End of First Week, No Weight Change

I told myself that I wouldn't weigh myself until I finished 2 full weeks on MFP, especially because I'm not used to calorie counting at all and am having trouble not going over. I also know that I'm a "slow" starter when it comes to weight loss--I'll work out for 6 weeks with no visible changes and then BAM! everything is too big and 10 pounds magically disappear almost overnight.

Well, despite knowing both of the things I just mentioned above, I ended up weighing myself today (I started last Thursday, so my weeks are not Sun-Sat). I am at the exact same weight I was last week. I know I shouldn't get discouraged and that I wasn't totally perfect on the calories, but it still stings a little bit. I mean, I felt like I should at least get 1/2 a pound for being way better than I have been and working out and all my good intentions! I know, it doesn't work like that, but I think everyone knows how I feel.

I am just looking for people who are the same way, who go through the same type of thing when they try to lose weight. Any motivational advice (I'm not looking for people to do my math on cals in and out) would be great. Thank you all so much!!


  • AmyLou9903
    I told myself that I wouldn't weigh myself until I finished 2 full weeks on MFP, especially because I'm not used to calorie counting at all and am having trouble not going over. I also know that I'm a "slow" starter when it comes to weight loss--I'll work out for 6 weeks with no visible changes and then BAM! everything is too big and 10 pounds magically disappear almost overnight.

    Well, despite knowing both of the things I just mentioned above, I ended up weighing myself today (I started last Thursday, so my weeks are not Sun-Sat). I am at the exact same weight I was last week. I know I shouldn't get discouraged and that I wasn't totally perfect on the calories, but it still stings a little bit. I mean, I felt like I should at least get 1/2 a pound for being way better than I have been and working out and all my good intentions! I know, it doesn't work like that, but I think everyone knows how I feel.

    I am just looking for people who are the same way, who go through the same type of thing when they try to lose weight. Any motivational advice (I'm not looking for people to do my math on cals in and out) would be great. Thank you all so much!!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I told myself that I wouldn't weigh myself until I finished 2 full weeks on MFP, especially because I'm not used to calorie counting at all and am having trouble not going over. I also know that I'm a "slow" starter when it comes to weight loss--I'll work out for 6 weeks with no visible changes and then BAM! everything is too big and 10 pounds magically disappear almost overnight.

    Well, despite knowing both of the things I just mentioned above, I ended up weighing myself today (I started last Thursday, so my weeks are not Sun-Sat). I am at the exact same weight I was last week. I know I shouldn't get discouraged and that I wasn't totally perfect on the calories, but it still stings a little bit. I mean, I felt like I should at least get 1/2 a pound for being way better than I have been and working out and all my good intentions! I know, it doesn't work like that, but I think everyone knows how I feel.

    I am just looking for people who are the same way, who go through the same type of thing when they try to lose weight. Any motivational advice (I'm not looking for people to do my math on cals in and out) would be great. Thank you all so much!!

    give it time- thats all I can say- I can kill myself everyday eat right and you would think I should drop a pound and it would only be a half and thats really killing myself- Don't sweat it (easier said then done I know lol) keep working out and trying to master your calorie counting- and if after 6 weeks your still not seeing results start tweaking what you need too. Remember MFP is a rough guide you may need to adjust it to what you need. But keep doing what your doing and best of luck.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    your body is an amazing always changing thing. You can gain or lose 8 pounds from one weigh in to the next..all within 24 hours.....

    yes, it is frustrating and I no longer weigh myself...but for those that do weigh...an average weight over 4 weeks, once a week will give a better picture
  • JennaK
    JennaK Posts: 43 Member
    I totally understand how you're feeling. I didn't lose weight for 4 whole weeks and I was bustin' my a**!! It makes you feel like what the heck am I doing this for if I weigh the exact same as when I was enjoy my big creamy pasta as I do eating my salad! lol

    It's a mental thing, and you just have to push yourself further, because you know that you can adn will do it!:flowerforyou:

    The scale is evil... I was a compulsive scale addict, and have tried to limit to only once or twice a week because of the feelings it brings!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I stomp my scale until it gives me the number I want.:happy: Don't get discouraged. Keep at it and you will see a change.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I stomp my scale until it gives me the number I want.:happy: Don't get discouraged. Keep at it and you will see a change.

