW: 180 (Mar. 31/22)
    This month:
    Nov. 26: 256.1, DAC 1761
    Dec 1: 254.8, DAC: 1720
    Dec 8: 254.8, DAC: 1784
    Dec 15: 253.6 , DAC: 1943
    Dec 22:
    Dec 29:
    December goals:
    Weight: 250
    Daily Average Calories: <1750

    I guess this is my time for slowing down! That's okay, a straight line is better than up. I am, however, going the wrong direction with my daily average calories. That was two losing control days that caused that. I think (hope!) I am over it.

    A friend came to visit today and brought me a dozen and a half farm fresh eggs! That was really nice, and unexpected. We had a lovely chat, and I found out that she grew up around where I live now. She lives about 30 miles away now, so not too far. It was great to have someone in for a little visit as I am quite isolated, and with the current restrictions and nowhere to go, am beginning to feel it.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm not super looking forward to Friday morning's weigh in. Dinner this week is pretty rich - I made a creamy butternut sage pasta last night, which made enough for two meals, and tonight I made a zucchini lasagna, which was enough for three meals. So, that's dinner sorted for the rest of the week. It's all delicious (I'm a good cook, and modest, too! lol), but maybe not the most optimal planning on my part, calorie-wise. This week's lunch is a little heavier than I intended as well, clocking in around 800 cal rather than the more typical 600 I tend to shoot for. I've gone over at least a little bit every day, hopefully I'm landing somewhere around maintenance. I guess we'll see.
  • Nemalloy
    Nemalloy Posts: 3 Member
    I need this kind of motivation because I feel myself becoming less committed about 6 months in now.

    Age: 27
    Starting weight: 205
    Current weight: 166
    Goal weight: 135

    I have quit having added sugar in any foods in the house. We cleared out anything that had sugar in it and gave it to my neighbors and family. At the same time I started 16/8 intermittent fasting. I’ve also been working in the bulk section of a natural living store where I regularly lift 25-50 pounds five days a week. That combination worked really great for the first 35 pounds, but I’ve stalled and recently lowered my calories a bit to adjust for the new weight. I have a hard time eating within calories, but it works when I do. My goals are to start getting 10 thousand steps a day again and maybe work my way up to 20 hour daily fasts.

    I’m happy to have found this thread. Good work everyone!
  • uyister
    uyister Posts: 154 Member
    In case anyone needs it:

    This is a link to tell you how much nutrients you need!

    Interactive DRI for Healthcare Professionals

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • MaxCat1000
    MaxCat1000 Posts: 40 Member
    archiv88 wrote: »
    Happy weigh-in Wednesday!

    I've been on a deep-clean frenzy in my house. Not sure if it's because Christmas is coming up, or trying to keep my hand busy, or maybe because baby girl is starting to crawl. Point is, I'm keeping busy and moving more as the temps outside start to drop to -20°C.

    Other thought: MFP should definitely include "home renovations" in the workout database. Lifting sheet rock, going up and down ladders and painting definitely helped me burn off some calories last week.

    I have been doing this too! I was going to mention that it was probably the only reason I stayed at about the same weight instead of going up! I was motivated by the sheer amount of dust I could see in certain places. I have done my bedroom and bathroom, and am about 3/4ths through my kitchen. I am hoping to have it all done by Christmas so I can just spend my time at home sewing and quilting with my new rulers. The table has become a catch-all for everything that doesn't belong, so I am determined to finish that today so that I can begin wrapping gifts!
  • jennyell85
    jennyell85 Posts: 2 Member
    Nemalloy wrote: »
    I need this kind of motivation because I feel myself becoming less committed about 6 months in now.

    You can do it! And just look at the amazing progress you've made already, down 40 lbs! I hope to be where you are some day.
  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member
    Is it just me, or does this thread seem quieter post thanksgiving :neutral:
  • dprus2
    dprus2 Posts: 9 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    December Check In

    Age: 37 Height: 5'6"
    Starting Weight (9/15/2020) - 255.4
    Ending November Weight (11/25/2020) - 241.0

    12/2: 241.0 (Loss of 14.4 pounds since September)
    12/9: 241.8 (Gain of .8 lbs)
    12/16: 239 (Loss of 2.8 lbs)