  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Don't get discouraged and keep up the good work. I didn't have a weight loss the first two weeks and now I've been losing one to two pounds per week. Give it a little time and you will be pleasantly surprised. Good luck.
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    It took me two months before I could reign in my calorie intake properly and start losing. And during that time I was in the gym five days a week!

    So just give it time. This is a lifelong journey and it's important to settle in and get ready for a long ride. :smile:
  • plussized
    plussized Posts: 72 Member
    you are expecting too much too soon. you need to give it time and just relax. what do you have your weight goals set for (1lb/week, 2lbs/week, etc.)?

    take measurements and take pictures too. are you working out (forgive me if i missed this answer in your original post)?

    anyways, like everyone said, don't get discouraged. you are doing wonderfully and be proud of yourself that you are sticking with it!
  • Terri12
    Terri12 Posts: 3 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I have been talking to my husband about this and he says I just need to stick with it. I started on sunday and have increased my workouts a lot. I work out 5 times a week and at least 1hour in a half most days. all this to tell you that I too cheated and weighed myself this morning and to my surprise gained a pound!!!!!! I'm like what the heck!!!!! So my advice to you is stay with it most changes take longer to show up than just a week. We know that but - like quick results. Even at weight watchers( I'm a former attendee) they say it takes your body 2 weeks to adjust. Make sure you eat as much of your calories as you can because if you don't eat enough you won't lose either. I don't know about you but my age I think plays a bigger role than I would like to admit. I'm 45 yrs old. So hang in there. I will keep doing this the whole month before I except any changes. If you have a bike than go biking you can burn a lot of calories doing that. That is one of the things I'm doing. Don't forget the water. Terri
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Even though the scale didn't budge - your body is healthier and functioning better because it is getting fed properly and exercised! It will thank you . . . eventually :smile:

    I do the same - I will stay the same for 2 or 3 weeks then drop 2 - 3 lbs all the sudden. Our bodies are a mystery, and they all operate differently. If nothing else, keep in mind that you are helping your body be fitter and that is a good thing!

    Congratulations on 1 week into a new journey toward health and fittness!!
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    I do that, too! I'll go 2 weeks with no change and then WHAMMO! Two pounds down. Don't stop! You'll only go in the wrong direction! :happy:
  • AmyLou9903
    Thank you all for the support! I really appreciate it! I have started working out, so hopefully that will show in a month or so. It's just getting past the first month that is so hard! Oh, and my MFP goals are 1.6 pounds a week, but frankly, I'd be happy with even just 1/2 a pound these first couple weeks!

    I appreciate hearing that I'm not the only one this happens to!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    it took me nearly 3 weeks to finally see a change on the scale. Give it time, it'll happen :flowerforyou:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Thank you all for the support! I really appreciate it! I have started working out, so hopefully that will show in a month or so. It's just getting past the first month that is so hard! Oh, and my MFP goals are 1.6 pounds a week, but frankly, I'd be happy with even just 1/2 a pound these first couple weeks!

    I appreciate hearing that I'm not the only one this happens to!

    This same thing happened to me last Friday. I was all excited after my first week and then BAM! NADA!! Make sure you take measurements with the tape measure. I didn't lose any poundage but I lost a half inch on my waist and hips. That made me stay on track for this week. Tomorrows my weigh in day so we'll see what happens!
  • Akasa
    Akasa Posts: 25
    I've only lost a few pounds since I started, but I've lost INCHES! I'd much rather loose inches than pounds. I can see keeping a portion of my weight because of building muscle. You must keep that in mind with the working out you are creating muscle where you had fat, and for a while you will seem to stay the same weight and if you only pay attention to what the scales say you will be disappointed. Take your measurements weekly. For me it gives me the motivation I need to stick with it.