    December Goal: 235 lbs

    I didn't check-in to this group last week because I had gained .8 lbs and was really disappointed with myself. This week I changed up my daily breakfast and lunch meals because I was getting sick of eggs in the morning and salads at lunch. I also started riding the exercise bike in our basement that has been collecting dust. It's only for 15 minute bursts either in the morning before work or after the kids go to bed, but it's something!
  • JojoInTheForks
    JojoInTheForks Posts: 134 Member
    I agree @IsETHome Been pretty quiet lately! But I'm sure post-Christmas there will be tons of people around!!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Well, I got to the store today, instead of doing it tomorrow (I didn't want to deal with the shopping on my birthday.) That way I can spend tomorrow making the various dishes for our big dinner tomorrow night, and also an old-style three-bowl cake. I bought sugar-free frosting for it so I can enjoy it. (Fructose intolerance.)
  • archiv88
    archiv88 Posts: 20 Member
    MaxCat1000 wrote: »

    I have been doing this too! I was going to mention that it was probably the only reason I stayed at about the same weight instead of going up! I was motivated by the sheer amount of dust I could see in certain places. I have done my bedroom and bathroom, and am about 3/4ths through my kitchen. I am hoping to have it all done by Christmas so I can just spend my time at home sewing and quilting with my new rulers. The table has become a catch-all for everything that doesn't belong, so I am determined to finish that today so that I can begin wrapping gifts!

    You can do this! I did dining room, living room and attacking my office space tomorrow.
  • MuttiNM
    MuttiNM Posts: 240 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday

    Highest weight: 435 (11/1/18)--lost 50 lbs. by the end of 2018 but got off track and gained back almost 31 lbs.
    SW: 415.8 (4/17/19)

    11/30: 184.4
    12/2: 183.4
    12/9: 180.8
    12/16: 178.8

    Dec. GW: anywhere under 185 would be a win
    GW: 160 (then reevaluate)

    Weekly exercise goals (not so good this week):
    - exercise bike 5 times per week - 2/5 (only 30 minutes each time instead of 60)
    - strength training 2 times per week - 2/2 (increased weight on one exercise & added a new one)
    - chair yoga 4 times per week - 3/4
    - steps onto aerobic step platform twice a day at least 3 times per week - 2/3 (increased height from 6" to 8")

    My mom kept sounding worse when I talked to her on the phone. Last Thursday I finally convinced her to see the doctor. I took her since she was feeling too bad to drive. Well, she also tested positive for Covid-19. She isn't as weak as my Dad was but she's exhausted between the Covid & trying to take care of my dad. It's hard not to be there to help but they still don't want me to stay over. I'm now in the middle of my 2nd quarantine. I have to isolate through 12/24. No symptoms so far thankfully. I get tested again tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have the results in a couple of days. Thanks for the kind words, @changeforeverlj , @iloveeggnog , @MaxCat1000 , and @wanderinglight . Sorry if I've missed anyone. It's been a stressful week and I haven't kept up reading here like I usually do.

    To help try and get my mind off things, I've joined in with @archiv88 and @MaxCat1000, doing the deep-clean frenzy. I still have a few rooms to go but I guess there's no rush since I'm isolating anyway. :)

    Hope everyone is well.

    Did you all know that 8" is a lot higher than 6"? :smiley: I can't believe the difference 2 inches makes in doing my aerobic step platform. It is a lot harder for me than it seems like it should be. Hopefully in a few weeks, it will feel easier.
  • KMC55
    KMC55 Posts: 100 Member
    Hello December (and the last month of a bad year - 2021 may not be a switch to flip but a girl can dream)

    Age: 39 Height: 5'6"
    Highest: 272.2 (August 2019)

    10/1: 239.4
    11/1: 238.0
    12/1: 236.7
    12/2: 234.1(+1.8lbs from last week / -38.1lbs total loss)
    12/09: 232.3 (-1.8lbs / -40.8lbs total)
    12/16: 232.3 (no change)

    December Goal: 230lbs

    This past week has been rough. I was doing well and was down 1lb and so close to my December goal but then had a really rough weekend that continued into a crazy week. Haven't had any time to exercise trying to get everything ready for the holiday and with work being extra crazy. And just to add fuel to the fire, it is that TOM. So recognizing all of that I am really trying to practice self care, being kind to myself, shutting down that evil voice in my head, and just eating as mindfully as I can. I will worry about the rest next week when I have a better handle on everything.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I'm sort of resignedly waiting to see if TOM is going to either wreck my birthday dinner tonight, make me feel awful at birthday lunch/Christmas present opening tomorrow, or mess with me over Christmas itself. It's going to do something to mess with me.